At this moment, the devil, whose heart has been beating steadily for thousands of years, suddenly jumped bang bang at this moment.

For a moment, countless mixed emotions came.

He didn't even know how to open his mouth.

Just stared at the two men.

Xia Qingluo walked over quickly and took a look at Zhang Sheng. She nodded in her heart. It was OK.

Fortunately, the devil decided early, and fortunately, his temperament has changed a lot.

Otherwise, according to the past, if he doesn't come to himself, Zhang Sheng will die.

Now, because the devil's timely arrival, it also ensures that Zhang Sheng's body will not be damaged in some way.

Xia Qingluo waved her sleeves, and Zhang Sheng's soul slowly appeared in the air.

The devil looked at it, and his heart was greatly mourned!

He didn't expect that Zhang Sheng's soul was broken like this.

Xia Qingluo said slowly, "even I don't know why. Her soul has entered the stone that seals those demons. She is not conscious now."

The devil slowly stretched out his hand, shining gently towards Zhang Sheng's soul.

The wisps seemed to turn into a net and entangle her.

Zhang Sheng's soul, although not mentally, seems to be very familiar with and attached to the breath and light

Then her broken and painful state seemed to ease a lot.

Xia Qingluo was a little relieved.

Then Xia Qingluo put Zhang Sheng's soul on the top of the pool of life, that is, on the other side of her body.

A light green light enveloped Jiang Zhangsheng's soul and body.

But Xia Qingluo didn't continue the following actions.

Because he was stopped by Yunqing.

Yun Qingrou asked Xia Qingluo to have a good rest.

He slightly moved his eyebrows, looked at the devil and said faintly, "if you want to save Zhang Sheng, you must remove the evil spirit from her."

The devil nodded, "I know."

Just know.

Yun qingrang continued, "but in the process of removal, there may be accidents“

"Accident?" the devil's heart was surprised. He frowned and looked down at Zhang Sheng, who was unconscious. After a moment, he said slowly, "no matter what accident, I will accept it."

He had already thought in his heart that he would follow Zhang Sheng anyway.

Live together and die together.

So he had already prepared himself for any accident.

Yunqingrang is not a chicken belly, nor does he worry too much. He just thinks about Xia Qingluo.

Anyway, Xia Qingluo and Zhang Sheng are good friends.

If there is any dispute between the two people, it will be a big joke for Xia Qingluo to rush around to save her with her pregnant body.

This result is not what Yunqing wants.

Because in yunqingda's heart, in fact, Xia Qingluo doesn't want to take care of such business.

It's just that he can't stop when things are coming.

But when things are solved, he needs a good solution process.

The devil obviously knew yunqingrang's idea and gave the answer happily.

Yunqing let this stop.

Xia Qingluo, who then rested, set up a life Qi array here.

Then Yunqing asked and the devil to protect Xia Qingluo's Dharma.

Xia Qingluo stood in the air above the stone of life, moved her mind and mobilized her divine consciousness.

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