Feng Ruyan stepped on the branch and caught a corner of the kite. Then she pulled it and got it.

Feng Ruyan was very excited.

This is no less than the joy of being appreciated by the queen mother and giving her a ten thousand year cultivation elixir.

"I got it..."

Feng Ruyan waved her kite down, and then prepared to go down slowly.

The marquis in the dark looked at Feng Ruyan on the tree coldly. Dead girl, in order to live, you won't use Reiki?

Hou Ye silently recited the skill, blew it up, pulled a strange smile from the corners of his mouth, and then hid aside to wait for a good play.

Suddenly, Feng Ruyan whispered, no, this branch is going to break.

I felt that the branch I was stepping on shook again. When she turned around, I just heard the branch click.

Then the branch broke.


Feng Ruyan heard the young lady crying anxiously below, "Yan'er..."

Feng Ruyan took the kite and fell off the tree like a leaf

There was another shriek below.


"She flew, she flew."

Zhou Linyuan clapped his hands, smiled and shouted.

The small pillar was too frightened to look, so he closed his eyes and hid away.

When she was about to land, Feng Ruyan had only one idea in her mind. If she fell, she would not die, but also be disabled.

You can't really fall to the end.

The aura of the body has been transported out, but it should not be seen when people think of transporting it out when they land.

She closed her eyes and simply opened them.

She felt her body touching a soft, like meat, who was so good as her "meat mat"?

At the moment of landing, at the moment of touching the meat mat, Feng Ruyan has quietly retreated her aura.

The "meat mat" cushioned her landing speed.

When she fell down, the man under her gave a "ouch", and then a dull hiss. Feng Ruyan opened her eyes and saw the good-looking eyes and the good-looking face.

"Little... Young master."

Feng Ruyan never thought that the man who made her a "meat cushion" was the young master.

At this time, Feng Ruyan was lying on Zhou Mohan.

When Zhou Mohan saw the little servant girl come down just now, he wanted to use the lightness skill. Before he jumped up, the little servant girl fell down.

He reached out his hands to catch her.

But the tree was too high. When the little servant girl came down, she paused on the way, and then the little girl hit him directly when she came down.

He fell to the ground.

"Young master, are you okay?"

No matter what style or not, Feng Ruyan asked Zhou Mohan whether she was hurt because she was anxious.

Zhou Mohan thought that if he was hit by someone who fell from such a high tree, he would have lung pain, liver pain and everywhere.

But now he feels his body and it doesn't hurt anywhere.

I was not surprised. The little girl didn't seem to fall from a high place. She fell very light, very light, just like a feather, and jumped into his arms.

The servant girls, ladies and boys who were watching were all numb.

Several women wanted to see the miserable face of Feng Ruyan when she fell from the tree.

At this time, they all opened their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them unbelievably.

The two held tightly together, and the young master fell directly to the ground to make the girl's "meat cushion" in order to pick up the girl.

No one noticed that the young master was like a flash of lightning. He arrived under the tree in the blink of an eye and caught the little servant girl with his own body.

Use your body. How painful is that?

A group of people were stunned for a few seconds, and then saw a figure quickly come to the young master and help the young master who fell to the ground.

That's lengqiu, the young master's man.

Mrs. song has been watching the excitement below. Seeing Feng Ruyan's indecent appearance at this time, she is angry. A smelly girl dares to be so close to the young master. Mrs. song roared, "dead girl, don't get out of here."

Then he came forward and pulled Feng Ruyan aside from the young master, "don't go down, dead girl."

Feng Ruyan fell down from such a high tree. She was all right, but when Mrs. song came up, she pulled her arm hard. She didn't have any ideological preparation. She was dragged aside and fell to one side. She stared at Mrs. song. "What are you doing so hard, Mrs. song?"

Mrs. song walked up to her and said coldly, "don't you know your identity? Your cheap life will die if you break the young master. It's not enough for you to die several times!"

"Shut up."

The cold sound suddenly lowered the surrounding air by several degrees.

Zhou Mohan saw that the little girl was pushed aside as if she had been thrown away. He was angry and looked at Mrs. song coldly. If he hadn't been old, Zhou Mohan would have been tempted to beat her.

The tumultuous crowd was also quiet. They all looked at Zhou Mohan's face, which had become a little terrible because of anger. The young master was angry.

To annoy the young master, there is no good fruit to eat.

Everyone held his breath and dared not make a sound. He was afraid that the anger would provoke him. He didn't know how he died.

There was silence.

Zhou Mohan didn't know why he was so angry.

Why would he watch the little girl being bullied? He would be distressed and couldn't help getting angry.

And to the song lady, she flew one eye knife after another.

Mrs. song was so scared that she was sweating. In April, she felt chilly on her back.

"Get out of the way." Su Ping walked over and pushed the pestle like a pillar.

Mrs. song swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then quietly retreated into the crowd. She wanted to hide herself in order to avoid the chilling eyes she had been staring at herself.

Su Ping picked up Yan'er, looked up and down painfully, touched her arm and face, "Yan'er, are you okay?"

Feng Ruyan rubbed the almost dislocated arm just pulled by Mrs. song, "Miss, the maid is fine."

At this time, Zhou Mohan standing on one side looked at Feng Ruyan. Feng Ruyan smiled. A smile flashed on Zhou Mohan's cold face, just a flash, fleeting.

The smile was caught by lengqiu.

Lengqiu seems to have not seen it. There is no fear at all.

Because he knew he was right.

The young master smiled for the second time when he saw the little servant girl.

Feng Ruyan wanted to say something, but Zhou Mohan didn't look at her anymore.

She wanted to go to the young master and say thank you to him personally.

But there are so many people here that she is timid.

I didn't even have the courage to say thank you to the young master.

It was the young master who saved her and made her "meat cushion" that he would be fine.

Looking at such a group of people surrounding the young master, she just stood aside.

Su Ping knows that Yan'er doesn't dare to speak. As the master, she can't help thanking the young master for her servants.

Then he came over, looked at Zhou Mohan and said with a smile, "thank you for saving Yan'er. The child was frightened and didn't dare to come to thank the young master. I'll thank the young master on behalf of Yan'er."

Said Fu Fu body, but was stopped by Zhou Mohan, "third aunt, you're welcome. I just happened to see it. It's all small things. Please don't take it to heart."

Su Ping's eyes glistened with tears. No one in Hou's house was kind to them, and anyone could ignore them. The young master of Hou's house was so sensible that Su Ping liked Zhou Mohan more.

When Zhou Linyuan was only ten years old, he liked to be difficult everywhere. He was grumpy and arrogant.

Like mother, like son.

Now I don't know where to run with a kite.

If Yan'er didn't want to bring him a kite, how could she fall from the tree?

If the young master hadn't saved her, Yan'er would have fallen heavily.

Su Ping turns to find Yan'er, and Zhou Mohan remembers one thing. He seems to have seen his father just now.

Standing opposite the lotus pond, he should have seen what happened here, but why did his father hide from looking at it and don't come out to stop it?

It's like waiting to see something happen to this girl.

Why did father become so cold-blooded?

Zhou Mo Han looked cold, sighed and was held away by lengqiu.

Feng Ruyan stared at the young master's back and watched him go out of the garden. A corner of the long blue shirt disappeared behind the crescent shaped door hole until he couldn't see it at all.

Su Ping was stunned at Feng Ruyan and shouted, "Yan'er, let's go back."

Then she stretched out her hand to hold her. When Feng Ruyan heard the young lady talking to her, she hurried back to her senses and pushed away the young lady, "young lady, maidservants can go."

He patted himself to prove that he was all right, and then followed Su Ping out of the back garden.

The back garden was quiet again, and the Marquis hiding behind the tree flashed out with cold eyes and murderous eyes.

Damn it, the servant girl escaped again.

If she is really a fairy, she will use Reiki.

I won't watch myself fall from such a high tree without trying.

But the black beaver didn't expect someone to save her.

And that man is still the young master of the marquis.

This matter soon spread to the eldest lady Shen's ears. Shen was worried about his son, so he went straight to wuxuanzhai where his son lived.

When I went to see my son well and unharmed, I breathed a sigh of relief, "Mo'er, why are you so reckless?"

"As the legitimate son of Hou Fu, don't you know how noble your identity is? How can you work so hard for a girl?"

"Niang, how can Mo'er not save her when she sees it? She doesn't think of any servant girl and master. At that time, the situation was urgent and there was no time to think more. She just wanted to save her. If she doesn't save her, she will die."

Shen knew that her son had been very kind since childhood. Of course, she didn't want her son to be a cold-blooded and ruthless person.

But she has only one son. Her son is her life. She can't let her son make any mistakes.

"My mother doesn't want you to die. My mother means to let you think about it when you do things, even if you let lengqiu save it?"

"..." cold hill.

"Madam, it's the servant's dereliction of duty that failed to get ahead of the young master."

The young master's action was so fast that he had no time to react, and the young master rushed up with an arrow.

Zhou Mohan stared at lengqiu. The boy can really talk.

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