In this way, many things will not change.

When you find a way, let everything return to normal.

Thinking of this, the magic power went along the tip of the finger like a meteor towards the end of the gap, just like a meteor shower.

Then the world stopped, and the voice calling Xia Qingluo finally solidified in the air.

After the Tiandao cloud stopped doing these well, it turned into a white streamer, galloping in the direction of the white jade steps like a meteor.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Xia Qingluo fainted.

The way of heaven cloud stopped, and the slightly frowned eyebrows didn't stretch out all the time.

This touch of divine knowledge of the ancestor of Qingluo is really too unexpected for him.

At the extreme of the sky, he is the only one in the world. He hasn't known how many years have passed, so he is at a loss about Xia Qingluo who suddenly broke in.

Although it is said that Xia Qingluo has a relationship with the ancestor of Huanghai Qingluo, at present, this touch of divine consciousness has grown into an independent individual, with its own thinking and consciousness, and even its own immortal body.

This is surprising.

Tiandao Yunzhi lowered his head and looked down at Xia Qingluo who fell on the steps. He felt it again and determined that she really didn't have any divine power, immortal power and divine consciousness.

She doesn't have the most basic things in Xiuxian's view.

Therefore, such an ordinary little girl, if any immortal blows a breath to her, she will fall down.

Tiandao cloud stop looked at the chaos from a distance, where it was really together with another world.

At this time, it has been static, but he can't make it static forever, because if it is static for a long time, the world will collapse, that is to say, the world will disappear in the vast universe.

Even if he is the way of heaven in the six realms, he can't bear the collapse of a world.

Originally, everything was as quiet as water. Unfortunately, Xia Qingluo is now a variable.

It seems that there are only two ways. The first is to send Xia Qingluo back. Let everything return to the original track, he will increase his divine power and repair the crack, so that the two worlds are no longer related.

It is not without such a thing that the divine consciousness of immortals is left in other worlds. Therefore, it can coexist.

But the channel was not stable. He was worried that Xia Qingluo would be destroyed when it was half delivered.

Then there is only the second way.

Dust to dust to earth.

Return a touch of divine knowledge to the ancestor of Qingluo.

Erase all the memories related to Xia Qingluo in that world.

Because Xia Qingluo came from the whole body. In that world, she belongs to the state of missing.

This is against social norms.

But this second method is also very troublesome. Don't say whether the ancestor of Qingluo will agree or not. Just in front of the little girl, she doesn't know what to do when she wakes up.

Because she has grown into an independent individual with her own ideas and thinking.

It seems that for the first time in thousands of years, Tiandao Yunzhi encountered such a difficult thing. After pondering for a moment, he stretched out his hand and wanted to pick up Xia Qingluo and fly to the white jade palace, because he was in a coma on this step. It's not a long-term plan.

But when his hand was in the air, he stopped.

No, he can't do that!

Tiandao cloud stopped looking up at the step. This step is nothing to him. He can fly around freely.

But this step is not an ordinary step.

It is not simply a place built of white jade to lead to the white jade palace. Strictly speaking, this step is the step of heaven.

If it's something else, it may be easy to do, but Tiandao Yunzhi thinks it needs to be careful when it comes to the ancestor of Qingluo.

There's no way. Yunqing doesn't allow anything uncertain to happen to the ancestor of Qingluo.

Now the six realms still have a wasteland sea, which can be regarded as peaceful coexistence.

There is no interference with each other and basically no communication.

Even if he sent this touch of divine knowledge back to the ancestor of Qingluo, now is obviously not the best time.

Because the ancestor of Qingluo and yunqingrang are not in the wasteland at all. I don't know where they went again.

Therefore, the current situation is that Xia Qingluo needs to stay at the celestial pole for a period of time.

Then she must step by step up to the level of heaven. Only in this way can her body adapt to this environment little by little. Otherwise, even if he takes Xia Qingluo directly, Xia Qingluo will not live for a second.

Only after being tested and tempered by the order of heaven, the little girl's body will not reject the divine power and immortal power of the white jade palace.

Even when he caught Xia Qingluo at the extreme of the sky, Xia Qingluo climbed up step by step.

But he didn't tell Xia Qingluo what was going on at that time.

Thinking of this, Tiandao Yunzhi took back his hand and looked at Xia Qingluo who was still in a coma.

He knew that Xia Qingluo would wake up naturally in another quarter of an hour, so the heavenly cloud stopped flashing and turned into a white streamer. He left the white jade steps without looking back.

A quarter of an hour later, Xia Qingluo woke up. She stared at everything around her. Nothing had changed. She was still in this strange world, that is, the heavenly palace she saw in the vegetable cellar.

But why is it so quiet here?

If this is the South Tianmen gate, shouldn't there be two hem ha generals guarding the South Tianmen gate?

Then there are fairies, fairies, and some legendary immortals?

How could it be so cold?

Or this is just a fairy's cave!

But how did she fall here?

What does she have to do with the cave?

At this moment, Xia Qingluo's mind is confused.

Xia Qingluo slowly stood up.

Looking up at the white jade palace hidden in the clouds, I suddenly remembered that she seemed to have seen a figure in the white jade palace.

So, when I go to this palace, will I see that man?

Yes, no matter who this person is, as long as you see him, you can explain why you came here.

Thinking of this, Xia Qingluo came to the spirit and walked up the steps.

It was easy to step on the first step.

But when she was going to step on the second step, the leg weighed a thousand kilograms. It seemed that there was some unknown force to pull her leg and not let her go up.

Xia Qingluo was startled and her face turned white. What's going on?

She looked around. There was nothing, no man, no God, no fairy and no ghost.

But what's the matter with this leg?

Is this the Guanghan palace where Chang'e stayed?

No, there's a big sun here.

I think of science fiction movies I've seen. It seems that sometimes I can't walk on the planet at all.

As for why this happens, Xia Qingluo doesn't know.

She has always been busy watching movies and won't follow and analyze the reasons, so even if she thinks of it at this time, she knows a little.

But there's still something wrong.

If so, why can you breathe freely?

So, this is a normal fairy world.

As soon as Xia Qingluo clenched her teeth and tried her best to eat milk, she stepped towards the second step.

Still not.

Xia Qingluo had an idea and slowly lay down on the steps. Her head just lay down four steps.

So, does that mean she climbed four steps?

Xia Qingluo was overjoyed and climbed up with both hands and feet, but as long as she moved, her body seemed to fall like a kilo, which was very hard.

But then Xia Qingluo seemed to realize some principles in the.

She didn't know how long she had spent. Anyway, when she felt very hungry, Xia Qingluo finally went up to the fourth step.

As soon as she turned over, Xia Qingluo slumped down on the white jade steps.

Her schoolbag was thrown away when she was fighting with the man in black. It seemed that her mobile phone fell to the ground during the fight. Anyway, she didn't have it in her pocket.

There was only one watch on his wrist. He looked down.

The pointer stopped at 9:38 p.m.

Is that when you disappeared?

It seems that it should be.

But why did it stop?

Maybe it's because it's another world.

At this time, I felt sweating all over, but there was no such viscous feeling. I was hungry in my stomach.

Hungry, so hungry

And I feel thirsty.

And why is the sun hanging overhead and motionless.

How long has she been here?

Ten hours, or a day and a night

It seems that everything around is solidified, as if time has stopped here. This cognition startled Xia Qingluo.

Xia Qingluo clenched her teeth, summoned up her strength, gathered all her strength, and climbed up. In this way, Xia Qingluo climbed to the sixth step before she was exhausted and took off her strength.

Then he lay there motionless.

Xia Qingluo asked herself to have a little rest. Then she stood up. Her body even shook. She didn't know how long she had passed. Xia Qingluo was a little flustered by the world without time. She began to shout, "is there anyone? Is there anyone? Is there anyone? Help me..."

Xia Qingluo's voice seems to have some echoes here, but when you listen carefully, there is nothing.

A moment later, Xia Qingluo no longer had the strength to shout. She collapsed on the steps and looked up at the motionless sun still hanging in the middle.

I thought, is that really the sun? Why not stab your eyes at all?

Xia Qingluo fainted vaguely.

I don't know how long she was unconscious. When Xia Qingluo woke up, she found that everything around her was still the same. She was still in this world.

She's still on the sixth step.

The seventh floor said she couldn't go up. At this time, she was thirsty and tired.

Xia Qingluo has never experienced such an experience.

Dizzy and weak, no matter what you look at, there seems to be double shadows.

That feeling is really terrible.

In the dark, Xia Qingluo seemed to sleep again.

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