Just because I'm too lazy to walk, as long as I'm hungry, I'll go in and have some food.

But as soon as I went in today, xiaotaotie was stupid.

The elixir is gone, and the guard is dead.

This is a big event. As soon as he came out of the valley, he saw LAN Guda and told him what had happened.

Then he didn't leave again, waiting for his master to come.

Suddenly, Bai Yuhuang found a shining bead on the ground, which stood out in the black soil. She saw it at a glance.

Then she went over and picked it up. The bead was big, red and shining. It was the bead of the people.

She took a look and suddenly understood everything.

Then Bai Yuhuang held the bead tightly. She did not guess wrong.

One face was full of anger.

Her eyebrows frowned, her lips closed tightly, and her eyes showed a fierce murderous spirit.

"Mother, what is this?"

"This is the knot of the feather king."

"How can mother see at a glance that this is Yan Xiao's bead?"

Feng Ruyan looked at the beads. They were very big and bright in color, as if they were very similar to the beads on her father's body.

Bai Yuhuang clenched her teeth and said, "there is no second person except him."

"Other people's beads are white, because the cultivation is low, and the beads are white and cyan. Only those above level 100 of Xiandao will have red beads, while looking at the whole Yu nationality, only the feather king is."

If you want to know the truth, you have to turn to the psychic pearl again.

Then Feng Ruyan took out the psychic God bead and put it in the palm of her hand. Slowly, a man really appeared. As expected, the man was king Yu and his entourage.

Seeing Yan Xiao squatting in front of a miraculous medicine, he took off a few long withered leaves, and then poured water on the miraculous medicine.

Feng Ruyan and Feng peerless looked at each other, and the questions were written on their faces. They were puzzled. Were they wrong?

But at that time, only king Yu and his entourage went into the elixir valley.

Later, xiaotaotie went in again, and all the miraculous drugs in the miraculous Medicine Valley had been pulled out at that time.

"That's him. He missed the bead, but why did he do it?"

Bai Yuhuang smiled coldly. Xu knew the truth, was stimulated, and saw that the miraculous medicine was destroyed. Bai Yuhuang felt the earth spinning, and her eyes darkened, and then fainted

Feng Wushuang picked up her mother and shouted, "mother, mother!"

Seeing that her mother fainted, Feng Ruyan got angry. "Sister, take your mother back and I'll settle accounts with the feather king."

The man sent the stove tripod to solve her urgent need, and injected his spirit into the stove tripod. It should not be fake.

But why pull out the elixir?

We must figure it out with him today.

If he did it, I will not spare him today.

"Sister, be careful."

Feng Ruyan was angry, held the bead tightly in her hand, waved, and flew away from the elixir valley when she was already in the clouds.

Outside the Yuyou palace, Feng Ruyan rolled up a colorful cloud, and then there was a loud thunder in the sky, and soon a strong wind blew.

The strong wind rolled up the trees floating in the air, and the small spirit beasts were involved in the colorful clouds. Suddenly it was dark.

"Bastard Yan Xiao, get out of here!"

The soldiers were frightened and hurried in to report.

The gauze is winding and the clouds are confused. At this time, Yan Xiao is listening to bailing singing in the hall.

Dianzijian knelt aside and sang softly, but he didn't make much noise, because Yan Xiao said today that he wanted to listen to bailing sing.

Little lark had just taken a bath. His white feathers glittered. He squatted on the throne, and his two claws grabbed the spirit beads on the throne. The melodious music came out of lark's mouth.

Melodious, ethereal and graceful.

Sitting on the main hall, Yu Wang narrowed his eyes slightly, handsome and elegant, dressed in a black jade brocade gown, leaning against the throne, slightly sleepy.

Because he was upset, he asked bailing to sing to dispel his troubles.

Lark sang very well, which seemed to bring him into another world.

He felt that he was completely immersed in the beautiful song in the beautiful world in full bloom.

Yan Xiao closed his eyes, but there appeared the scene of Feng Ruyan in a white skirt and waving to subdue the spirit beast in the hall.

And the sight of meeting him for the first time on Youming island. Why did Yan Xiao think of her?

Yan Xiao shook his head ruthlessly and couldn't think about it anymore.

Suddenly, hearing the panic report of the soldiers coming in, King Yu opened his eyes and looked at the soldiers coldly, "what's the matter?"

The soldiers trembled and knelt down on his highness, "outside... The princess is coming again."

The feather king immediately sat up, "is it the princess of the Phoenix family?"


I felt a little too anxious, and then I sat upright and said slowly, "is it the eldest princess or the second princess?"

"Report back to King Yu, the princess who summoned the spirit beast that day."

Yan Xiao smiled, just fleeting, "then let her in."

The soldiers did not get up and trembled and dared not speak.

"Let you invite Princess Feng. Don't go quickly."

Dianzi's sinister eyes looked at the soldier, who knelt on the ground and didn't dare to look up. He felt strange.

"She... Scolded... You outside the hall?"


Yan Xiao immediately stood up, "are you sure it's the princess who called the spirit beast?"

Only princess Feng can scold him. How could Feng Ruyan scold him?

The soldiers must have recognized the wrong person.

Then he stopped asking, suddenly rose in the air and flew out of the hall.

When I went out, I found something wrong, but I saw that the sky was dark, the rolled up sand surrounded the Yuyou palace, and clouds scattered around the Yuyou palace.

Soon, the Yuyou palace was surrounded by colorful clouds and sand.

There is no real Qi from the outside.

Yan Xiao suddenly flew over and came to Feng Ruyan's cloud. They both stood on the cloud.

Yan Xiao looked at Feng Ruyan in a white dress. A Golden Jade Hairpin was obliquely inserted in her black hair. Her face was like peach flowers. Bursts of faint fragrance of orchids made him smell the fragrance of flowers.

Bright and flexible, white jade ribbons wrapped around her graceful body.

Looking around, he frowned and stood high overlooking the whole Yuyou palace.

He was still a little happy when she came.

Elder Zhida is right. You should make friends with the Phoenix family and live in harmony between the two families, so that you can win Jiuzhou and have peace forever.

That's why they sent the furnace tripod and helped them refine the five colored stones.

Although he warned himself that this was only to follow the will of the elders and make friends with the Phoenix family.

But Yan Xiao knew that he was really willing to do so. In fact, he had something to do with the princess.

He likes the princess.

I don't know why, when I saw her, I felt that the princess attracted him.

But he can't suddenly make friends with the Phoenix family, because he hasn't stepped into the Phoenix family for tens of thousands of years.

It was not easy to summon up the courage to send it to the furnace tripod yesterday, but why did you come to his palace today?

"Yan Xiao, you bastard, why did you lie to me?"

"Why does Princess Feng curse?"

Feng Ruyan stared at Yan Xiao, "you can really disguise. I almost believed you."

"Princess Feng, what do you say?"

Looking at him as if he didn't know anything, Feng Ruyan was even more angry, "Yan Xiao, do you really don't know, or pretend not to know?"

"I really don't know what happened?"

Feng Ruyan threw the bead in her hand to Yan Xiao, "is this the feather King's thing?"

Yan Xiao took the bead and looked, "isn't this the king's bead? Why is it in your hand?"

"This was found in the miraculous Medicine Valley. What else can King Yu argue?"

"Found in the elixir Valley?"

Yan Xiao was confused.

"Yan Xiao, you're still pretending to be a fool. You've pulled out all the elixirs in the elixir Valley and destroyed them all."

"I went to the elixir Valley, but I didn't pull out your elixir?"

It seems that he won't admit it. Feng Ruyan said coldly, "how do you explain this bead?"

"This bead belongs to the king, but the king promises that he has never pulled out your elixir."

"Then what are you doing in the elixir Valley?"

"Ben Wang... Just to see if the elixir is good."

Last time, he destroyed some miraculous drugs because he was looking for five colors of earth, and then he sent someone to pick up those destroyed again.

I just wanted to see if it survived, so I went to elixir valley.

Poured some water and came back later.

Feng Ruyan said coldly, "is it the feather king who pulled out all the miraculous drugs in order to vent?"

"Feng Ruyan, don't spit out blood. Dare you frame the king?"

"I didn't frame you up. My psychic pearl saw you go, and after you left, the elixir was pulled out. If it wasn't King Yu, who else would it be?"

"That doesn't prove that this king did it."

Yan Xiao took a deep breath and warned himself to hold back and not get angry. The relationship he had just established with the Phoenix family could not be destroyed by himself.

"In fact, you helped me make the five color stone at the beginning. I appreciate you, but why did you pull out the elixir?"

Since she has taken over the Feng clan, Feng Ruyan doesn't want to be an enemy of the Yu clan, but the feather King destroys the elixir one after another. Feng Ruyan will never spare him.

Yan Xiao was impatient. "I've said it many times, but I haven't done it."

It's very kind of you to treat it as a donkey's liver and lung.

"Yan Xiao, how can you prove it?"

Feng Ruyan stood on the clouds, and Yan Xiao was opposite her. He stood straight and looked dignified. His eyes flashed a trace of anxious pain. "You don't believe what the king said, do you?"

"Unless you can give a reasonable reason, otherwise, the princess will not easily believe you."

Yan Xiao's eyes flashed, and a cold spirit condensed in the center of his eyebrows, "Feng Ruyan, don't push an inch."

Yan Xiao suddenly soared into the air. His inky hair floated with the wind, and a slender white jade belt was tied behind his head. He flew up high, then stretched out his hands and stared at Feng Ruyan. "This king is because elder Zhida said he wanted to make friends with your Feng family. This king has sat so many times. Why should you doubt this king?"

Yan Xiao's face was angry. His kindness was questioned by the princess?

He was really angry.

"Isn't this bead King Yu's?"

Yan Xiao suddenly became angry. "It's the king's, isn't it the king's?"

It seems that Feng Ruyan won't believe it.

He didn't talk nonsense with her. Then Yan Xiao saw that the spirit beasts flying in the air were surrounded by the colorful clouds and couldn't fly out, and the spirit beasts outside couldn't fly in. Then they all chirped.

Yan Xiao's face was livid and he felt that he was the king of the Yu nationality. He had never been so timid.

Having been so humble to show kindness, he was regarded by the Feng family as having ulterior motives, and then humiliated him.

It seems that it's too difficult to show kindness. It's not that he doesn't do it, but that others don't believe it at all.

Yan Xiao roared up to the sky. The sound penetrated the clouds and the sky. It seemed that the whole Youying Jiuzhou heard the roar of King Yu.

Yan Xiao, the feather king, raised his hands, and suddenly a layer of green cloud was covered outside the layer of colorless cloud in the sky.

Then the green cloud flashed a curtain of light and split towards the colorless cloud.

Yan Xiao doesn't want to hurt Feng Ruyan. He just wants to open the channel and let the trapped spirit beasts out.

Feng Ruyan's face remained unchanged and frowned slightly, "then don't blame the princess for being rude to you."

Feng Ruyan waved her hand and suddenly a strong wind blew. She called out the spirit of truth and hit Yan Xiao.

Yan Xiao blocked it with his own spirit and true Qi, "don't force me to do it?"

The whole Youying Jiuzhou, no one can beat him, let alone dare to fight him.

In addition to the dark fight with Tasha for three days and nights, the imperial Fire Phoenix sealed the Tasha, which was the end of the battle.

He hasn't fought with anyone for tens of thousands of years.

Today, he was unwilling to go to war with the Phoenix Princess.

Therefore, she has been explaining, but the princess doesn't believe him.

Watching Feng Ruyan push him into the depths of the clouds, here is his green cloud curtain, and the outer layer is Feng Ruyan's colorful cloud curtain, which is also their own boundary.

As long as you can't break through the barrier, even if you are blocked by the cloud curtain.

Even if the spirit and true Qi are transferred out, it is of little use.

Feng Ruyan didn't expect Yan Xiao's green cloud curtain to be so powerful that she didn't wear it.

I thought I could go through the cloud behind the scenes and surround him with her colorful cloud curtain. Then I called out my aura and fought with him.

But now Feng Ruyan is surrounded by Yan Xiao's green cloud curtain and can't use her skills.

Then he looked at Yan Xiao's face and said, "how about Princess Feng? The king's green cloud curtain can't be broken by ordinary people."

"Yan Xiao, you bastard."

He wanted to summon up the spirit of truth and waved it, but it didn't work.

Lingzhen Qi was blocked by his green cloud curtain, and all of it was eaten back.

It doesn't work at all.

Feng Ruyan's anxious face turned red. It's really not like that the feather King's skill is even above her.

Then Yan Xiao took out the fan in his sleeve. This is a sky covering fan. As soon as the fan is opened, the fan will suck people over, and then you can fold this person into a fan.

If he doesn't open it, the locked person can't come out.

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