What's more, their neighbors are still blue.

Therefore, in the autumn of this year, brother Jing became the head of Jingjia village.

Because the old village head was too old to manage the affairs of the village.

He also wants to stay at home, take his children and grandchildren and enjoy his family.

Because Jingjia village is big and has more affairs, many things need to be run.

What the government ordered to do next needs to be done.

As an old man, he has become more and more difficult to do these things.

Therefore, the village began to choose the village head.

Then he chose brother Jing.

The government, seeing that it was brother Jing, was also very satisfied.

The case was prepared in the Yamen of the government,.

In this way, brother Jing became the new head of Jingjia village.

And life in this village is getting better and better.

Compared with two years ago, the population here has doubled.

So management is actually very troublesome.

Fortunately, brother Jing is fair, so there have been few things in the village since he became the village head.

All etiquette and law systems were implemented in accordance with the old village head.

There is no need to change. As long as the status quo is maintained, it will be very successful.

Moreover, the old village head did a good job.

Just improve it on his basis.

So brother Jing, the village head is also popular.

At this time, Jing Hao's favorite is to stay at aunt canglan's house next door.

Because there is a special smell in her home,.

It makes Jing Hao feel very familiar, as if he had smelled it in his dream, and as if he had lived in such a breath a long time ago.

However, for five-year-old children, these complex problems are still unclear.

Anyway, he just likes the smell.

So I often stay at canglan's house.

Jing Hao calls canglan aunt.

And Cang LAN can't wait. Jing Hao is at her house every day.

In order to build up feelings.

I just don't know that when she takes him to cultivate immortals and experience in the future, Jing Hao won't have resentment against her.

However, if Jing Hao really wants to be the number one scholar, and then marry a wife and have children, what should she do at that time?

Cang LAN didn't even think about that. If so, she wondered if she would kill Jing Hao?

Or leave here under the injury of the mind.

For this ending, canglan doesn't want to see.

However, the development of things is often beyond human control.

Besides, she was in this unknown time.

She and Jing Hao are both outside cause and effect.

No one expected this experience to happen.

So no one is sure whether these things will happen in the future.

Now Jing Hao is only five years old. In ten years, it is time for young romantic to marry and have children.

Cang LAN looked at Jing Hao who was reading very seriously there. He held a small wicker in his hand and thought to himself, Jing Hao, you'd better pray that you stay with me safely, and then at the right time, I'll take you to fix immortals and leave the human world.

If you really have a mind you shouldn't have, I'll never be polite.

At this time, Jing Hao seems to feel the blue idea.

He frowned, suddenly turned around, looked at the blue with black grape eyes, and suddenly said, "aunt, I will be with you forever."

Cang Lan was surprised when she was unprepared.

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