Feng Ruyan looked up and saw a beautiful face. She was looking at her with a smile.

That pair of dark and deep eyes seemed to be as hot as a wave of light, broke into her eyes without warning, and seemed as bright as the stars at night.

Zhou Mohan was wearing a black shirt and standing in front of Feng Ruyan with handsome and graceful hands behind him.

The whole body exudes noble and threatening fierceness, which makes Feng Ruyan blush and forget her words at the mouth.

"You... Come here."

She seems a little nervous.

It must be because of this identity.

But Zhou Mohan didn't want to see feng Ruyan so cramped in front of him.

Feng Ruyan subconsciously shouted, "ah?"

Tell her to come over?

Then he felt a little abrupt and quickly bowed down, "what do you want, young master?"

Is there something wrong?

The young master's voice is so gentle that he obviously wants to talk to her.

Feng Ruyan shook her head in her heart: Feng Ruyan, do you think too much?

Talking to you, who do you think you are?

Zhou Mo's cold eyebrow was tight. "Come here, what are you doing standing so far?"

Then he came to pull Feng Ruyan's hand.

Feng Ruyan was completely confused.

The young master is well. Is he still amnesic?

She is a little girl, so she came to hold her hand. Why is there no distinction between dignity and inferiority?

Feng Ruyan was really frightened. She stepped back and waved her hand. "Young master... What do you have to say? I can hear you."

When he retreated behind the screen, he breathed out.

"You see, you're scared. You're afraid I'll insult you?"

This girl is the only woman he can get close to.

Zhou Mohan knew what he was doing and saying.

"Not......" Feng Ruyan looked up at her deep eyes and her heart beat faster.

I can't say it again. I'm completely a flower maniac. This man looks so good, just like a carved face, and his eyes shine like stars. Every time he looks at it, he will be drowned by the tenderness like water in his deep eyes.

The heart beat as slow as a half beat.

Then he lowered his head and said in fear, "no, young master, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that."

Zhou Mo Han saw Feng Ruyan scratching her head to explain. The corners of her mouth unconsciously showed a meaningful smile.

Then he shook the raised hand and finally hung it down.

"I want you to work in my room. Are you... Willing?"

"Young master, didn't you say... Just be at your disposal at any time?"

That's what Miss told her.

She doesn't have anything. She can go anywhere. She just doesn't trust her young lady.

"You don't want to come?"

The girl's frightened appearance suddenly made Zhou Mohan feel pity in his heart.

The girl's charming appearance is more like a butterfly on the tip of his heart, which makes his heart tremble slightly and seems to fly away.

Zhou Mohan asked her to say it herself.


Before she finished, Feng Ruyan felt that her head suddenly hurt again.

Trouble, the little devil kicked in her divine consciousness again.

It was too late to turn and walk out of the bedroom. In an instant, her head seemed to burst like pain. She held her head tightly and her little face was white

The little Pluto grows fast in her divine consciousness.

Now the pain is worse than before.

This is in the young master's room again, and her skill can't be used.

Zhou Mo Han saw Feng Ruyan's expression very painful. He tightened his heart and frowned, "Yan'er... What's the matter with you?"

Feng Ru Yan closed her lips and frowned with pain. She wanted to leave here, but her feet were out of control and her legs couldn't be lifted.

A stream of Yin Qi ran back and forth in her divine consciousness. Feng Ruyan's body shook. At the moment of falling to the ground, Zhou Mohan rushed over and hugged Feng Ruyan, "Yan'er, girl, don't scare me. What's the matter with you?"

Then he shouted at the door, "lengqiu, pass it to the imperial doctor..."

Lengqiu frowned. Hearing a voice in the room, he opened the door like lightning and came in. He saw the young master holding Feng Ruyan in his arms.

"What are you doing? Pass it on to the imperial doctor."

"Yes." lengqiu turned back and left.

"Don't go, cold guard. I'll be fine in a minute."

Feng Ruyan stopped lengqiu who had rushed to the door in time.

Zhou Mohan held her and stared, "you can't find a doctor..."

Strange to say, Zhou Mohan began to hold her. Feng Ruyan felt that her head didn't hurt so much.

Little Pluto didn't move in the divine sense.

Feng Ruyan shook her head and everything was as usual. "The slave and maid are well now. This is an old problem. After committing it, it hurts a lot. It will be fine in a while. Now it doesn't hurt."

In order to convince Zhou Mohan, Feng Ruyan gently pushed away Zhou Mohan, but Zhou Mohan's body just left her, and she began to hurt again.

I just kept it from happening.

Zhou Mohan didn't see it either.

With great pain, my teeth are going to bite.

Zhou Mohan naturally put his hand on Feng Ruyan's arm again, "are you sure you're really good?"

Zhou Mohan asked again.

When Zhou Mohan was next to her body, Feng Ruyan's pain disappeared immediately.

Feng Ruyan looked at lengqiu standing at the door.

She shook her head.

Lengqiu should understand her.

She is not an ordinary person's disease, so she can't see an ordinary person in the same way.

If the imperial doctor makes a mess and damages her Yang, it will kill her.

Lengqiu looked at Feng and Ru Yan and winked at him.

He knew Yan'er's ability was not small and saved his master, so he obeyed her like his master.

So he didn't move because the young master didn't urge him.

Feng Ruyan repeatedly asked not to find a doctor.

Zhou Mohan saw that Feng Ru was nice, so he didn't ask lengqiu to ask the imperial doctor.

Instead, lengqiu was asked to guard outside. Today, no one was seen. He said that he was unwell and didn't want to see guests.

Lengqiu got the order and went out happily.

He already understood.

The young master fell in love with Yan'er.

It's good for the young master to have people he likes, but there are many rules in the Hou house. Can the young master and Yan'er last long?

Lengqiu laughed at himself: isn't he worrying about the sky? He's just a guard. Where do you want to go.

Clouds are like fire outside.

Lengqiu, standing under the corridor, looked at the clouds floating in the sky, because he had followed the Lord five years ago.

The young master has never been so serious about a woman.

Even the old lady's intentional cousin was missing.

That's why he thought more today.

In the room, Zhou Mohan looked at Feng Ru Yan if she thought, a small pink face, porcelain white as snow.

Fine beads of sweat can be seen on the tip of her nose. Her little hands are tightly clenched. She has a goose yellow skirt, which is elegant and refined. But at this time, she looks very serious.

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