The sea here is a great wealth.

As long as there are no natural and man-made disasters or wars, they will live happily.

After years of experience, the thinking of these villagers has gradually improved. Some of them know a lot of words with their children and know some truth.

So they guessed a lot about the origin of canglan, but they guessed with respect.

They never inquired about the whereabouts of canglan.

This also gives canglan a lot of freedom to some extent.

So canglan's impression of this small village is better and better.

So she didn't mind. Every time the villagers went to sea, she moved her spiritual power a little to let the villagers return with full loads.

So the villagers' life will be better and better.

It has also become a well-known rich village.

Other villages by the sea are not as good as them.

This is the case in this world.

There are good people and greedy people.

All the people in this village are kind in nature.

This also makes their life better, so they don't think much.

But people in other villages had bad thoughts.

They think, why did the people of this village occupy this sea?

Because only this sea can produce a lot of fish.

Why should they occupy such a good place?

According to their words, they want everyone to share equally.

However, this sea area belongs to this village.

It's not that you come whenever you want, you want what you want.

If so, wouldn't it be a mess,.

At the beginning, the government had divided them.

But the heart is not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant.

Sometimes they also cross the border to catch fish belonging to small fishing villages.

At that time, the villagers of the small fishing village pretended not to see and passed with one eye closed.

After all, everyone's life is not easy.

They used to live harder than they did.

I also know the taste here, so I won't kill them all.

Moreover, their life is also very good, and they are very satisfied with the gift of God.

I never felt that I wanted more.

So it is also the reason why the life and atmosphere here are getting better and better.

But their tolerance and magnanimity encourage the greed of those people.

But they dare not commit blatant door-to-door robbery.

After all, they are also afraid of the government's jurisdiction.

Moreover, this small fishing village, fishing more, pay more taxes.

Therefore, the government in the county also gives special treatment to small fishing villages.

Of course they dare not do anything too bad.

But occasionally on the sea, they will fight openly and steal secretly.

There are more and more such collisions.

Sometimes people were injured, and most of the injured were villagers from small fishing villages.

Brother Jing was injured once.

So Cang LAN felt that this matter should be solved.

Otherwise, it will be very dangerous to live in a small fishing village in the future.

Although she wants to let it go.

Maybe this small village was destroyed, maybe Jinghao's parents would have an accident.

But she couldn't bear it again.

After all, brother Jing and sister-in-law Jing spend a long time with her and have deep feelings.

And they have two children.

Let the two children have no parents and become orphans. Canglan can't bear to see it.

Even if Jing Hao is a heavenly fairy fetus, he should not be treated like this.

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