The emperor shouted, "come on, stop her..."

What's wrong with running?

If she goes out of the border, it will not be under the jurisdiction of his three realms.

Even if he is the master of the three worlds, he can't cross at will.

But Feng Ruyan has flown to the boundary of no Tao at this time. It really looks like the boundary, only a vast white cloud.

But Shang Yan said there was another place different from the heaven, and he didn't have the opportunity to go and have a look. He just heard from those gods tens of thousands of years ago.

"Si Ling." the thunder god of war stood on the clouds and looked at Si Ling. In fact, he still wanted to give Feng Ruyan a chance, "why do you have to be an enemy with the emperor of heaven?"

Si Ling smiled lightly, "it's not that I'm the enemy of the emperor of heaven, but that heaven and earth want my life! Thunder, don't chase, you're coming, I'll pass."

"Do you really want to go your own way and abandon the fate of your immortal family?"

"Yes, i... have no choice."

"If you leave this time, you won't have a chance?"

Thunder came from a low background. He went from the world of mortals to the world of youth, and then entered the world of heaven after a series of robberies.

No one knows better than him how difficult it is to become an immortal.

Therefore, he didn't want the fairy to ruin the fairy's fate because of his youth.

"Si Ling, the boundary of Tao is not as beautiful as you think."

At this time, thunder is still persuading her. For Si Ling, what thunder said is a heartfelt word.

But she has no turning back.

Thought she could only forget Linqing if she left the heaven.

Thunder is still trying to persuade Si Ling Xiaoxian to return to heaven, but Feng Ruyan looked at Thunder and said faintly, "thunder, don't persuade me. I must break through this boundary."

"Si Ling..."

Then Feng Ruyan turned around and went towards the boundary in the clouds.

"Si Ling..." the thunder shouted again and closed his eyes, because he didn't dare to see. The little fairy would disappear and his soul would fly away next to the border.

At that time, even the yuan God can't return and scatter away.

Well, it's all the life of that fairy.

However, when thunder opened his eyes again, he was stunned and forgot to use the holy sword Qinglong in his hand.

Because Si Ling had passed unharmed, and he did not hear the terrible cry, nor did he see any flesh collapse and panic.

There is no Tao boundary. It is quiet and terrible here, as if nothing had happened just now.

After standing for a long time, the thunder regained his consciousness and immediately flew down to report to the emperor of heaven.

This is a big deal

Feng Ruyan looked at the cloud like a golden edge, flashing, and then opened a door behind the cloud. Is this the entrance?

If she wants to go in and have a look.

She has no way back.

Feng Ruyan looked back, the door closed slowly, and then disappeared.

She broke through the clouds, surrounded by white lights, she broke through the powerful Xiuzhen clouds and flew into a new world.

This is a magical world. There is a vast ocean in front of us. There are many islands on the sea. There are many Wutong trees on the island. There are many exotic plants on the island.

Just when she was at a loss, suddenly two birds flew out of the South Island and fluttered in their own direction.

I really flew to Feng Ruyan and fell beside her. I changed and turned into a man and woman.

The man wore gorgeous clothes, looked handsome, had a moustache, and wore a hat like a crown on his head. "Are you from the fairyland?" the man looked at Feng Ruyan excitedly.

Feng Ruyan nodded.

"Are you the spirit fairy?"

The man then asked again, but after that, he looked back at the woman who had not spoken next to him.

A woman looks at a man with tears in her eyes and nods.

The man is the king here. His name is Yu Huofeng. The woman next to him is his wife. The queen is Bai Yuhuang.

So this man is the king here.

Then ask them. They must know where this is?

Feng Ruyan didn't pay attention to the man because she wanted to know where it was, because the man looked at her and shed tears.

The immortal Zun kept looking at Feng Ruyan. Feng Ruyan pursed her lips and asked softly, "immortal Zun, are you okay?"

"It's all right. You've suffered, child." Yu Huofeng straightened up. When she was in a good mood, her sadness disappeared.

Or because I saw her.

Feng Ruyan was puzzled and thought to herself that he had suffered a lot, but how did he know he had suffered?

The queen Wang has a handsome face, noble temperament, but there is something wrong with her expression, "you are really alive."

Feng Ruyan smiled faintly, "I'm still alive..."

"Don't you know me?" the queen looked at Feng Ruyan and asked.

Feng Ruyan scanned all the people she knew in her memory. It seemed that she didn't have any impression of these two people. She said something helpless, "Xiaoxian... Really don't know you two. I'm afraid you recognize the wrong person?"

This look doesn't look like the first time they met, as if they had known each other before.

Feng Ruyan had many thoughts in her mind for a while, but they all flashed by. Now she just wants to know where this is?

"What is this place, immortal Zun?"

The man returned to his senses and said faintly, "this is you win Kyushu."

You win Kyushu?

Then the man talked about the origin of this place.

Youying Kyushu is also another fairyland outside the heaven.

Because he was already a God in heaven, and then because he broke the jade screen of the emperor of heaven, he was afraid of being blamed by the emperor of heaven, so he took Bai Yuhuang across the border and entered Youying Kyushu.

The Xianzu here is the Zhu purple finch in ancient times. Her offspring are the feather people on the island. For tens of thousands of years, all the islands here have been ruled by the feather people.

Later, he flew from the fairyland to here and settled down on an island here.

Then his offspring gradually grew and multiplied, and an island was not enough for so many Phoenix to inhabit.

Because of his excellent skills and accomplishments, he has more descendants.

And his descendants also married the Yu nationality. Slowly, they became as harmonious as a family.

This situation lasted until ten days ago. Because of an incident, there was a scuffle between the Yu and Feng nationalities, who had been living together peacefully for tens of thousands of years.

Only because the king will marry his own daughter.

Because the king of the old feather family became a pearl, the throne was passed on to his eldest son.

After the eldest son ascended the throne, the two ethnic groups were still relatively harmonious.

Later, because the king practiced some sorcery, he listened to the rumors of his cronies that eating the Phoenix could make the cultivation skills at a higher level.

The feather King believed it and began to slaughter the Phoenix family.

For hundreds of years, there has been a war between the two ethnic groups.

Many of the Yu and Phoenix have also died. Now the two have completely become enemies.

Even if there is the last Phoenix left, he can't let his daughter marry the king.

Therefore, yuhuofeng made an appointment to meet on Youming Island five days later.

The man asked, "are you really the Si Ling of the fairy world?"

"Yes, I came from the fairyland, because I found that I was a Phoenix, just like you."

Just now Feng Ruyan saw two birds flying in front of her. Their feathers and colors were very similar to their own.

The woman looked at Feng Ruyan kindly and smiled, "child, of course you are the same as us, because you are our child."

The woman took a step and took Feng Ruyan's hand up and down.

"What?" Feng Ruyan loosened the woman holding her hand, "xianzun, I don't quite understand. You say I'm your... Child, but I seem to... Have no parents."

"How were you born without parents?"

That's right, but Feng Ruyan knew that she had been living in a cave more than a thousand years ago when she didn't enter the heaven.


Although not alone at first.

She only remembered that there were many birds like her in her original place, but her feathers were not as long as them. She seemed to be the same as them and different.

Later, Feng Ruyan has been thinking about this question, is she a phoenix?

Of course, after hundreds of years, facts have proved that she is not an ordinary bird, she is a Phoenix.

Only her development was late. It was not until more than 200 years later that her feathers began to change color, long and bright, and could fly into the highest clouds. Her mouth was no longer short, but also began to become sharp, and her claws were sharp.

She can also remember why she got to the cave.

She remembered that the big bird said to take her to Xianshan to catch the fish spitting pearls. She was very excited and followed.

At that time, she was very fat, and then because the big bird couldn't lift her, she threw her into the cave where she later lived before she reached Xianshan.

Then the big bird flew away and never came back.

Later, she knew that she had been abandoned by the big bird.

Because she has been waiting, waiting for the big bird to pick her home.

But she waited in the cave for a long time. She only told her that ten days had passed with the rising sun and moon.

She didn't go out until she felt hungry.

At that time, her feathers had not grown up, and one leg seemed to be a little lame. She couldn't fly too high. She swayed when walking, because she was clumsy and walked slowly. She had to guard against those fox eagles flying over her head.

She searched for a long time and found nothing to eat.

She fainted when she was hungry. Then she thought she had nothing to eat and could drink some water. Then she went to look for water.

It is also difficult to find water. After walking through the woods for a long time, I saw a small stream. The water in it is very clear, and I can see fish swimming under the water.

She ran over and drank a lot of water, and then washed her dirty feathers.

As soon as she went out, she was attracted by new and interesting things outside. She forgot to go back to the cave and was topped by a mountain demon.

The mountain demon was very excited to see her, then bared his teeth and rushed at her.

She flew to the tree because she was afraid and nervous. She was hit by the tree again and broke her wings. This time, she thought, she was dead.

The mountain demon was about to eat him with a big mouth. Just when she thought she was dying, a little fairy in a green dress came out of the forest.

She was very beautiful and had high Kung Fu. She killed the mountain demon and took out his jade elixir for her to eat.

What delicious food did she think it was, like radish, crisp, sweet or red.

Later she learned that it was not food at all, it was a panacea.

The girl in green is Zhuxian. Her name is Biluo.

Later, she was raised as a spirit beast by Biluo and lived in a bamboo building with her, although she didn't know she was a spirit beast at first.

Biluo will give her miraculous medicine every day. These are naturally the banshees Biluo catches. Then her legs are better, her feathers are not as bare as before, and they begin to grow longer, but they are still very short. When she sees herself in the river, she feels very ugly.

She sometimes goes to catch demons with Biluo. She just watches. Biluo's skill is profound. Several mountain demons are not her opponents.

But one day I met a big mountain demon, which was as big as ten blue ones, so when the mountain demon walked along, the ground was shaking.

Moreover, the mountain demon who has practiced eight steps, Biluo and the mountain demon use their skills at the same time. After several rounds, the mountain demon and Biluo are equal for a time.

She looked at Biluo and had some trouble dealing with the mountain demon.

Because the mountain demon was so powerful, bilao shot the bamboo leaf sword and rushed to the mountain demon with a gust of wind.

But the mountain demon blew the bamboo leaf sword to the ground. Suddenly, it was dark that day, and the whole bamboo forest was shrouded in darkness

Biluo couldn't support it. The mountain demon tied Biluo's body with its long black arm, and then a black wind blew Biluo into the air, pinching Biluo's neck.

Biluo looked very painful. She was burning with anxiety.

But she didn't learn any skills, and she didn't have any accomplishments. She didn't know if she could help Biluo.

Although she didn't learn kung fu, she took a lot of magic medicine.

So, when the huge mountain demon raised his black arm and jumped at Biluo, she shouted, and then the mountain demon looked back at her.

The mountain demon was really attracted by her, put down Biluo and came towards her.

Of course, she knew she was looking for death, but she would help Biluo even if she died.

Because Biluo saved her life.

She opened her eyes angrily and bit her teeth. As soon as she was angry, she felt that a force burst out of her body, a force like a spring, all concentrated on her fingertips.

Then she used to lift the huge mountain demon gently, then grabbed the mountain demon's tail and turned it around for a few times. She threw the mountain demon far away.

Since then, she knew that she also had skills and could catch mountain demons.

She won't take the elixir alone anymore. If she catches more, she will take it with Biluo.

Because her legs are better, her feathers are also very beautiful, colorful and shining. After taking the elixir, her hair color is much more beautiful than before.

When she went to the river to catch fish, through the clear water, she saw a beautiful bird with plump wings, high momentum, bright feathers and Lang Lang's cry. Is she?

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