At this time, the air in the bamboo forest was filled with a trace of blood.

This is because the flesh body will disappear after the yuan God dissipates after the spirit beast recovers its body.

Yan Xiao waved and injected a trace of aura into his head, but the aura kept turning on his head and couldn't get into his head.

Yan Xiao didn't want to give up. He injected Lingzhen Qi again and again, but it still didn't work.

At last, dianzi insurance didn't breathe. When Yan Xiao released his hand, dianzi insurance lay on the ground like a pool of mud.

"You can't let him die!"

This man can't die. He knows Yu Youxian's way. Although Yan Xiao doesn't know about it, he heard his father say it when he was a child.

His father said that he must find Yuyou fairy way before he died.

Elder Zhida sighed again and again, "it's useless. The spirit of truth can't get in."

Dian Zixian was beaten away by the spirit beast, and his vitality was scattered. At this time, only the soul reviving pill in the underworld can save him.

I saw the classic son lying on the ground, his body rolled up, his head and feet slowly disappearing, and then turned into a prototype.

His body is a centipede and his head is a monkey's head.

Slowly his body disappeared, leaving only his head, and this is his noumenon. Was he a monkey?

Feng Ruyan has been watching, but she didn't go forward. Then she saw that the spirit of the Dian Zi insurance dissipated and her soul soared. She felt very strange and went forward to have a look.

It was a monkey, and the smell of blood on the ground filled the surroundings.

But she saw that the monkey was still changing.

The flesh did not completely disappear.

She found a small body curling up in the pool of blood. She was surprised and cried, "elder, look."

"He is not a monkey."

There was a Oriole on the ground. Zhida finally understood. He felt very strange at the beginning. The monster was very ugly, but why could it make such a moving song?

It turned out that his body was a oriole.

Dianzi insurance became a centipede monkey after eating black scale fruit. This is the consequence of eating black scale fruit.

Then, after the body of the Oriole disappeared, there were glittering water spirit stones on the ground.

Zhida picked up the water spirit stone and gave it to King Yu.

Yan Xiao took the water spirit stone. The stone was still hot and glowing. It was also bright in color and big. This water spirit stone was generally cultivated by spirit animals with high cultivation.

It all seemed to get too fast. The Chamberlain died.

Although he deserved his death, Yan Xiao felt that he would not eat the stone when he saw that the Chamberlain who had followed him for a long time suddenly turned into a water spirit stone and held it in his hand.

Even if their long cultivation is to increase their cultivation by eating the spirit beast's water spirit stone, he should put this water spirit stone away and put it in his hall to remind himself all the time.

Don't be confused by some appearances, and your individual hobbies seem to give dianzi insurance the opportunity to sneak into Yuyou palace.

All misunderstandings have been solved.

It turned out that all this was done by the orcs.

Feng Ruyan thinks she should say something to Yan Xiao.

When she was in the Phoenix Palace, she didn't think Yan Xiao was a devil like her sister and mother.

But when the elixir was destroyed, she still believed her mother's words and thought it was Yan Xiao's doing.

Fortunately, they didn't hurt anyone, and she didn't use fire spirit Qi to fight with him because of a feeling in her heart.

If she uses fire spirit Qi to destroy his Yuyou palace, she will become a devil among other people.

So, today's result she thinks is the best.

Everything has been clarified and she can leave.

Feng Ruyan came forward slowly, but she heard a spirit beast chirping on the Zhipeng tree in the bamboo forest, "come, come!"

"What's coming?"

Feng Ruyan looked back at the spirit beast. The spirit beast fell on the branch. Its eyes were big, and its body was round. It was covered with golden feathers, and there was a long thing like a beard on its head.

Dai Meng's big eyes blinked at what happened in the open space.

Yan Xiao also heard it, and then looked at the spirit beast. The spirit beast was frightened and flew away.

Then he looked at Feng Ruyan and looked at the spirit beast on the tree.

The spirit beast flew away and landed on another Zhipeng tree. His little claws tightly grasped the branches, "the monster is coming, the monster is coming."

Feng Ruyan also felt curious, "little thing, what monster is coming?"

The spirit beast chirped, "a big monster is coming to Youming island!"

Just dealt with a monster, another monster?

Yan Xiao looked at Zhida. "Elder, who raised this spirit beast? Why has the king never seen it?"

The spirit beasts of the feather clan are divided into three levels. The first level is level 9. The spirit beast with the highest cultivation can speak like a human.

Not only can speak, the spirit beast with the highest cultivation can become a human body.

The second level, classes 5 to 8, can't use human language, but can change the noumenon of other animals, but can't become human.

The third level is a spirit beast that can neither use human language nor become the noumenon of other animals, but has higher cultivation than ordinary spirit beasts.

That day, Feng Ruyan used the summoning spell to summon all the spirit beasts of the Yu clan to the Yuyou palace, all of which are spirit beasts above level 5.

Nor has such a round headed and round headed spirit beast been found.

Zhida looked at it, but he couldn't say he didn't know. Just wanted to explain, he heard a call in the distance, "Yuanling, where have you been?"

When the little spirit beast that fell on the branch saw the master coming, his big eyes blinked and flew towards the master happily.

Feng Ruyan and Yan Xiao looked at the voice at the same time. The man stood on the clouds, wearing a white shirt, the cicada silk was elegant, and his black hair was tied behind his head. He didn't wear any gold hairpin and jade. He was simple, elegant and light. A veil as thin as cicada wings covered her face.

Behind her was a white cloud, and beside her was a fire fox spirit beast staring at them.

Yan Xiao asked, "is this your spirit beast?"

The woman smiled faintly and nodded.

"Why did your spirit beast say that there were demons coming?"

"Because it senses."

"Can it perceive?"

"Doesn't King Yu believe it?"

"We, the gods of the feather clan, have not perceived it. How can it be perceived by a spirit beast?"

Then Yan Xiao looked at Zhida. This is the God of the Yu nationality. He can predict many things that haven't happened. Therefore, Yan Xiao has always trusted him.

"Feather king, can't the Dian Zi insurance teach you a lesson?"

"How does she know everything?"

Yan Xiao thought to himself, and he couldn't help being curious about this woman.

He left the futon and took a step forward. He just wanted to see the woman's appearance.

Look who she is?

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