Ying Long stirred his wings and said to Xia Qingluo, "I really thank you, but don't worry. Although Fu Xi taught you the contract of life and death, he won't hurt you. Please believe this!"

Xia Qingluo smiled and nodded, "I know he won't hurt me, but there are some things that really need to be asked."

Speaking of this, Xia Qingluo and Yunqing released their divine knowledge and reinforced the heaven and earth again.

And they found that the array was really powerful.

Although those French seals lingered further away, they showed no sign of weakening.

But now these have nothing to do with them.

They clearly know that Ying long can now be with Tsing Yi safely.

Even if you can't unlock the seal, it's 10000 times better than before.

So Xia Qingluo flew to the sea from the bottom of the sea, and after seeing Qingyi, she simply told her everything.

But some of the complicated things didn't tell Tsing Yi because she didn't need to know.

Finally, Xia Qingluo told Qingyi that she could be with Ying Long now.

But don't be impulsive.

Now the most important thing is to restore your cultivation.

This heaven and earth has been set up by her and Yunqing separately, so practicing here will not be suppressed by the rules of heaven.

Xia Qingluo still hopes that Qingyi can recover her cultivation as soon as possible.

Even if she can't save Ying long, at least she won't let Ying Long worry about her.

After hearing this, Qingyi nodded heavily. After thanking Xia Qingluo, she went to Ying Long's side through the array eye.

The island was calm again.

The same is true on the sea.

Xia Qingluo also found those special places here.

Still the same as later generations.

It's like a separate space has been opened up. Even if ships pass by, they won't find an island here at all.

Even if there is a Xiuxian flying through the air, if there is no cultivation like her and yunqingrang, you will not find that this is an island.

At this time, Xia Qingluo thought of haishang in qingluan mountain. She didn't know how the child was now.

I should have grown up. Maybe I've gone to the ends of the world to experience with swords.

Then his descendants will gradually reproduce.

No matter how history changes, these things will always happen.

It's just that there's a difference between what happened and what she knows in the future.

Xia Qingluo doesn't think about it.

But follow Yunqing to fly towards Baduo mountain.

However, I don't know if it's called Baduo mountain at this time.

But their divine sense was strong, so they knew the position easily.

After two hours of flying, the two men stood in the sky over Baduo mountain.

Then followed the route of memory and found the mountain.

This is an open space. It should be sealed with BA snake.

But the timeline is still a little wrong.

But Xia Qingluo and Yunqing didn't want to find any clues this time.

But we still have to see.

And there will be no furuo here, and there will be no Junya here.

And many things, in fact, Xia Qingluo is really forgetting a little.

She just knew that she opened the huangquan road with a cane whip and sent the souls of Junya and furuo to reincarnation.

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