Zhou Mohan thought about walking out of the door. He didn't take a few steps. His heart suddenly jumped. The strange feeling was very strong.

He looked back and saw Feng Ruyan standing on one side.

Feng Ruyan quickly bowed her head and blessed, "young master."

It's her, the little girl named Yan'er.

Zhou Mohan felt a warmth in his heart.

The girl in front of her was wearing a pink skirt, just like a touch of light powder, gorgeous as peach blossom, jumped into front of her, and looked at him fearlessly with clear and transparent eyes.

Those clear eyes full of stars show her petite and lovely tenderness and moving.

Her face as soft as jade smiled childishly.

"Yours..." Zhou Mo Han Jun's eyebrow was slightly picked and wanted to say whether your hand was hurt. When he said it to his mouth, he only turned into a question, "I'm back."

"Yes, I'm going back to Zhuyun Pavilion."

Zhou Mo Han's sight looked at Feng Ruyan's hand.

Lengqiu came back and told her all about the situation in the field. He also talked about the sharpness of the thorn grass. Even his hand, a man with rough skin and thick flesh, was scratched.

I can't help thinking of the stubborn little girl pulling grass in the field alone.

Glanced at her delicate little hand, grabbed a corner of her skirt and looked that she was not hurt.

At this time, there was no wind in the yard, but Feng Ruyan stood in the sun, her little face was slightly red, and her lips pursed lightly, "young master, it's all right. The slave and maid are leaving."

Feng Ruyan looked up at him and wanted to step down directly.

Just turned around, his feet had stepped out, but Zhou Mohan shouted, "can you hurry up?"

What's up?

Don't do that?

Subconsciously, he turned back, but his steps didn't stop. His toes touched a hard thing and took a breath in his mouth.

The body shakes, stumbles and falls forward, and you'll be unlucky and make a fool of yourself again?

Zhou Mo Han's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick. He came forward to catch Feng Ruyan who was about to fall to the ground.

A strong pulled her into her arms. The girl was as soft as a cloud, and the whole person nestled in Zhou Mohan's arms.

He made a fool of himself last time and was saved by him this time.

I feel bad about myself.

Feng Ruyan didn't even dare to lift her head. She said eagerly, "young master, I didn't mean it."

"Don't you look when you walk?"

Why is she so careless every time?

If she didn't see him, who could save her in time?

Seeing his warm and angry expression, Feng Ruyan pushed away Zhou Mohan, "the young master called the slave, and the slave turned back."

Lengqiu had come out. Hearing the master's voice, he was in a hurry and hurried two steps to catch up.

I saw a scene of deja vu.

He stood there, neither walking nor staying. He could only look at the sky.

"I didn't call you."

Then Zhou Mo Han's handsome face slipped a smile and looked behind Feng Ruyan, "there are already waiting. Do you want the third prince to wait for us?"

Feng Ruyan looked back and lengqiu ran over.

It turned out that the eldest young master was lengqiu behind her. She thought he called her.

She'll be wrong again.

I feel the face is redder.

Lengqiu saw that both of them looked at him. He smiled and shook the handle of the sword in his hand.

Zhou Mohan turned away and looked at her again.

She bowed her head like a young girl.

In that way, it was more like a frightened deer with its eyes rolling.

A gust of prestige blew, and the faint and elegant smell floated in front of my nose.

Out of the yard, Zhou Mohan went to pick up the third prince.

Along the way, Zhou Mohan was still thinking about his "meeting" with the little girl just now.

There are always surprises.

This time it seems that the feeling of falling into his arms is different from the last time.

He wanted to be close to her, and didn't want her to hide away from him like she was frightened.

Zhou Mo Han's eyes were slightly cool, and his expression had been hovering in Feng Ruyan's brain

Why did she fall every time they met, and then he caught her in such a timely manner.

Can I see that he can't even walk and think?

There are always mistakes.

After that, I hid from him and stayed away from him.

Feng Ruyan watched Zhou Mohan go away and walked out of the door.

When I arrived at Zhuyun Pavilion, I saw a little girl in a green skirt in the young lady's yard.

Feng Ruyan went over and looked. The little girl was about twelve or thirteen years old. She was not tall and looked beautiful. She should be the maid Qiuhe sent by her wife.

Feng Ruyan had seen Qiu He in mother Chang's house before and didn't speak, but she was a little impressed

Feng Ruyan asked Qiu He, "where's Miss?"

Qiu he said cleverly, "miss and Lord Hou went to baiyun temple."

Feng Ruyan has heard from Miss, but she doesn't know when to go.

The young lady has been married for more than a year and has been childless. Since the young lady was banned by the Lord and beaten for 30 times, the Lord knows he is wrong and is deeply distressed.

Their relationship got better and better.

The only drawback is that the lady's belly has not moved.

The Marquis also hoped that the young lady could have a son and a half and expand the children of the Zhou family.

I heard that I was going to baiyun temple to ask for a son. It was said that it was very clever, and the young lady was moved.

Unexpectedly, he begged the Marquis to follow her. I think the Marquis must feel more sincere.

Feng Ruyan picked up the white brocade handkerchief, went to Duobao Pavilion, picked up a milky white porcelain bottle with ears and wiped it carefully.

These are given to the young lady by the marquis.

It is said that the Emperor gave it to the young lady, which shows that the young lady is still in the heart of the Lord.

Qiu he blinked and cried, "sister Yan'er, let me come."

Then he came to grab the brocade handkerchief in Feng Ruyan's hand and the bottle in one hand.

Feng Ruyan didn't expect Qiu He to rob her directly. She said, "Qiu He, be gentle. This thing is very expensive. If it is broken, the young lady will be distressed."

"I want to help you."

Qiu He looked at Feng Ruyan's face and felt reckless. It was like doing something wrong. He skillfully hid aside.

Feng Ruyan was not really angry with her. Seeing her poor appearance, her heart was soft. "Autumn lotus, there's nothing to do now. I can do this job."

Autumn lotus looked at Feng Ruyan and smiled again. The smile on her small face bloomed like a flower.

"Sister Yan'er, it's very kind of you."

Feng Ruyan smiles. The little girl has a sweet mouth.

Also took the initiative to chat with Feng Ruyan.

She said that she was thirteen years old and worked in the Marquis house at the age of ten.

Feng Ruyan looked at Qiu He, three years younger than her.

I have to work to support myself at such a young age.

Like her, she has been at the master's house since childhood. At the age of seven or eight, she has learned to do things behind the older servant girls like a little adult.

"Were you in mother Chang's room?"

Feng Ruyan talks to Qiu He while she works.

"Yes, I wasn't in mother Chang's room before."

"Really? Which room are you in?"

"In the second lady's room."

This Liu Meiyun is a difficult Lord to serve.

Feng Ruyan began to wipe the porcelain on the second grid again.

Qiu He's voice suddenly decreased, "sister Yan'er, they said you beat the second lady."

Feng Ruyan stopped her work and thought: it seems that the whole Hou house knows about her beating.

But she didn't really hit Liu Meiyun.

But the woman accidentally bumped into the aura she had just recovered.

It's her bad luck.

Although there is chance and necessity, it is not really a fight.

She didn't want to be given the bad name of beating the master, "it's not beating, it's her own fall."

Qiu He looked at Feng Ruyan and whispered, "sister Yan'er, they all said you played."

Feng Ruyan no longer wiped, turned and went into the bedroom to wipe the window lattice.

Autumn lotus also followed in, and seemed very interested in this topic, "it was said by the apricot next to the second lady."

Apricot is Liu Meiyun's personal servant girl. What she said should not be false, right?

Feng Ruyan turned to the mahogany table, picked up the kettle, poured a glass of water, drank a mouthful, and then looked at Qiu He, "she is the master. We are all servants. How dare we fight the master?"

"It's just a coincidence. There was Ping'er around the second lady at that time. You can't just listen to xing'er. Just ask Ping'er whether I did it or not."

"Sister Yan'er, you misunderstood. I'm not blaming you. I'm glad you hit her."

Qiu he stretched out his hand excitedly, and then raised his cuff, "sister Yan'er, look."

Feng Ruyan took a casual look, which startled her.

An eye-catching scar on the arm, like a scald, the color of the skin is black, holding one by one.

Feng Ruyan looked at Qiu He in surprise. "Are you beaten by Liu Meiyun?"

She used to be a second-class servant girl in Liu Meiyun's room a year ago. Later, Feng Ruyan didn't ask where she was hurt because she was hurt.

She said that later, the eldest lady learned that she had been beaten by the second wife, and the most serious one was beaten to spit blood. She was unconscious for a few days and picked up one life.

Feng Ruyan asked her curiously what mistake she had made to let Liu Meiyun beat her so hard?

Qiu He's little face suddenly darkened. His little mouth pouted as if he were going to cry, and his tears rolled in his eyes.

Then he said the thing that made her miserable.

She works as a little servant girl in Ziyun Pavilion, doing some simple sweeping and piecemeal work.

Suddenly one day, she was working well in the yard, and the second lady grabbed her hair and pulled it into the yard.

Come up and talk about it.

Qiu he was stunned.

Cried and asked the second lady why she hit her?

The second lady said she broke a gold inlaid jade bracelet.

At that time, Qiu he was stunned.

She never touched the second lady's jewelry box, nor would she take out the jewelry to wipe it.

She has never seen the gold inlaid jade bracelet mentioned by the second lady.

She cried and explained, but the second lady said that the second young master saw it with his own eyes and that she broke it. She just wanted to deny it.

The more she explained, the harder the second lady hit.

The second lady found a stick with thick arms pointing at her head and body, and it hit her like a raindrop.

She was killed and fainted. Finally, if the eldest lady hadn't heard about coming to save her, she would have been killed by the second lady.

Then she was arranged by the eldest lady to work in front of mother Chang.

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