Nangong Li nodded and looked at Zhao xinrou in surprise. "Why do you ask? I'm already your teacher. Why don't I be the Heavenly Master of the great song dynasty?"

"That's great. I believe my father will be very happy..." Zhao xinrou smiled and said, "by the way, my father told me that he will entertain you tomorrow“

Nangong Li nodded, "I know..."

Then he looked at Zhao xinrou and asked, "next, are you still living in the palace?"


"Are you interested in going to Qingqiu to have a look? It's a little different from before." Nangong Li seemed to invite unintentionally.

Zhao xinrou thought about it, nodded, smiled and said, "OK, when my cultivation is stable, I'll go to Qingqiu..."

After all, she has lived in Qingqiu for hundreds of years.

There are mountains, rivers, plants and trees. In fact, she has very feelings.

And at that time, she existed in human form.

There are many happy things there, although she is no longer willing to recall the past.

Because Qingqiu itself is a loose country.

The fox emperor there is also one who doesn't pay attention to any rules.

There are no strict grade regulations.

So people in Qingqiu are almost free.

In the bottom of her heart, she actually likes that place very much.

Seeing Zhao xinrou nodding and agreeing, Nangong Li was also slightly relieved.

I thought, although Zhao xinrou's future arrangement without his shadow made him very uncomfortable, he always had to come a little.

After all, in her second reincarnation, Zhao xinrou suffered a reckless disaster because of him. Even if she didn't mention it and forgot it, it can't be erased.

Nangong left, took another step forward and slowly stretched out his hand

Zhao xinrou was stunned and wanted to hide behind.

Nangong Li whispered, "don't move..."

Zhao xinrou looked at Nangong Li very seriously. She didn't look like she was going to do anything else. Her backward steps stopped, and her body was still a little stiff.

Because she doesn't know what nangongli is going to do.

At this time, Nangong Li's index finger touched the center of her eyebrow.

Then a warm aura went along Nangong Li's fingertips and along the center of her eyebrows.

It turns out that Nangong Li is consolidating her cultivation.

Now her cultivation and Yuan Shen are on the normal track, so she can accept some external Reiki to assist her cultivation.

After Zhao xinrou understood, she didn't move.

A moment later, Nangong Li slowly withdrew his finger and said to Zhao xinrou, "you try to mobilize the aura in your body, let them be transported away at the meridians of your body, and then condense it in your knowledge sea, so that your yuan God can be completely consolidated, otherwise in the future, when you break through, you may be born with heart demons, which is not good for you..."

Zhao xinrou nodded hurriedly, slowly sat on the grass by the lake, and began to concentrate and gather Qi, so that her aura began to swim in her body for a day.

Finally, according to what Nangong Li said, he fell at the place of knowing the sea, where a barrier was built to protect the sea and her yuan God.

Then he kept sending aura there.

In this way, her Yuanshen and her knowledge of the sea are really completely stable.

Although it has not been broadened, it is also very important to lay a good foundation.

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