At the third watch, Feng Ruyan quietly kneaded the formula and left Hou's house to the Qingshi river.

In the dead of night, standing by the bluestone River, listening to the sound of the water, the moonlight shines on the river, shining with white waves.

Bursts of cool wind blew across the river. Everything was quiet. Unconsciously, Feng Ruyan tightened her clothes. The ground under her feet was rugged. She opened her eyes and walked carefully to the bank.

Because when the little herring was released yesterday, she had already made an appointment that she would come at midnight.

However, she waited for a while by the river, but she didn't see the little herring coming.

Is that fish lying?

Looking at the deeper and deeper night, a bird flew out of the forest from time to time. Its wings beat the branches and made a fluttering sound. The startled Feng Ruyan looked back from time to time.

Deep in the dark and dense forest, the green light jumping like fluorescence is shaking intensively in the dark forest.

That's a wolf.

Lengqiu said that there was a wolf on Qingshi mountain. Feng Ruyan squeezed her fist and was always on guard against the wolf coming out to hurt people.

Suddenly, she saw the just calm water surface churning, with several small waves, and then a fish head appeared in the water, "fairy, I've been waiting for a long time."

Then the little herring spits out a dragon ball from the mouth. The Dragon Ball glitters and is bright in the night light.

The little herring looked at Feng Ruyan with the dragon ball and said, "thank the fairy for saving me. If the fairy hadn't saved me, Xiaoqing would have died."

The little herring used to be the follower of the Dragon King's grandson Yu Jiaolong Linqing, because he had to follow Yu Jiaolong to investigate the flood season of Qingshi River on the 15th day of each month. On that day, because he was fond of playing, he didn't follow Yu Jiaolong back to the Dragon Palace in time and was caught.

Fortunately, she met Feng Ruyan, so she gave her precious dragon ball to Feng Ruyan to thank her for saving her life.

Feng Ruyan didn't take the dragon ball. "Saving you is just a small effort. You don't have to take it to heart."

The little herring was anxious. "Fairy, you must take it."

Feng Ruyan said faintly, "we'd better save people."

But the little herring still didn't give up persuading Feng Ruyan, "fairy, you can't go into the water until you eat the dragon ball and become a fish."

When Feng Ruyan heard this, she remembered that she was a mortal. How did she enter the Dragon Palace?

Although you can use Reiki now, the magic of transformation has not been restored. How to get into the water is really a difficult problem.

Just trying to save people, she almost forgot this.

The little herring didn't wait for Feng Ruyan to speak. He gently sent the dragon ball into Feng Ruyan's mouth.

Feng Ruyan swallowed, "I... Ate?"

Then Feng Ruyan felt that she began to change from the soles of her feet, fish tail and fish body

Finally became a fish.

"The dragon ball has aura and can be invisible to protect the fairy from swimming in the water."

Feng Ruyan was pleasantly surprised, "thank you, little herring." then she looked at the fish in the water and said, "have you inquired?"

"Well, those mortal women were locked up in the water prison."

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Ruyan completely changed into a beautiful little fish and jumped into the Qingshi river with the little herring.

The river was cold and went down to the deepest place. After swimming for a long time, it was just dark and there was light in an instant.

A gate like entrance decorated with algae is in front of us.

The little herring looked at Feng Ruyan and said, "inside is the Dragon Palace."

Feng Ruyan blinked, wagged her tail, swam back and forth at the door, and followed the little herring into the door.

It's really a cave here.

Along the way, there are dazzling corals on both sides, and green algae extend into it.

Feng Ru Yan swam and looked at them. They were swimming along the winding bottom of the river towards a Hidden Reef in front of them.

There was a big reef. Little herring said that it was the Dragon Palace prison where women were detained.

From time to time, there were groups of shrimp soldiers and crab generals patrolling in the water with swords. They swam past Feng Ruyan and didn't find anything strange.

Feng Ruyan, who has changed her body, is not worried about being found, because she is just a fish now.

After swimming for a while, in front of the water prison, the little herring looked back at Feng Ruyan, because there was a cancer guarding at the door with two iron pliers.

Then the little herring quietly followed Feng Ruyan and said, "stay with me and keep quiet."

The little herring swam to the door and stopped. The cancer held the iron pliers and the card rang, "what's the matter?"

The little herring said, "it's me."

Cancer looked intently and smiled, "it's Xiaoqing. What are you doing here?"

The little herring said calmly, "the prince will take those mortals away."

Cancer knew that the little herring was Wang sun's entourage. Without any doubt, he let the little herring in, and Feng Ruyan followed in quietly.

When I got to the water prison, I saw ten mortal women crowded together. Because the Dragon King had cast a spell, none of them died.

The girls didn't notice the difference between the two fish. No one looked at Feng Ruyan.

The girls cowered and hid aside, stunned like a chicken.

Feng Ruyan felt that only when she became a person, these girls could follow her out of the prison.

Because she can change freely after eating Longzhu, she has changed back into a person.

This change frightened the girls.

"Ah" the girls were terrified and hid further.

Suddenly a man appeared in front of them, and they were all frightened.

One of them bravely came to Feng Ruyan and said, "are you a man or a ghost?"

Feng Ruyan smiled, "of course I'm human. I'll save you."

The girls all opened their eyes and looked at the girl in front of them. She was the same age as them and had no weapons. What could she do to save them?

The little herring said, "she's a fairy. She really came to save you. Let's go quickly. The Dragon King will come and throw you all into the sea as sacrifice."

The girls seemed to wake up and cried, "the fairy saved us and we're going home."

Then the girls began to cry again. Feng Ruyan covered her lips with her fingers. "Don't cry. I'll be found later. No one can go."

The girls quickly shut their mouths and listened to Feng Ruyan's orders.

Feng Ruyan is also trying to find a way.

She can swim out as a fish alone. What about so many people?

There aren't so many dragon balls. One by one, they become fish and swim out.

I had to try Reiki first.

Feng Ruyan stepped back, called out Lingqi and sent it to the ten girls

The water suddenly vibrated and whirled, shaking like an earthquake

At the same time, the Qinghe Dragon King in the Dragon Palace felt something. He frowned, "this shock wave comes from the direction of the water prison, isn't it..."

The Qinghe Dragon King hurried out of the Dragon Palace and met the jade dragon Linqing who had just returned from the inspection outside. "Grandson, you're back."

"Grandpa, what happened?"

Linqing also felt a shock, just like an earthquake.

Qinghe Dragon King murmured, "that... Yes, nothing. Grandpa will come back as soon as he goes."

He left in a hurry.

Linqing frowned slightly. Looking at Grandpa's hesitation, he must have been hiding something from him.

Then he followed quietly.

And Feng Ruyan in the water prison has protected the girls with lingzhenqi. She condenses a mass of Lingqi to form a circle.

Like a huge ball, people are in aura. Feng Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief secretly, because she has never used aura in water, and I don't know if she will succeed.

She pinched a finger, and the aura soared into the air and flew towards the water.

When Feng Ruyan was ready to cheer, suddenly the spirit stopped and was put in mid air by a cloud.

No matter how Feng Ruyan exerts her power, the aura can't move a bit.

Who's stopping her? This man has excellent skills.

Suddenly, I heard a cry behind me, "who is so bold to break into my Qinghe dragon palace?"

Feng Ruyan nodded in her heart. As soon as she looked back, she saw an old man with a long beard in a black robe practicing kung fu.

It's his skill.

The long bearded old man looked at Feng Ruyan angrily, "dare you come to my dragon palace to rob people and look for death?"

"If you rob a mortal woman as a sacrifice and violate the rule of heaven, the emperor of heaven will punish you."

"Mind your own business."

These are the ten women he caught hard. How could he let the little girl save them so easily?

The Dragon King of Qinghe sneered, "now that you have sent it to the door, you can't blame me for being rude. Just add eleven of you and make a sacrifice for my grandson Huajiao."

Then he sent out a dazzling white light and called Feng Ruyan.

Feng Ruyan hurriedly blocked back with aura, and the Dragon King retreated a few steps.


Feng Ruyan said calmly, "you should offer sacrifices to living people for your grandson Huajiao. Even if your grandson Huajiao Jackie Chan, he won't go to heaven."

"How did you know?"

"Never mind how I know. It's God's arrangement. You're not the Dragon King."

Feng Ruyan opened her eyes and saw clearly that the so-called Dragon King in front of her was not a dragon at all, but a python.

The old man's face turned pale. "Little girl, it's very powerful. You can see my body. Who are you?"

Feng Ru Yan snorted coldly, "you are the devil. A snake dares to call itself the Dragon King."


The old man's face turned red and raised his hand to call Feng Ruyan. He saw a black breath suddenly rushing towards Feng Ruyan.

Feng Ruyan vacated a hand and waved it to the python while protecting the aura so that the ball wouldn't fall down

As long as Feng Ruyan uses Reiki, the whole dragon palace is shocked.

The huge whirlpool seems to swallow the Dragon Palace.

"Grandpa, stop."

When he was fighting, suddenly a man behind him made a fierce and resentful voice, "Grandpa, how can you do this?

Feng Ruyan looked back and saw a young man with a beautiful face, wearing a white gown, sword eyebrows and star eyes, shining, white clothes and black hair.

Looking sadly at the Qinghe Dragon King.

This boy is the jade dragon Linqing.

Qinghe Dragon King froze in his place, "grandson, why are you here?"

"I don't know if I don't come. Grandpa, who always abides by the rules, even catches mortals as sacrificial goods?"

Their family has settled in Qingshi Hanoi for hundreds of years. Before he was born, Grandpa settled here again.

Linqing knows that their family is also a vein of the Dragon King of the South China Sea, but he doesn't know why. Grandpa was driven away by the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

At that time, his father was still very young. Linqing probably only knew this.

After grandpa came to the Qingshi River, he has been the rain god on this side for a hundred years to protect the land.

He has never hurt the local people. Lin Qing's voice is choking and doesn't look at his grandfather.

The Dragon King looked at his grandson and said eagerly, "it's all for you... To make Jiaohua successful."

"I don't need to take living people to turn Jiaos into sacrifices for me. Just as the girl said, what's the point even if they turn into Jiaos?"

Feng Ruyan looked at the boy. The child was still good. Obviously, she didn't know what his grandfather did.

"Grandson, you don't understand. You are my only hope. Only when you turn into a Jiao can we return to the South China Sea, the real dragon palace."

"For so many years, I have taught you carefully for the sake of the family. I just hope that one day you can change the fate of the family and become a real dragon,... Grandpa, I don't want you to be imprisoned in such a small ditch."

"Grandpa, if you let these mortals go, I can make Jiao succeed."

"Grandson, you don't understand. We have only one chance."

Qinghe Dragon King almost begged to look at his grandson.

He must make his grandson Huajiao succeed and become a real dragon. It's a shame before snow.

He had to.

As long as he can make his grandson Huajiao succeed, no matter how many mortals he catches, he will catch them at all costs.

Qinghe Dragon King looked at his grandson with loving eyes, "it's a painful process to turn Jiao. Grandpa just... Wants you to suffer less..."

Linqing sighed and shook his head, "let these people go, otherwise... I won't go."

Linqing is talking about Huajiao tomorrow night.

Qinghe Dragon King's beard trembled, "no, grandson, you're going."

Linqing Yi said in a righteous voice, "then, Grandpa, you let those mortals go."

The Qinghe Dragon King hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "it's just, it's just, everything is doomed."

Then he turned and left the prison.

Linqing watched his grandpa go, and those mortals were saved.

His eyes flashed like glass, and then looked at Feng Ruyan. The little girl had been holding the Reiki group with Reiki. Because of the effect of Reiki, the Reiki balloon was still suspended in mid air.

"I'll help you." Linqing said, and he approached Feng Ruyan. He concentrated and calmed down, and sent out a spirit. Together with Feng Ruyan's spirit, he sent the spirit balloon out of the bottom of the river.

Then they also surfaced.

At this time, the moon is still high in the dark night sky.

Feng Ruyan went down to the bottom of the water for an hour. After all, her aura hasn't fully recovered. She went ashore. A trace of cold wind blew from the river. She hugged her arms, stood aside, looked at the young man and said, "thank you for saving these people. I hope you... Huajiao will succeed tomorrow."

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