She looked ahead.

Then, I saw the birds flying in parallel with my line of sight.

When I looked up again, I seemed to see clouds floating overhead.

Nangong Li still took her hand and flew forward slowly.

Flying, Nangong looked almost away, and whispered to Zhao xinrou, "you're looking down..."

At this time, they have come to the green mountains and looked at the mountains below, just like green grass.

The lake around the forest is like a necklace around the edge of the forest.

This scene has never been seen by Zhao xinrou.

Not only beautiful, but also shocking.

She thought she would never have seen such a shocking scene in her life if she hadn't flown high into the air.

At this time, Zhao xinrou overcame her fear a little strangely.

Zhao xinrou flies more and more steadily.

The warmth from the palm also made Zhao xinrou's face a little red.

Zhao xinrou quietly turned her head and looked at Nangong Li on one side.

But I found that Nangong Li's side face was really beautiful.

In particular, the thin lips are tilted, like a smile, shaking people's hearts and souls.

At this moment, it seems that something has changed.

Or a small sapling broke through the earth at the bottom of her heart and grew up healthily. It seems that it has grown into a towering tree with Xumi.

Zhao xinrou's heartbeat is pounding, some sour and some sweet.

She doesn't know how it feels.

But Zhao xinrou doesn't reject this feeling at all.

And she hopes to be held by Nangong teacher all the time and fly to the end of time

Unfortunately, Nangong Li doesn't know what Zhao xinrou thinks.

He just took Zhao xinrou and flew slowly around the world.

Then, I checked Zhao xinrou's look from time to time.

Seeing that she had returned to normal, although her face was a little red, she thought she might be excited, so Nangong Li suddenly released her hand.

He said to Zhao xinrou with a smile, "you can fly by yourself."

The warmth from the back of the hand suddenly disappeared.

Zhao xinrou's heart was empty. She didn't know why. It seemed that she was missing a lot of things.

She looked back at Nangong Li beside her and murmured, "teacher, why don't you hold my hand?"

Nangong Li said with a smile, "I've been holding your hand. How can you fly independently?"

"Will you take off with me?" Zhao xinrou suddenly raised her voice and asked.

Nangong Li nodded, "OK, I'll take off with you..."

Then, according to Zhao xinrou's speed, we flew slowly with her in the sky.

Zhao xinrou smiled and felt that the sky was so blue and the earth was so beautiful

In three days, Zhao xinrou finally learned to fly with the sword.

Moreover, it is also very powerful.

Nangong Li was very pleased.

At this time, Zhao xinrou's cultivation suddenly stagnated.

Nangong Li thought maybe it was the reason why she practiced too fast in this year.

For ordinary people, it should not be so fast.

Even people in Xiuxian mainland can't have Zhao xinrou's speed in a year.

So Nangong Li decided to let Zhao xinrou suspend her practice.

At this time, Zhao xinrou should experience the world and life.

Then you can continue to practice.

Otherwise, she may not be able to survive when there is a disaster in the future.

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