At this time, Zhao xinrou pulled her clothes. Although she was embarrassed, she still held her head and pressed Nangong to leave, "Nangong teacher, I feel sticky. Where can I take a bath?"

Hearing Zhao xinrou's words, Nangong Li put away his divine knowledge. He nodded, pointed to the direction on the left and said to her, "go there. There is a border. It was a place that a goddess liked to go before, and it's also very safe. Don't worry, I'll take care of you here..."

Zhao xinrou said happily to Nangong Li, "Nangong teacher, thank you. Fortunately, you are by my side, otherwise I really don't know what will happen at this time..."

Nangong Li didn't say anything, but nodded faintly and motioned Zhao xinrou to hurry.

Because he saw that there were black stains on the tip of Zhao xinrou's nose.

Zhao xinrou did not hesitate, but ran in that direction with joy.

There really is a light lake here

Surrounded by white jade.

And this water, living water, is flowing. It seems to be connected with the sea, but it is not sea water.

Zhao xinrou doesn't care about that. Nangong Li says it's all right. It must be all right.

She took off her clothes and washed happily.

It's really as safe as nangongli said, and the smell here is very good.

Zhao xinrou likes it very much.

It seems that when taking a bath, there are also wisps of aura, washing her internal organs and limbs.

Let Zhao xinrou feel that it seems that the breakthrough just now has improved another level.

It also seems to make up for a little omission left by Zhao xinrou's breakthrough,.

She felt that her palms suddenly had a slightly wet sweat, like an electric current slowly spreading along her limbs, and her actions bloomed like instinct under her thoughts.

The body seemed to be surrounded by a light water flow. Sporadic water splashes splashed on the body, arousing a trace of coolness, but it could not be seen.

This is really a good place.

Fortunately, Nangong left, otherwise how could he find such a good place.

Zhao xinrou finally finished washing.

Dressed, too.

Then he ran away from Nangong, who stood on the beach with his hands down.

When approaching Nangong Li, he couldn't help stopping.

She didn't look carefully just now, so she didn't know something.

At this time, when she stared at Nangong Li, she found that Nangong Li was wrong.

There seems to be a strange thing on him.

And this thing seems to have something to do with her.

Zhao xinrou didn't know where it was, but she knew it should be near nangongli.

Or in what he used to call a storage ring.

And that thing doesn't know what it is?

At this time, he even coveted her, as if with hatred, greed and eagerness.

Zhao xinrou couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was.

Zhao xinrou still raised her legs and walked over, but she stopped again ten steps away from Nangong.

She stared at Nangong Li, who seemed to notice Zhao xinrou's abnormality.

He slowly turned his head. A pair of narrow fox eyes looked at Zhao xinrou and asked softly, "what's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhao xinrou gritted her teeth and came forward with a stiff scalp.

She walked around Nangong.

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