Her eyes flickered slightly and sneered at Xia Qingluo, "give me the hyacinth sail first."

Xia Qingluo smiled and said carelessly, "AoYa, you should find out. If you dare to play tricks, I'll let the hyacinth sail go up in smoke now."

The voice was not loud, but with certainty.

AoYa was stunned, but suddenly thought that the conditions in their hands were not equal.

Xia Qingluo's hyacinth fan is her favorite, almost her life.

Zhang Sheng in her hand is just Xia Qingluo's friend, not Xia Qingluo's lover.

There is no comparability between the two of them.

Although she doesn't think Xia Qingluo should abandon Zhang Sheng, to a great extent, her hyacinth sail is definitely much more important than Zhang Sheng.

AoYa's face was blue and purple, and said with hatred, "if you put Zhang Sheng, don't you put the hyacinth sail?"

Xia Qingluo smiled coldly, "it's what I've always wanted to do to expel you two scum from this time and space."

As soon as AoYa gritted her teeth, she no longer hesitated, transported her divine consciousness, drove her magic all over her body, and slowly went towards Zhang Sheng.

Then, as soon as the force was exerted, Zhang Sheng was stripped from his glued state.

At this moment, Xia Qingluo immediately stretched out her hand. A ray of light mixed with the power of the way of heaven firmly surrounded Zhang Sheng, and then God knew a move and rolled Zhang Sheng up from the bottom of the deep valley.

And suddenly, the light broke through the barrier above the eight trigrams array with Zhang Sheng, and finally left the array.

Then Xia Qingluo put her in a small space she had just opened up.

After all, everything outside is not good for Zhang Sheng at all.

Only by putting Zhang Sheng in the space opened up by her own breath of life can her soul be protected from being hurt.

Because now Zhang Sheng's soul can no longer stand a little damage.

At this time, Yunqing let the hyacinth sail in his hand still stare at the crater.

Thin human shape and long blond hair seem to swing with the wind.

Blue eyes, like the deep ocean at night.

Even Xia Qingluo and Yun qingrang don't know what he is thinking at this time.

And this kind of hyacinth sail makes Xia Qingluo's heart rise a little weird.

But now Xia Qingluo doesn't want to create new problems. Making a quick decision is the most important thing to do at present.

She and Yunqing looked at each other and understood each other.

Yunqing let a palm swing out, hit the hyacinth sail into the deep bottom of the valley, and then fell beside AoYa.

AoYa jumped into the arms of the hyacinth sail, which had turned into a faint body shape.

But unfortunately, at this time, the hyacinth sail had no body, and AoYa passed through.

And such a embarrassed hyacinth sail makes AoYa cry.

After all, AoYa now has both divine knowledge and body.

Just imprisoned here.

A moment later, hyacinth fan lowered her eyes slightly, looked at AoYa, who was crying bitterly, and said softly, "don't cry, haven't I come back?"

AoYa choked and said, "Hyacinth fan, we won't separate this time. Will we live together and die together?"

Hyacinth fan stretched out her hand, gently stroked AoYa's long hair and said softly, "why do you bother? I don't even have a body now, only a recovered yuan God. Being with me will only drag you..."

AoYa shook her head and choked in her voice, "Hyacinth fan, I don't care. I really don't care about anything. As long as I can be with you, I'm willing to die..."

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