Zhao xinrou, who finally reacted, found that the yuan God he had worked hard to cultivate was swallowed by the yuan God full of hostility.

Zhao xinrou knew in her heart that this was a battle against the back.

If she doesn't succeed, she will disappear from the world forever.

Zhao xinrou thought to herself, is she willing to disappear?

Will she be willing to disappear forever?

Then she left the world, her father, Queen Mother, Prince and brother, and Nangong li

It seems that she is reluctant.

There are too many things she can't bear.

How can she leave?

Besides, the breath of the yuan God is not good at all. It seems that his body is covered with blood.

It absorbs the aura of many animals, and such a yuan God should not let it survive in this world.

Thinking of Zhao xinrou here, she didn't know where she came from. Then she used her strong divine sense and went towards the original God.

At this time, the half of the yuan God began to devour Zhao xinrou's knowledge of the sea.

Zhao xinrou is refined from the other half of the yuan God.

So Zhao xinrou's whole body is the yuan God.

Only after eating Zhao xinrou's whole body can they be one.

At this time, the yuan God who ate a little bit of the yuan God's hostility was like a tiger.

The figure has more than doubled.

So at this time, it swallowed up Zhao xinrou's knowledge of the sea, which didn't seem to take much effort.

But at this moment.

Somewhere in the sea.

On the mountain peak composed of petals where Zhao xinrou once sat with white clouds.

The eighteen petals seemed to feel an unusual breath.

So, the peak formed by the petals moved, and then began to rotate a little bit.

From the center of the flower, a colorful light ball slowly rose.

The light ball looked around.

He seems to be observing the situation in front of him.

When I saw that there was a fierce yuan God swallowing Zhao xinrou's knowledge of the sea and body, this colorful light ball seemed very angry.

You can even feel her breath, extremely fierce.

So, the petals seemed to push the light ball towards this side.

Then, the light ball went towards the happy yuan God who swallowed Zhao xinrou's body.

The colorful light ball suddenly wrapped this half of the yuan God.

Then, it swallowed up a little bit.

And the original God was still in control.

But I didn't expect that suddenly, there was an overwhelming force that wrapped her firmly, so that she could no longer struggle.

This power is even more serious than nangongli's power to control her.

And it seems to have divine power and unknown power.

She doesn't know what this is.

But this power seems to be closely related to her.

When did you have contact.

But at some point they separated.

This cognition made the Yuanshen feel uneasy. Then, there seemed to be something turning in his mind.

Like the waves of the sea.

Such a surge made the Yuanshen completely stop swallowing Zhao xinrou's body.

At this time, Zhao xinrou was not trembling.

Her pale face seemed to recover little by little.

Nangong was so happy that she never felt it at this moment.

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