Xia Qingluo wants to use the power of heaven to see if she can cancel the life and death contract.

Unfortunately, the power of heaven here doesn't go to her heart at all.

Just hovering in the palm of her hand.

After holding on for most of the day, Xia Qingluo gave up.

This way is wrong.

This stone of heaven's way is of no help in dissolving the contract of life and death.

At the same time, in the canopy of the barren sea.

Although only five days have passed, it seems as long as five or fifty years for yunqingrang.

He was burning with anxiety. The hands hanging on the side of the body are tightly clenched together. I really want to break through the sky and go to the sixth world.

But he knew he couldn't be impulsive.

You must be well prepared before you can go.

Yunqing asked him to turn around and look not far away. Xiao hei and a Bai, as well as wood leaves and Xuanfeng, were adding a Kunpeng, who was building the palace in full swing.

Of course, they will not build palaces brick by brick like mortals in the human world.

They all use magic.

The non falling trees here are already very strong and can be used to build palaces.

And now they can freely cross the wasteland sea and the six realms and transport what they need from the six realms.

So in just four days, the palace was basically completed.

There are only things left to decorate the palace.

I'll give this directly to Bai.

Because Bai has a unique vision and strong ability in this regard.

The Zixiao palace destroyed by Yunqing was renovated by a Bai.

Everything was very agreeable and satisfactory.

Now, seeing that they are busy doing their final work there, I think they are also interested in the barren sea.

Yunqing made me think, it's been five days.

I wonder how Xia Qingluo is?

In his mind, some memories of the way of heaven were blank.

In fact, he knew that his time as a new way of heaven was definitely not as simple as wandering among the clouds.

He should have a place to live.

And this residence. It seems much more exquisite than the palace in front of us.

But where is this residence?

where are you?

What exactly is it like?

He has no memory at all.

He knew that this was because he stripped away that touch of divine consciousness and entered the barren sea.

He didn't care at that time, because this part of memory was dispensable to him.

But now it has become very important.

If he has this memory, he should know how to go there.

What is there in that place, and will Xia Qingluo be in danger there.

There is also a touch of divine knowledge to catch Xia Qingluo. Why?

Some things are afraid to think. The more you think, the more complex you think, the more afraid you think.

At this time, Yunqing makes me feel like this.

He knew that as like as two peas, he knew that the same idea should be the same as him.

But that touch of divine consciousness should be the most ruthless, ruthless and cruel part of all his divine consciousness.

In that part, because of Xia Qingluo, he wanted to abandon him far away in the corner of the sea.

Later, when stripping, he was directly taken out, and he didn't think so much.

For then he went into the waste sea and fell into the sea of the waste sea.

Yunqing filled her eyes at that time. What did Xia Qingluo become at night?

So there's no time to think about it.

But I don't want to think about it now.

Yunqing put his finger on his forehead.

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