Yan Xiao is getting closer to the 300 level.

The time limit is getting closer and closer, but the entrance of yuyouxian road has not been found.

This is actually the hardest.

The divine emperor founded three continents and four islands, but did not tell where the final entrance of Xiandao was.

If you can't find it within the specified time limit, will you be punished?

Since the establishment of three continents and four islands, the entrance of Xiandao has been the most concerned issue of the leaders of all continents.

Because after the deadline, the fate of the people will be in their hands.

Lingyun began to secretly look for the entrance of Yuyou fairy way. She hoped that after her son reached 300 levels of cultivation, he would be the first to enter blissful fairy way island.

Binghan island is the place with the heaviest Yin Qi in Jiuzhou, and it is not inhabited here.

There is no magic medicine or holy water here, so it's more like a prison in Youying Jiuzhou. It's gloomy and terrible.

Why is Fengqing city there?

That day, it was sunny and sunny. Feng Ruyan took nine baby pills with her mother to visit her sleeping second Sister Feng Qingcheng on Binghan island.

The hard and gloomy ice cold island is just like its name. It is cold and chilly.

In the gloomy clouds, I vaguely saw that the island was hidden on an isolated island behind the Youming mountain. The place was not big, about half the size of elixir valley.

There are no trees, no fairy grass, Ganoderma lucidum, and no elves and monsters on the island.

Any spirit beast is afraid to come here, because this is hell for spirit beasts.

Because there is no true Qi, no Yang Qi, only the Yin Qi of skeleton people.

Feng Ruyan is a fire spirit Phoenix. This Yin Qi does no harm to her, while Bai Yuhuang is the queen of the Phoenix family. She also has the protection of true Qi.

Therefore, few people can come to the island.

And there are not no creatures on the island. There is only a kind of soul eating bird that is not afraid of Yin Qi flying back and forth on the island.

When they saw someone coming, they made harsh calls.

The bird's cry is also very special, like the sound of a saw sawing wood.

The eardrum was like being tortured. Feng Ruyan looked at the Soul Eater flying overhead, with black feathers, sharp mouth, long claws and small eyes. It gathered a cold air and enlarged in the pupil.

The bird glanced at them and flew away.

"Watch out for the Soul Eater."

The bird is like a ghost eater in the underworld, because there is no yang to absorb, only human souls.

Seeing Feng Ruyan and Bai Yuhuang standing at the foot of the mountain, the bird barked again. The cry penetrated every corner of the island and made people feel more gloomy and terrible.

"Mother, does this bird eat people's souls?"

"People who can come here have excellent natural skills. Therefore, although this bird is called Soul Eater, it has not really eaten people's souls."

Bai Yuhuang looked at the top of the mountain, "let's not be afraid of it. Its skill hasn't reached that level, so there's no way for you."

"What does the bird eat?"

"It has also lived on this island for tens of thousands of years. Because it sucks Yin Qi all the year round, it has excess Yin Qi in its body. It can't get out of the island or go outside the island. They can't see the sun."

"No wonder the bird's eyes are so terrible."

"Even if it can't hurt us, it's better to be careful."

Bai Yuhuang told her daughter, and then said, "let's go."

Feng Ruyan followed her mother, holding the brocade box in one hand and her mother in the other, and went up to the clouds.

I wanted to wave and use the skill to reach the icy cave on the top of the mountain. After waving, I still stood at the foot of the Youming mountain, and the clouds didn't move.

The skill didn't come out.

Bai Yuhuang remembered and told her daughter, "the Yin Qi here is very heavy. The true Qi can't work, and the skill can't be used."

Feng Ruyan took back her Qi and nodded, "how do we get up?"

"There are steps to climb up."

Bai Yuhuang pointed to the steps like a ladder in the distance, "ninety-nine steps, it will take half an hour to go up."

"Mother, are you well?"

People who cultivate immortals always use their skills when they go up the mountain and down the sea. They wave freely. It's the first time for Feng Ruyan to climb such a high mountain.

"It doesn't matter. Every time I come, I climb up."

Mother goes up the mountain twice a month, that is, she has to climb twice and go back and forth four times.

Feng Ruyan did not expect that her mother's feelings for her second sister were so deep, because Feng Qingcheng had been sleeping for more than 10000 years.

During this period, there was no sign that fengqingcheng had good signs.

However, my mother didn't give up. She still came to visit my second sister every month just to have a look at her.

The steps are covered with green moss. Be very careful at every step.

Because there is an abyss under your feet.

Halfway through, they stopped on a larger step and looked down. It was gloomy and there was nothing below.

Feng Ruyan helped her mother, "mother, do you want to have a rest?"

Bai Yuhuang wiped her forehead and shook her head, "it's all right. I can still go."

It is said that she can save her daughter. Bai Yuhuang doesn't want to delay. She wants to put on her wings and fly up and let her daughter take this pill.

So Bai Yuhuang didn't feel tired.

In this way, Feng Ruyan helped her mother and then climbed the ladder.

The winding mountain road winds up and down the mountain. It takes about half an hour to reach the ice cave on the top of the mountain.

The hole is covered by a green plant, and several black stones are scattered on the ground. Each stone has symbols of different lengths painted on the front of the stone.

Feng Ruyan looked at these stones and looked like they were scattered, but when she looked carefully, she found a mystery.

The five stones are placed in a circle, and each stone has a black line.

And a red dot was drawn on the black line. When she approached, the red dot lit up.

Feng Ruyan didn't know what it was, so she went to ask her mother. Bai Yuhuang also came and looked at it. Her eyebrows were slightly frightened, "where did this stone come from?"

Because she came several times and didn't find the stone again.

"Mother hasn't seen it before?"

Bai Yuhuang definitely shook her head, "no, absolutely not. Last time I came up with elder LAN Guda, I didn't find it. This was half a month ago."

And there are no creatures here, and no one comes here. How can there be five more stones suddenly?

Bai Yuhuang's heart flashed, "is it your sister..."

So, Feng Ruyan's heart jumped, "let's go in and have a look?"

But when Bai Yuhuang wanted to go in, she was blocked by a barrier she saw.

"Why is there a border here?"

Bai Yuhuang was blocked by the boundary and was stunned for a long time. She transferred her skills and fought towards the boundary.

Then Feng Ruyan also carried out her true Qi with her mother, and the boundary was broken.

A blue light disappeared in a flash.

"It's so strange. Where did the stone and the border come from?"

"Not before?"

"No, I've been here several times, and I haven't met him for so many years."

Feng Ruyan looked back at the stone, and then looked at her mother in a daze. She couldn't explain the sudden increase.

She also felt inexplicable.

"Are there any creatures here?"

"But there is no Yang Qi or true Qi here. No matter people, demons or animals can survive here."

For more than 10000 years, Bai Yuhuang has been here countless times. She has never seen any creature except soul eating birds.

"What could that be?"

Feng Ruyan has prepared the plum blossom robbery at the cuff. If any creature attacks suddenly, she can do it as soon as possible.

"This boundary is not too strong, which shows that this skill is not deep. If it is a person, it can only be a person who cultivates truth and spirit, and has not yet become an immortal."

"Why does mother think he must be a spiritual man?"

"It's not difficult. I saw it from its boundary. Just now we broke the boundary. The light that finally disappeared was cyan, not black or white, which means that this person is a human, not a ghost or a demon."

"How did he survive?"

Feng Ruyan couldn't understand, "there's no Yang Qi, no real Qi, only Yin Qi. It's like the underworld. Maybe it's a powerful ghost of the underworld?"

"Ghosts won't come here. There are soul eaters here. They ate their souls before they came up."

"What if a high-level ghost?"

Suddenly, Feng Ruyan felt that her head hurt again without warning.

She frowned with pain and covered her forehead.

"Yan'er, what's the matter with you?"


Feng Ruyan felt her divine consciousness stirring in her head.

The pain fell on her forehead, and the sweat was so great that Bai Yuhuang had to let her daughter sit down and have a rest.

"Why do you suddenly have a headache?"

Bai Yuhuang took her daughter's hand with concern and looked at Feng Ruyan with concern.

"It hurt once before Tasha came last time, but it didn't hurt anymore."

Feng Ruyan sat on the stone, covering her forehead, and her divine consciousness stirred in her brain.

She felt her head burst, and the pain was different from last time.

Last time it just hurt for a while, but then it stopped slowly.

She sat here and rested for a long time. The pain hasn't disappeared, and it's getting worse and worse.

Bai Yuhuang looked at the hole in her eyes and had already come up. She brought the medicine and didn't give it to her daughter. She was a little unwilling.

But the third daughter suddenly had a headache. The palm and back of the hand were all meat. Bai Yuhuang was really embarrassed for a while.

Feng Ruyan must be worried about her when she sees her mother's worried look.

But this time I came to save my second sister, and there can be no delay in time.

Therefore, she can't let her mother worry about her.

She reluctantly stood up.

Squeeze out a smile, "mother, let's go in."

"Yan'er, can you still go?"

The child's face was white with pain, and his lips were bloodless.

She held her daughter's hand and felt her hand trembling and her body getting colder and colder.

How did this happen?

An idea flashed in her mind, and Bai Yuhuang looked suddenly nervous.

Bai Yuhuang put her hand together and felt her pulse jump very fast.

And the Yang Qi in her body had been very stable, but now it was suddenly unstable.

And she detected an external Yin Qi, which was so strong in her body that her daughter's body temperature fell.

The Yin Qi was so fierce that it kept running around in her body,

Yan'er seems to be possessed by magic in her body?

How did this happen?

Feng Ruyan looked at her mother's face and asked, "mother, what's the problem?"

"No, no, Yan'er... Let's go down?"

Feng Ruyan, whose face was very white, shook her head, "I can't go down. I want to save my second sister."

"Your Yang Qi is decreasing, and there is an unknown Yin Qi in your body. If you don't go down as soon as possible, you will be in danger?"

Bai Yuhuang almost begged her daughter to go down.

"Your sister has been sleeping for more than 10000 years. Even saving her is not bad for this moment. When you go back, have a good rest and come up again when you have no problem with your body?"

"I can't go back. I can't wait for the pill. I have to give it to my sister in time. I can't bear it for a while."

"But this is not forbearance. Your Yang is decreasing?"

"Mother, I'm already practicing kung fu. I've called out my fire spirit Qi to resist this Yin Qi. If I can resist it, maybe it'll be good."

"That mother also calls out some true Qi for you..."

"Mother, you don't have to give me luck. My fire spirit Qi is enough to deal with it. Keep your true Qi for... Sister."

Feng Ruyan's pale little face is already refusing her mother to inject real Qi into her.

"Silly boy, you still want to think about your sister at this time. What should I do if something happens to you?"

Bai Yuhuang's voice choked. She didn't expect to let Feng Ruyan encounter Yin Qi attack when she went up the mountain to see feng Qingcheng.

"Mother, I have nothing to do. Although this Yin Qi is very strong, it is not enough to fight against my fire spirit Qi. When the fire spirit Qi is transported out, it will be better slowly."

Feng Ruyan smiled and then luck.

In fact, her heart is not very deep.

The Yin Qi that the mother felt was really strong. After entering her body, it began to stir in her divine consciousness.

A fiery red gas came out of her head and rose up into the air along the white cloud.

The sweat on her forehead kept dripping and people seemed to collapse.

The sweat is running.

After about half an hour, Yin Qi was pressed down by the fire spirit, and the divine consciousness was no longer stirred in her brain.

Her face also changed. Bai Yuhuang kept staring at her daughter. She also saw, "Yan'er, how do you feel?"

"Mother, it seems that the Yin Qi has gone out of the body."

Feng Ruyan's long eyelashes rolled up and her eyes turned like black pearls.

Bai Yuhuang asked, "has Yin Qi disappeared?"

Feng Ruyan called out the fire spirit Qi and opened up everywhere in her body. There was no Yin Qi to stop it, indicating that the Yin Qi had gone out of her body.

Also suddenly, Yin Qi disappeared.

Her face returned to her original healthy look, no longer white, and her body recovered as before.

Feng Ruyan looked at her mother and said, "mother, let's go in."

After such a delay, Bai Yuhuang looked at it late.

I want to come early and return early. At night, I can't use the skill on the top of the mountain.

It's hard to walk the ladder. You should go back early.

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