Tiandao Yunzhi cannot explain the reason for this change.

But he knew that everything was because of the stone of heaven.

Tiandao cloud stopped his hands from flying and formed one Dharma seal after another to wrap the heaven and earth firmly.

Then a round border wrapped Xia Qingluo and the stone of heaven firmly.

In this way, he could no longer see the scene inside.

But he didn't leave, but still holding the Biyun sword in his palm, he stood quietly on the steps at the door of the hall and stared at a man and a stone in the border.

At this time, Xia Qingluo looked at the scene without blinking.

Look at the mirror image condensing into essence.

Then Xia Qingluo saw herself in her previous life.

That's the green rose God.

Looking at how she gave her heart back to Emperor Feng Qing.

The original white light curtain was dyed red by a piece of blood.

Xia Qingluo never thought that the scene was so tragic.

That green rose God was really cruel.

Unexpectedly, he broke his chest alive and took out his heart

Above her heart, there is a green leaf bud.

The green Luo God stretched out his hand, pulled out the tender green leaf bud from the heart, and then threw it to the emperor Feng Qing.

At this time, the emperor Feng Qing's eyes were not covered with white yarn. The eyes of the double star river seemed to see through everything, and the emperor's eyes were red.

It seems to be full of blood.

And the body is also full of blood stains.

However, the woman in front of her was unmoved, and behind the emperor Feng Qing, it seemed that she was full of blood.

There was a loud scream in the distance.

Xia Qingluo doesn't know what happened, but Xia Qingluo knows that after the Qingluo God pulls out the leaf bud again, he crushes his heart

Then he waved his hand and turned the body without heart into a little blood light.

And the strand of broken Yuanshen disappeared after looking at the stagnant shenhuang Fengqing

Xia Qingluo remembered that this was the process of returning her heart and blood to shenhuang Fengqing.

The reason why he gave back his heart to the emperor Fengqing was that the space-time flow of cutting dace was really terrible, and so was the curse.

And the only thing that can control her is the emperor's star eye.

But the eye of the divine emperor has been hurt by the annihilation of space-time black holes.

Countless creatures were swallowed up.

Therefore, she also paid the emperor's hard work to let him recover all the accomplishments of the eye of the Milky way.

And then it did.

Zhuo dace was caught.

That war is the end.

Xia Qingluo's eyebrows coagulated. She and Zhuo dace still have such hatred.

She really shouldn't repay good for bad, so when she goes out, she must find a way to make Zhuo dace disappear forever.

Otherwise, when she comes out, she will be the first to take revenge on herself.

Xia Qingluo's face turned white.

The scene was really bloody.

Even if she had reincarnated twice, the feeling at that time still made her heart ache when she remembered it.

Then, the heart blood condensed leaf buds slowly flew to the eyebrows of the emperor Feng Qing who seemed to be stagnated by something, and then disappeared

Then the light curtain slowly disappeared.

Exposed the white jade.

The sky is still blue.

White clouds are still floating in the sky.

The integrated white jade is still parked in the square.

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