There are butterflies with big bowl mouths flying among the flowers.

They landed on a hillside.

Not far away, a group of wild horses are leisurely eating grass.

On the other hand, there was a group of animals like big dogs.

Jing Hao pointed to the front and said, "Cang LAN, do you think it's a wolf or a wild dog over there?"

Cang Lan was stunned and then looked at the place pointed by Jing Hao.

Turning back to Jing Hao, he said, "that's a wild wolf. It's the most ferocious animal on the grassland."

"Are those wild horses in front?"

"Yes, it's wild horses." as soon as the gray blue voice fell, he saw the wolves. After observing for a while, he quickly rushed frantically towards the wild horses.

The speed of the wolf is too fast.

At the distance between them, he could even see the green light from the wolf's eye, as if he wanted to eat people.

The Mustang began to run around in panic.

The Mustang team is not only young and strong, but also old, weak, sick and disabled.

These old, weak, sick and disabled have become the targets of wild wolves.

Pale blue frowned at me.

This is the law of nature. The law of the jungle is like this.

As an immortal, I have no qualification and no reason to intervene.

But she still didn't want to see such a bloody scene.

So Cang LAN turned his head and looked at the beautiful sapphire like Lake in the distance.

Jing Hao, however, was different from Cang LAN. The scene in front of him made him particularly excited.

It seems that a long time ago, he seemed to have fought like this somewhere.

In fact, it is.

Cang LAN is different from Jing Hao.

Jing Hao became a God by chance after the demise of the God family.

Then, he followed the father and made countless achievements.

At that time, he was also known as the three gods of war in the heaven together with Yunzhi and Han Sheng.

Later, when he was canonized, he was named king Hao emperor, who guarded the divine sea.

And Emperor Yunzhi guarded the top of the sky.

Emperor Hansheng lived in the hopeless heavenly palace and was responsible for the central safety of the whole celestial world.

So from the aspect of Jing Hao, he is a belligerent.

He was a god of war.

Seeing such a scene, of course, blood is boiling.

But Cang Lan was not like this. In the war between the Heavenly God family and the earth God family, Cang Lan was cut off her limbs by cutting dace, and then thrown everywhere.

Only Yuanshen is left

Some of them were collected by Jinghao,

The other part is reincarnation.

In fact, she is also very lucky. Maybe there is a bonus given to him by the God Emperor and Qingluo God, so she directly reincarnated into the daughter of the emperor of heaven during reincarnation.

And the youngest daughter.

Is the most beloved.

Therefore, Princess Wanyan at that time could be said to be carefree and grew up with thousands of favors.

Later, because she wanted to go further, she wanted to let Nan Yan have a look at her skills. After all, she seemed to have some contradictions with Nan Yan at that time.

Later, Nan Yan disappeared, and she never had this idea again.

Everything is going to be normal.

Then she went to her cave to practice.

After all, she was just a fairy at that time. Although she had the name of a princess, she was just an ordinary fairy.

The cultivation is the same as that of other fairies.

Just because of her high status, she looks different.

Of course, in this heaven, even if you have the highest status, but there is no matching cultivation, it is also in vain.

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