When Xia Qingluo came to her simple kitchen, sure enough, a white streamer came from the sky and stood in front of her in the blink of an eye.

But it was empty handed.

Xia Qingluo bit her lips and said nothing.

Isn't it that the gods don't know what these vegetables look like?

It should be about the same. It is said that immortals don't eat human fireworks. It is estimated that they may not know what they want.

Fortunately, there is a peach forest. Even one peach a day ensures basic nutrition.

So, let her think about what she can do with peaches?

Without waiting for Xia Qingluo's imagination, he heard Yunzhi's voice, "things have been bought. Are they in the small kitchen or in your bedroom?"


Did you buy it?

Xia Qingluo stared at Yunzhi in a daze. She looked up, down, left, right, front and back quickly. She didn't find anything.

Is it the storage space in the book?

God, it's amazing.

With the growth of time here, Xia Qingluo has fully accepted the fact that she has passed through the world.

However, 90% of the books are worn by the soul, and the whole body is still a few.

Therefore, she also began to study the fairy world.

She didn't know how long she had been here, but she knew that it seemed to be an independent fairy world.

There is only a white jade palace and only Yunzhi is an immortal.

There is nothing else.

Maybe, but so far no guest has come to visit.

So, for here, she still has some understanding.

Therefore, curiosity conquered reason. She ran to Yunzhi happily and asked in a cheerful tone, "immortal, can you show me how you put away those vegetables and other things and how to take them out?"

Yun Zhi looked down at his little girl begging him.

There's nothing wrong with it. This requirement is very simple and not too much, and Xia Qingluo needs to know sooner or later.

In the message from the crack, the channel between the two worlds, that is, the crack in the land of chaos, was closed without signs.

It is similar to the original closing, even tighter than the original.

Therefore, even if the ancestor of Qingluo comes back, there is no way to send Xia Qingluo back to her original world.

The headache is that Xia Qingluo came with her body and soul.

For this fairy world, Xia Qingluo is a sudden intruder. She doesn't belong to this world. The world Xia Qingluo once lived in has all traces of her existence. However, there are still problems now.

Although the world has been temporarily stagnated by Yunzhi's spell casting, in Yunzhi's eyes, it is the same as the existing six realms.

So Yunzhi can easily control everything, so he easily stagnated the world and stopped time from moving forward, just the moment Xia Qingluo fell into a different world.

Then he will find a way to get everything back to the original point.

But unexpectedly, the channel was automatically closed, and he was not prepared. Yunzhi didn't know what happened in the world Xia Qingluo lived in, and whether his stagnant time began to flow again, so it was also a thorny problem for him,

Because if there are some experts in that world, they realize that the entrance of this vegetable cellar may be a crack in different time and space, then it is a very dangerous thing for both worlds.

He can't kill everyone in the future.

So for Xia Qingluo, maybe she will stay in the world for a long time. Recently, he has gone to the world more often. In addition, he knows something about himself. He also knows that it may not be a good thing for Xia Qingluo and her ancestors who look the same.

So there is another possibility that Xia Qingluo may stay with him for a long time, so Xia Qingluo can't live like an ordinary person all the time.

She always has to learn some magic here to adapt to the world.

Xia Qingluo has an immortal body. It's easy to learn, but I don't know if Xia Qingluo has this perseverance.

In fact, Xia Qingluo is too young according to her age. It's a good time to learn these things.

So after hearing Xia Qingluo's request, Yunzhi readily agreed. He had this idea for a long time, but he didn't know what kind of opportunity to say it for the moment.

So he nodded, stretched out his white jade like finger, and gently stroked in front of Xia Qingluo. Xia Qingluo's eyes were lit up at once, as if a large screen appeared in front of her, or pushed open a window, and she saw the outside world at once.

Xia Qingluo impressively saw that this is a bright space.

It's very big. You can't see the edge, but there's no sky or land. It's just a space,

The ground seems to be paved with white marble. There is no ceiling, and there is no cloud on it, but there is no sun and moon.

The most important thing is that Xia Qingluo saw a pile of things on the marble floor, which she just asked for.

Cabbage, eggs, potatoes, bamboo shoots, mushrooms and other things, as well as a large jar of peanut oil, as well as several small pockets and small porcelain cans. I don't know what's inside.

Xia Qingluo asked in surprise, "immortal, is this your storage space?"

Yun Zhi was stunned. Let alone, the little girl knows a lot. She even knows that this is a storage space.

As everyone knows, these are all badly written by Xianxia Wen.

So the heavenly cloud stopped nodding, "yes."

"How did you put these things in? Through what? Should you wear a ring or something on your hand?" Xia Qingluo asked curiously.

"The primary immortal is wearing a storage ring, but I don't need it..." Yun Zhi explained faintly.

"How did you get these things out? Did you say a moving spell?"

"There was a spell at first."

"Don't you need a spell now?"

"Yes, as long as you move your mind."

"Immortal, do you think I can learn these immortal methods?" Xia Qingluo asked tentatively,

"Nature is OK." cloud stopped nodding.

"Really?" Xia Qingluo asked incredulously.

In fact, she had no hope, but just asked casually.

She is an ordinary person. How can she learn the immortal method?

"Well, it's true," Yun Zhi said patiently.

"That's really great!" Xia Qingluo excitedly hugged Yunzhi's arm and wanted to jump up.

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