Feng Ruyan muttered, "a big man, let her go to the bedroom. Isn't that good?"

This is a little too sudden.

Even though she wants to make up with the Yu people now, there are still boundaries.

Although the matter was clarified, her mother was still unconscious. She wanted to go back and see her mother.

After all, Xiaoyun palace is the private bedroom of King Yu. Therefore, Feng Ruyan still thinks it's wrong.

"The princess won't go. You shouldn't welcome strangers in your private bedroom?"

Yan Xiao's eyes were shining like stars. "Princess Feng, you are no longer a stranger in the king's eyes. We have all fought the law and are friends. How can you say you are a stranger?"

"I mean, the unfamiliar relationship is... In short, I still won't go. I'll go back to see my mother when my mother is ill."

Yan Xiao looked at Feng Ruyan with some disappointment.

Her plain face is quiet, bright as orchid, sending out a faint fragrance, refreshing.

Her long hair fluttered, her graceful body was wrapped in a white skirt, and the colorful jade belt swung back and forth with the wind.

Doesn't she know she likes her?

Feng Ruyan inadvertently looked up, but saw the surrounding clouds gradually dissipate, and a touch of red clouds appeared in the sky, which was very dazzling.

And behind the light curtain, there seemed to be a mass of Yin Qi rising from the rear, which just flashed away.

Feng Ruyan looked at the past, but found that the Yin Qi had disappeared.

Are you wrong?

Then she took back her eyes and looked at Yan Xiao, "feather King..."

Suddenly, Feng Ruyan felt that her head was hit by something heavy. A burst of pain came out of guard. The fighting method made her lose some spirit and true Qi. At this time, she was going to faint.

Yan Xiao, who was just standing beside her, hurried forward to hold Feng Ruyan, "what's the matter with you?"

Feng Ruyan was weak and fell into Yan Xiao's arms. Although Feng Ruyan didn't want to, the pain came so suddenly that she wanted to push him away, but she didn't even have the strength to raise her hand.

Feng Ruyan held her forehead with her green and white jade hand, locked her eyebrows, and felt that the pain came from her divine consciousness.

It seemed that divine consciousness stirred her head in her head. It felt like it was about to burst. She didn't know why.

At this time, it was a little better to lean on Yan Xiao with a support point and his head on his shoulder.

"Princess Feng, what's wrong with you?"

"It's just that my head hurts. I'm better now."


Yan Xiao suddenly heard a cry behind him. Looking back, it turned out that Feng Wushuang came.

"Let her go."

Feng Wushuang was angry. She was wearing a yellow skirt and two gold hairpins on her head. There were Cuiyu Linglong Yao on it. She swayed back and forth with the rapid pace.

After hurrying down from the clouds, he came to Yan Xiao's eyes, "what are you doing?"

At a glance, Feng Ruyan, who fell in Yan Xiao's arms, closed her eyes and looked very uncomfortable. The man still took her. Where are you going?

He came forward and ruthlessly pulled Feng Ruyan's hand away from Yan Xiao's arms, "demon king, if I hadn't come early, would you have poisoned my sister?"

Feng Wushuang's Apricot eyes were wide open and looked at Yan Xiao angrily.

Yan Xiao felt very funny, but his eyebrows frowned, but he didn't let go. "Feng Wushuang, what do you say? Is Ben Wang like that?"

"You don't know if you are such a person? What kind of good person do you think you are?"

Yan Xiao immediately blushed, "you..."

"What's more sophistry? You destroyed the elixir of the elixir Valley and tried to kill my sister again. You devil, I'll make you look good today."

Feng Wushuang stretched out her hand and wanted to call out Lingzhen Qi to fight king Yu.

"Sister, don't beat the feather king."

But she heard a soft call in her ear. Feng matchless looked angry and took back her hand. When she saw that her sister woke up, "sister, are you awake? What did he do to you?"

Feng Ruyan shook her head. "I'm fine, sister. Why are you here?"

Feng Ruyan heard that her sister seemed to be arguing with Yan Xiao.

When can her sister change her temper?

"He... Really didn't do anything to you?"

"Sister, you misunderstood the feather king. Am I not good?"

Phoenix peerless stared at Yan Xiao next to her, and then pulled Feng Ruyan's hand aside and looked at Feng Ruyan, "are you really not hurt?"

In this continent, Yan Xiao is the most powerful fighter except his father.

If he wants to really use his magic power, his sister may not get any cheap.

"How's mother?"

"Mother is all right. I'm just worried about you. Let me see if you have been bullied by the demon king."

She didn't find King Yu in front of Yuyou palace. Then she saw a light in the direction of the bamboo forest, and then hurried over.

Just one did not see two people fighting, see sister fell in Yan Xiao's arms.

She thought Yan Xiao was bullying her sister. She shouted out in a hurry.

Then he looked back at Yan Xiao, and Yan Xiao Junlang's body stood straight. He saw Feng unparalleled looking at him with that kind of man eating expression

Yan Xiao's face was expressionless at this time.

He knew that she must be in her heart. How bad is she?

Yan Xiao's face flashed a trace of displeasure, but now is not the time to argue with her.

Feng Wushuang glanced at Yan Xiao, then looked back at Feng Ruyan, "sister, is the demon king fighting with you?"

Looking at the light curtain just now, it seems that the battle between them is still very fierce.


"That man's fighting is the most powerful. Mother is worried that you will suffer."

Seeing Feng Ruyan leaning against him, Feng matchless worried that her sister was hurt by the demon king.

Otherwise, my sister would not be so close to the demon king.

Feng Ruyan looked at her sister's worried look. It was because of her that she quarreled with Yan Xiao. She was also worried that she would be so excited.

So I felt a burst of warmth in my heart.

Feng Wushuang was a little suspicious. "It's really strange. This demon king's fighting method always puts each other to death and kills without blood."

"Sister, we wronged him."

If you want your sister and Yan Xiao to get back together, you must explain the misunderstanding between them.

Feng Ruyan looked at Yan Xiao on one side. Yan Xiao didn't leave at this time, but looked away from them.

Of course, she doesn't know what he's looking at.

"Sister, did we blame him wrong?"

"Blame him wrong?"

"Yes, in fact, the man who destroyed our elixir was king Yu's Chamberlain. He not only stole the elixir, but also King Yu's robe. Later, he tried to run away and was caught by us."

"Is there such a thing?"

Feng matchless thought it was strange, "isn't it his play?"

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