Just outside an alley from Yuan's house, there is a lively market.

There are many shops on both sides of the road, and the wine flag of the tavern floats slightly with the spring wind in the spring sunshine.

The pedestrians on the road were smiling and clean.

They didn't know that earth shaking changes had taken place in Yuan's house, which was hundreds of meters away from them.

At this time, the human form condensed by the chaotic heart energy group gradually seems to have an entity.

At this moment, Xia Qingluo turned all her divine knowledge into a big hand, put the light green human shape in the sea into the palm of her hand, then flew out along the center of her eyebrows, and slapped the prepared center of Hou Qing's eyebrows.

The pale green figure in the palm of his hand suddenly disappeared into the center of Hou Qing's eyebrows.

Then he entered houqing's open sea of knowledge.

Then at this moment, Hou Qing's knowledge of the sea also changed dramatically.

His sea is black, like desert sand.

But it surged like the sand sea.

The pale green figure, after coming to his sea of knowledge, began to look around.

At this moment, the yuan God of Hou Qing came quietly behind the human figure.

Then he caged him with the power of his original God.

At the moment when it shrouded, Xia Qingluo's ten fingers flew, and the green breath of life hit Hou Qing's eyebrows.

This breath of life, while removing the dead breath that blocked the formation of the grain field, led the light green body to the most important place - Lingtai.

In this place, Xia Qingluo extracted a trace of energy from the heart of chaos, and then turned it into a silk thread to wrap the light green human shape.

Suddenly, a light green light flashed.

These lights immediately enveloped Hou Qing's whole body.

Then the spirit of grain gradually formed.

His empty chest, only dead and black, gradually had a heart and stomach... These are the most basic things of human beings.

Then, the green light walked downstream of his skin, and blood vessels formed with the light.

The blood of Hou Qing still flows in the blood vessels.

But it is also very different from before.

At this time, Xia Qingluo's work was finished, and she breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then he stared at Hou Qing opposite.

Seeing that he continued to cultivate the field of grain, he flicked his fingers and a green light covered his whole cage, creating a separate small space with strong vitality for him.

In this way, the speed of his cultivation was accelerated a lot.

Nearly two hours later, Hou Qing finally completed an earth shaking transformation that had never been before and would never come.

He finally became a God who could feel bitter, hot, sour and sweet, but still had divine power.

You can't call him the Zombie King at this time.

Because Hou Qing's body is no longer the body of the Zombie King.

Although some parts remain.

Such as blood cultivation and hostility.

But other gods are no different from normal gods.

By this time, all the work will be over.

Yuan Zifan happily ran to Hou Qing who opened his eyes.

She couldn't see what had happened to him.

But it seemed that Hou Qing was alive.

The pale lips without blood color were also stained with a faint crimson color at this time.

Let his already handsome facial features be more handsome.

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