Xia Qingluo tidied up her clothes and looked at Zhang Sheng, but she also knew that the scene in front of her really couldn't act rashly.

If Zhang Sheng's mind is clear, she will communicate with Zhang Sheng through her fingertip blood.

Then tell Zhang Sheng how to get out of the control of AoYa.

Even if it is only a millimeter away, she will rescue her safely.

But from beginning to end, Zhang Sheng's soul was in chaos.

She had no idea who she was or what the situation was.

They don't even know who caught them and what difficulties they are facing.

It can be said that Zhang Sheng is on the verge of collapse.

Yunqing let a faint voice say, "if Zhang Sheng is forcibly rescued, her body will be full of elegant magic. Even if her soul returns, she will become a living dead man."

Xia Qingluo nodded and said softly, "now we really have to find Rangoon fan."

Yunqing asked to lift her eyes and look at the blue sky and long white clouds.

Who can tell how many changes have taken place.

In fact, he has forgotten the No. 1 character of Yangfan.

But I didn't expect to be remembered in this way today.

I have to say it's providence.

Because it really needs to be solved.

Yunqing asked him to nod and said softly, "let's go find Yangfan. This matter really needs to be solved."

Then Yunqing asked him to wave his sleeves and reinforce the power of heaven here.

The seal on it is also reinforced.

After confirming everything, the two quickly left the Western wasteland.

In fact, there is still an unsolved problem here, that is, how did Zhang Sheng enter the seal?

Is it related to the magic in her body?

Or who moved behind his back.

And who can move his hands and feet?

Xia Qingluo thought for a long time and thought of a person - Zhuo dace!

But isn't Zhuo dace pressing under the big array in the underworld now?

Did she come out?

Xia Qingluo released her divine consciousness and went to the underworld.

Then I saw that under the big array of the dead city, Zhuo dace was still there.

In that space, there are glaciers and snow everywhere.

It's not the same as her own mustard space.

She is no longer as leisurely as she used to be.

She was the only one there struggling with the glaciers and snow.

So who would it be if it wasn't Zhuo dace?

Or, it's just a coincidence!

There was an inexplicable force in the dark. Suddenly, Zhang Sheng was sent to the seal of AoYa.

And then lead her to look for hyacinth fan?

Maybe so.

But in the memory of later generations, the two knew that the hyacinth sail was sealed at the bottom of the sea in South Vietnam.

In the doomsday crisis in Haishi, no one knows whether there is a pen of rang fan.

After all, Xia Qingluo has not fully recovered her cultivation and divine power.

And yunqingrang is also suppressed by many rules.

The cultivation at that time was still different from now.

So many things do not know the exact answer.

After Xia Qingluo reversed time and space, the future has actually changed.

So is hyacinth sail still in South Vietnam?

Whether they are there or not, this is the first place for two people to go.

Through heavy clouds, over the vast mountains, through a curtain of heaven, we came to Nanyue state.

The sea and most of the land in South Vietnam are still under the jurisdiction of long Sanduo.

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