It's just that Jing Hao sometimes thinks of the past.

Although it was only a fragmented fragment, he knew what that feeling was like.

But he didn't say to canglan.

Because his memories are too fragmentary.

It's not coherent at all.

It can't be restored to what was going on at that time.

So it's good to remember everything later.

Then he will know everything.

And this season is the spring of the human world.

At this time, everything recovers and the spring breeze is gentle.

However, I don't know why this spring began to dry up. The air was dry, hot and windy. However, it hasn't rained for more than a month.

I think this is a drought year.

When such a year comes, it means that the grain planted by the people will not be collected.

Even if you start farming now, you can't produce anything without rain.

Then this year, the country may fall into a panic of no food.

It's a natural disaster.

Such a natural disaster is the most terrible.

And this drought is not only in Beijing.

But the capital is more than a thousand miles away.

Such a large area is terrible.

And this is still the main grain producing area.

In particular, Chuang Tzu outside the capital has a large field to support the people of the whole capital.

If Zhuang Zi's food is gone, the world will be in chaos.

Therefore, the air in the capital is particularly tense.

The same is true in chaotang.

Everyone thought a lot.

But, in the end, they all died without any trouble.

Because it's God's problem.

No matter how talented and knowledgeable they are, they can't influence the Lord's ideas.

If God doesn't give you rain, who else can do it?

They also offered sacrifices to heaven for blessings, but they were of no help.

No one can tell what's going on.

At this time, Prime Minister Zuo thought of the Heavenly Master, but he sent people to look for him, but he didn't find him at all.

It seems to appear suddenly, and then disappear suddenly.

No one knows where he has gone.

Prime Minister Zuo also knows that this is an immortal.

Otherwise, how could he? He didn't even have a trace.

This is the second. What is important is that as the prime minister, he is in charge of the granary of the world.

Therefore, if this year's granary is not full, the future country will be in danger.

Now, the barbarian country is ready to move.

Because this season, the snow has melted, and the season of heavy snow and mountain closure has passed.

So those people on the grassland began to be ambitious again.

If this year's drought cannot be relieved, these people will certainly move south and annex the Central Plains.

Imagine, if there is no food, what will the sergeant take to fight?

Although there is accumulated grain, so many people in the country, if this year, there is no harvest in the fields thousands of miles around, then the granary can only feed everyone for a year.

The emperor can't be sure whether the grain of other rich businessmen will be taken out.

Because he doesn't know how much he has in his hand.

Just know something to know.

This is the case in this world, no matter which generation.

For this matter, Jing Hao is called into the palace by the emperor every day to discuss countermeasures.

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