Such a noisy day is happier.

This is the case with Qingqiu for the time being.

At this time, Zhao xinrou recovered her former immortal position and became an immortal in the heaven.

However, Zhao xinrou is on temporary duty.

After all this was handled, Nangong Li married Zhao xinrou.

This time it was held in Qingqiu.

On the day of Nangong's divorce, there were so many guests.

Xia Qingluo and Yunqing asked to take their children with them.

The Demon Lord took his wife, and the Demon Lord also took his wife.

In short, those who should have come have come, and those who should not have come have also come.

The one who shouldn't have come is Pluto

But no one thought that Princess Bingyu came with Pluto.

And looking at the state of two people getting along, it seems that there is a trace of inexplicable ambiguity.

Did these two people finally keep the clouds open and see the moon bright?

If you really want to come like that, the emperor of heaven will be happy.

After all, Pluto is his favorite young talent.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to be his own son-in-law.

It's just that he doesn't want a Heavenly Emperor to intervene too much.

That's why today's situation appears.

Fortunately, everything, in this long river of time, a little precipitation, a little combing

What is left is left, and what is lost is lost.

And the existence continues to flow forward like water, living and running.

Like a big wave washing sand

And Xia Qingluo is also very happy.

I saw a lot of old friends here.

She is the same as before, no change.

Her feelings with yunqingrang have increased with the passage of time.

Many times, two people are as sweet as first love.

At this time, Pangpang is as tall as a human eight year old.

The face is white and tender.

It makes people happy at first sight. They want to hold him in their arms and have a good rarity

Of course, no one dared to hold him.

The child has great powers.

The person he likes is OK.

A person he doesn't like will be shaken away by his divine power as long as he waves his sleeve.

I think so. As the only children of yunqingrang and Xia Qingluo, how can they be ordinary people?

Even a natural fairy fetus is different from other natural fairy fetuses.

Of course, many times, fat is still very polite.

After all, he is surrounded by people he likes.

There are really no people he doesn't like.

Therefore, at this wedding banquet, Pangpang and blossoming, and bao'er, like three elves, flew around the Royal Palace in Qingqiu, with laughter all the way.

No wonder people in the world want to be immortals.

The days of immortals are really happy.

This time, Nangong Li married Zhao xinrou and invited canglan.

But blue didn't come.

Cang LAN entrusts Xia Qingluo to Nangong Li and sends her a wedding gift.

And Xia Qingluo also knows the reason why canglan can't come.

Because, just two days before canglan's departure.

Jing Hao, who is incarnated in Honggu stone, is gone.

Jinghao at this time is still in the form of a stone.

With some aura, and because of the life Qi given by Xia Qingluo, this stone can also be said to be a spirit stone.

However, Emperor Jinghao exhausted all the power of the original God in order to prevent the invasion of those foreign demons.

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