July 2018.

It's summer vacation at last.

During this period of time, Xia Qingluo had a dreamy life.

That feeling is very sour.

His mind is sometimes clear and sometimes confused.

When sober, I know that I am a college student, a modern man, and a post-90s with irrefutable reality.

However, when she was confused, she seemed to see another world and herself.

The world is so beautiful that words can't describe it,

That's great.

That's a fairy who can almost control heaven and earth.

It can take off in the air, call the wind and rain, and ride a huge bird to soar in the nine days.

She looks as like as two peas. The difference is that she wears a gauze dress like a light cigarette.

In a daze, I heard someone call her Qingluo God.

But she's married.

She can't see who she married.

However, inexplicably, she felt some intimacy to her, but at the same time, she was inexplicably excluded.

When Xia Qingluo was awake, she thought she might be ill, but her illness could only go to the psychiatry department or go to a psychologist.

But Xia Qingluo doesn't want to go to the hospital to see the psychiatry department. In that case, it will also be a serious blow to herself.

How old is she? She has mental problems.

Mental problems. Isn't that mental illness?

Xia Qingluo will never admit that she is mentally ill. If so, her parents can't stand it.

So when you're awake, do what you should do, as usual.

When she was confused, not during the day, but after rest, but not having nightmares, she was awake at that time.

Xia Qingluo knew clearly that she was lying on the bed in her bedroom. Everything was the same as before. This bed had been lying for more than ten years.

But in front of her, it was like an endless big screen.

The big screen is not too rigorous.

It should be said that it is a place where you can see another world through the night.

At that time, she couldn't move, so she could only lie quietly in bed and watch. Except for this bed, the house was surrounded by the world.

It seems that her bed is an island, and that world is the ocean outside the island.

But Xia Qingluo was not afraid. Instead, she had an unspeakable longing in her heart. The world was really beautiful. How beautiful it would be if she could travel around the world.

She can't see the world every night.

You can see it two or three times a month.

There was no omen, and she couldn't see it if she wanted to.

Sometimes she stared at the world and wanted to see everything, but she fell asleep. Sometimes, suddenly, the world appeared in front of her and made her defenseless.

This situation has been maintained for more than a year.

Xia Qingluo reluctantly accepted it, but she didn't dare to talk to anyone, including her good friends Du Xiaodu and Yanxi.

Xia Qingluo thought that if she talked to others, others would say that she had paranoia, and it was still a very serious paranoia.

In that case, she can't even go to school. She can only go to a mental hospital for treatment.

But even so, Xia Qingluo clearly knows that she is not ill.

She did see it.

That's true, what happened in front of her

Xia Qingluo once found many books and movies, as well as TV dramas, scientific, mysterious, Buddhist, Taoist, and even some ancient books collected by her father. She also carefully read them and came to a variety of conclusions.

There are immortals in the world, and immortals have a world of immortals.

But in reality, no one has seen it.

All exist in fantasy.

As like as two peas read what many books and movies, Xia did not understand why she saw another world, but Xia Qing Luo knew that she could see the world, perhaps because there was a fairy in the world, which was exactly the same as her.

So who is this fairy?

Is he the one who will become an immortal in the future?

But how could she become an immortal?

Or is it yourself in a previous life?

Are you a reincarnated immortal?

This seems to make sense.

Every time she thinks like this, Xia Qingluo looks at herself in the mirror and thinks she is immortal. It turns out that she may really be a reincarnated immortal.

Xia Qingluo is a happy go lucky person. After seeing the world, she was frightened and uneasy at the beginning, and finally accepted it calmly. Now she has calmly accepted the reality of seeing another world.

And Xia Qingluo was complacent about it.

You know, not everyone has this ability. Maybe only you are like this in this world.

However, the problem is that Xia Qingluo doesn't know when this situation will end?

I don't know what such a thing means to me?

In the dark, Xia Qingluo felt that the world was inextricably linked with her.

But I can see but I can't touch it.

Another summer vacation is coming.

In fact, Xia Qingluo once tried whether it was because of her bedroom. As a result, she found that she had lived in the school dormitory several times, lived in Du Xiaodu's home once, went out to travel once in a hotel.

So it's not the problem of the bed in her bedroom at all, and it has nothing to do with her room. As long as there is her place, this phenomenon will happen, so it's still her person's reason.

So this time Xia Qingluo wanted to try. What would grandma's house look like in the countryside?

Grandma's home is more than 500 miles away from her home. There is a direct bus there every day.

On this day, the sun was as bright and brilliant as usual.

On both sides of the road to grandma's house are large tracts of crop land.

Through the window glass of the bus, you can clearly see large tracts of purple and white wild flowers blooming on the roadside, dotted, highlighting their irresistible natural beauty.

The sky here is also blue, blue thoroughly, like a blue gem.

This reminds Xia Qingluo of the sky in the world she saw.

However, the road to grandma's house is not very good. The bus is not fast. Although it is not a mountainous area, it is a large camphor forest not far away.

The huge tree canopy, like a green umbrella, firmly shrouds the land. When the breeze blows, it becomes a green wave.

Although the road to the countryside is not easy to walk, the scenery on both sides is really beautiful and pleasant. There are people in the car, tourists who go to the countryside and students who go home on vacation

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