However, the corner of manager an's mouth also had a gentle smile.

"Well, I'll go myself."

"Where are you going?" manager Ann asked.

"I'll find those two birds." Xia Qingluo said and was about to walk outside.

"Young master Xia, you go alone?" manager an hurriedly caught up.

"Yes, I'll go and have a look. These two birds came to the world for the first time. I don't know where they shouldn't go."

"The old slave will go with you."

"No, you're here to take care of Lord Yun." Xia Qingluo smiled and opened the gate of the backyard, "I can do it myself."

Xia Qingluo waved to manager an and motioned him not to follow up.

The key is that manager an is an ordinary person. Unlike her, she can run with two birds.

President an naturally understood this truth, but he still didn't sleep, and leaned on the wooden chair under the shade of the tree, thinking about how to arrange the rest of the journey.

After such a long time back and forth, I experienced countless lives and deaths, saw such a magical world, and knew that there were Xiuxian people and all kinds of monsters outside the world.

He felt he was perfect.

Leaning on the wooden chair, the bodyguard brought him a pot of green tea.

Manager an tasted the tea with a delicious taste.

Yunqing let him stand with his hands in the room.

He stared slightly, picked up his divine consciousness and looked at Xia Qingluo walking in the market.

After a little perception, there was no danger, so he took back his divine consciousness, adjusted his breath and condensed Qi, and slowly closed his eyes.

Xia Qingluo looked around curiously.

The town is small.

Only a wide street passes through the town.

The town is flanked by dense forests and cliffs.

Red lanterns are hung on both sides of the street. They look beautiful in the moonlight.

After all, this is half the range of cultivating immortals. There are many disciples of qingluan sect.

There are also people in other sects' costumes who get together in twos and threes and don't know what they are doing.

Xia Qingluo has an advantage. Her curiosity is not strong at all.

She swept at random and guessed without asking. She must be exchanging sect resources.

On the way forward, there are many stalls, many people are selling there, and some buyers and sellers are bargaining on one side.

Xia Qingluo walked forward with her hands on her back.

While enjoying the scenery of the night, I carefully checked the movement around me to see if there were any traces of the two birds.

At this time, a dark wind passed by her side. Xia Qingluo didn't feel it and still walked, but didn't notice the light and shadow of the jade pendant on her chest.

The dark wind stopped at a corner.

He soon showed his body shape. It was martial uncle extinction.

At this time, there was a fierce look across her eyebrows. Now the little demon finally fell empty. Unexpectedly, she couldn't get close to her.

I don't know what Yunqing gave her to wear, which made her Yuanshen tremble.

She can't get close to Xia Qingluo now.

"What should I do?" suddenly she asked as if to herself.

"What else can I do? Follow her first and find a chance to say." a Yin measuring voice came out of her mouth.

Obviously, it's not really talking to herself. It should be the white bone essence who is one with her talking to her.

Extinction wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth. With a wave of her hand, she gathered her face and became an ordinary old woman. A bamboo basket appeared in her hand. She hung the bamboo basket on her arm and walked slowly behind Xia Qingluo.

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