But if she has a little sense of shame, she should stay at home quietly at this time, wait for things to subside gradually, and then solve it a little bit after her husband comes back.

Not now.

Yes, I have taken over all the housework at home since I entered the door.

Washing, cooking, spinning and making clothes were all contracted by her.

And her mother-in-law has become a shopkeeper.

Do nothing every day.

He has developed the bad habit of stretching out his clothes and opening his mouth.

But unexpectedly, when something like this happened, she shamelessly asked herself to serve her.

The little daughter-in-law resolutely disagreed.

Although she is gentle, it doesn't mean she's a bully.

Otherwise she wouldn't go back to her father after that.

According to the temperament of some women, they have long been ashamed and don't know what to do.

At this time, master Zhong, who got the news, came to the outside of the Lin family shop.

It was the fifth time he had dragged his wife back.

This time, his face was very calm and gentle. He said to her, "let's go. Don't make trouble. Go back."

Mrs. Zhong looked at the closed door of the Lin family and scolded a few words.

Master Zhong continued, "I've prepared the food. Let's go and go home for dinner..."

Master Zhong hasn't spoken kindly to her for a long time.

Don't talk about being nice. You don't even have eyes.

I don't even look at it.

It's cold every day.

Sometimes, not even a word a day.

So the clock man thinks he's going crazy.

That's why I came to the Lin family so crazy.

She thinks everything is caused by her little daughter-in-law.

Otherwise, how could I get to where I am now.

I didn't expect that today, my husband was so kind and made dinner for himself.

The old woman got up. She patted the dust on her clothes, stared at the guys in the Lin shop, and then followed master Zhong towards home.

The two soon got home.

At this time, canglan is still in the yard.

Leisurely talking to Jing Hao, there are still five days before spring ploughing.

The weather is still dry.

Although there are many people in the capital, they don't pay attention to it at all.

Because they had silver and grain in their hands, they did not worry.

However, the emperor was very worried.

Today's emperor is diligent and clear-minded.

The two men talked with each other.

Cang LAN has also gone out to check these days.

She told Jing Hao that the reason for the drought may not be God's meaning, but it seems to be man-made.

But I can't see it yet.

Because canglan has also been to heaven.

However, this matter can't be any smaller. The human world is not a drought for three years. Moreover, it is only one piece of land. It hasn't rained for a long time.

So it's not a big deal at all.

For them, disasters in the human world are like those in the flood and famine era. They have been impacted by floods for more than ten years, or there have been severe droughts for three consecutive years, with no harvest. In that case, it is the real natural disaster.

Now the situation is that it's not time for spring ploughing. There's no rain, so everything is still variable.

Moreover, the emperor of heaven also told canglan that she had done a lot in the world.

Never interfere in changing the fate of the world without authorization.

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