On the way, he thought for a moment, took a white porcelain pot and received the clear spring water at the extreme of the sky. He used his magic power. After pumping out the aura and divine power in the clear water, he put the white porcelain pot next to Xia Qingluo. Then he waved and removed the magic charm. The food box and the atherosclerotic bowl turned into smoke and disappeared. Yunzhi turned and left again.

Xia Qingluo had something in her stomach, and the rice soup added a little water to her body. It seemed that she had some strength and finally lived.

She recovered a little and looked around.

Still empty.

No, why is there no one?

She remembered that someone had fed her porridge just now.

But there was a black and gold wooden box in the misty bowl.

But there was nothing around her.

Did she dream?

Or do some people do good deeds without leaving their names?

No, she has food in her stomach. She knows that.

Xia Qingluo didn't know what to do. Although she ate something, she was still hungry and uncomfortable. She slowly closed her eyes. Her mind was empty and there was no goal. Was she still waiting to die here?

Thinking of this, Xia Qingluo was a little flustered, but there was nothing she could do.

Can only stay there motionless.

A moment later, she felt thirsty.

Then I suddenly saw the white porcelain pot on the back steps.

When did she put it? She didn't see it just now.

There should be water in here.

Xia Qingluo ate and had some strength, but she reluctantly picked up the white porcelain pot. She was very happy. It was very heavy. It must be water.

Xia Qingluo couldn't care about anything else. She picked up the white porcelain pot and put it on her mouth. She felt that there were wisps of water vapor dense along the mouth of the porcelain pot.

Xia Qingluo couldn't help but be shocked. She drank up to her mouth.

It's so sweet. It's delicious

Xia Qingluo drank half a pot.

Then he put the white porcelain pot on the steps, and then his body slowly fell on the steps.

This white jade step is about one and a half meters wide. It is said to be a bed, but it is a little narrower. It is said to be a palace step, but it is a little wider.

But after lying down, it's really comfortable.

There is no imagination of cold and hard.

Xia Qingluo experienced it at the beginning. Now, this feeling is more profound. Then at the next moment, Xia Qingluo was stunned. No, she climbed to the seventh step. There should be six below.

In other words, he is now lying on the seventh.

There are also six steps made of white jade below.

But why, suddenly disappeared?

It seems that she still had some before she was unconscious.

At this time, Xia Qingluo suddenly remembered that before she fainted, because there were clouds around her, she didn't seem to look down or pay attention. She just looked at the upper steps and didn't pay attention to what the lower steps were like.

Maybe this step didn't exist before she was unconscious.

In other words, the seventh step is the first step she stepped on.

Xia Qingluo gingerly put her legs under the steps. There was no imagination in the air. She seemed to step on the solid ground, but she didn't know what to step on.

Xia Qingluo doesn't have the courage and courage to try.

If she fell into a bottomless abyss, there would be no one to save her. Just now, in a daze, the remaining memory can prove that someone did feed her.

And it seems to be very restrained. It seems that people who have been hungry for a long time can't eat too much. Xia Qingluo feels a little warm in her heart.

Don't know if this man is God or man? It's an immortal or a ghost, but it's always kind to itself.

Moreover, it can be proved from the side that this step is definitely not an ordinary step, but leads to the white jade palace above.

Although Xia Qingluo could see that the white jade palace was just a shadow hidden in the clouds, she knew that she had to climb up, because she had no way back, and the way back had disappeared.

So is she going to lie down and rest now, or wait until she has saved enough energy to go together?

What if no one eats for themselves?

Or when she's starving to death, someone cares what to do. So now Xia Qingluo wants to climb up while she's strong. If she climbs up, maybe she can be saved.

Unfortunately, Xia Qingluo overestimated herself. After climbing two steps, she couldn't go up again. Therefore, Xia Qingluo fainted on the steps again,

Tiandao cloud just appeared quietly, slightly lowered her eyes, looked at Xia Qingluo lying on the steps, but she was also a little surprised.

The little girl had a hard time before. It took so many days to climb up seven steps.

However, in just a few hours, he climbed two more steps. He looked at the white porcelain pot next to the steps. Is this the reason for water?

In other words, the water in it can be drunk,

He didn't have to look. He knew the water was empty.

Yunzhi looked at the food box in his hand. He followed suit and fed Xia Qingluo a bowl of rice porridge, a steamed bread and some pickles.

When he was in the human world, he saw the big pot of rice porridge and the big basket of steamed bread, which made him have an idea.

However, Yunzhi didn't want to put these things in his existing storage ring, so he went back to the extreme of heaven, specially forged a ring for storing these food, and then went to the human world again.

Fortunately, the distance between this day and the earth was just a blink of an eye for him, which made Yunzhi quickly take these foods to the extreme of the sky before Xia Qingluo collapsed,

The rest can be put in the storage ring, which can keep fresh and prevent him from running back and forth.

But he was not sure how long Xia Qingluo could eat these things, because he was not sure how long Xia Qingluo would climb the 1000 floors of steps.

Maybe we'll climb to the end of time.

Tiandao Yunzhi shook his head noncommittally and turned away.

In this way, Xia Qingluo ate a pot of rice porridge and a large basket of steamed bread.

After eating, Xia Qingluo maintained her physical strength.

She just wondered who was the person who gave herself food every day. Every time when she was confused, a faint smell of grass would appear next to her, and these foods would appear on the steps,

At this time, Xia Qingluo didn't want to worry about it. She only drank rice porridge and steamed bread every day. If she was at home, Xia Qingluo would have protested with her parents.

But now some eat well without starving.

Xia Qingluo was wronged and sad. She wiped away the tears hanging on her cheeks and climbed up again.

And Tiandao Yunzhi looked at the empty storage ring. During this time, his eyebrows didn't really stretch.

He felt that he was really looking for a trouble, a big trouble.

At the beginning, there should be no benevolence. Xia Qingluo should be sent back cleanly. Even if there is an accident on the way, it is her life.

No wonder he is not a man of the world after all.

Or just send her to the wild sea.

Even if the ancestor of Qingluo and yunqingrang are not there, there are Xiaohei and a Bai. They know how to deal with this sudden extra touch of divine consciousness.

So he doesn't have to worry about Xia Qingluo's next meal.

According to human time, Xia Qingluo doesn't eat three meals a day, but two meals a day, which has given him a headache, but this is the least. He can't let Xia Qingluo eat only once a day. In that case, he doesn't know when he can climb up.

But now it's in a dilemma. There's no way back. I can only help Xia Qingluo climb up the stage of heaven.

At the extreme of the sky, everything will be easy to do.

The extreme place is so big that Xia Qingluo is thrown anywhere and equipped with some things that human beings need, so she can live well until the ancestor of Qingluo comes back.

So now Tiandao Yunzhi went to the world again and seriously learned how to cook porridge and steam steamed bread, because he thought these two were the most convenient.

But he was really not interested in that kind of pickles. He simply bought back several large jars and put them in the storage ring.

Fortunately, he is the only one at the extreme of the sky. No matter what he does, no one will laugh at him. Otherwise, his noble way of heaven even cooks himself and cooks porridge and steamed bread for small humans. If it is spread, will it not become a joke of the Six Worlds?

Because this is not what he should do,

But now he can't do it,

He is the way of heaven, and naturally knows that in the dark, everything has its own destiny.

Since this touch of divine consciousness appeared, there was an inevitable reason for her appearance, and he had no excuse to strangle her,

He is the way of heaven.

The way of heaven is the most ruthless, but also the most compassionate!

This is his most profound understanding after controlling the way of heaven!

In this world, no matter what happens, there is a beginning and an end, just like the reincarnation of everything.

Since Xia Qingluo can climb hundreds of floors from the first step, she will climb to the top floor one day and stand in front of the palace.

But before that, he didn't want Xia Qingluo to see him, because he didn't know how to explain to Xia Qingluo and was worried that his explanation would affect her determination to climb up.

So Xia Qingluo never saw who gave her food, but she knew that this person must be an immortal.

Only the immortal can't see it, because she can even be seen by invisible people.

Xia Qingluo knows that her eyes are still special, but in such a place, the particularity of her eyes becomes insignificant.

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