Xia Qingluo blinked at Chunxiao. Chunxiao's task was successfully completed. She left the hall with the maid of honor with joy.

Yunqing let him move to his beauty couch again and continue reading.

But Xiao Hei stumbled in front of the lily of the valley, raised his dark little eyes and looked at the lily of the valley.

you 're right!!!

The goddess of Southern smoke.

In other words, the Nanyan goddess was reincarnated in Dongzhou?

He knew something about the previous generations, but he didn't know everything. This was the last life of the emperor and the last life of the goddess of Southern smoke.

Will there be a good result in this life.

Xiao Hei's eyes were bright, and he took a careful look at the emperor. He was in a good mood that he knew everything and everyone didn't know.

His little black eyes turned fast.

Xia Qingluo scolded the colored bird, then walked over, picked up Xiaohei and threw it aside, smiling friendly at several girls.

Several people obviously had the same training. They knelt on the ground together and met Yun qingrang again.

In front of Xia Qingluo is Nanyan.

Seeing Nan Yan kneeling down, she swished to one side and joked. This is the goddess. If she comes back one day and thinks of kneeling herself, she can't kill her.

However, she smiled secretly. Now there are two reincarnated immortals in the hall. Don't be too happy that everyone knows everything and I know nothing!

Xia Qingluo's black and white eyes are more and more flexible, with a bit of cunning.

Yunqing let him glance at the girls casually, squint at the smiling thief Xia Qingluo, and pick his eyebrow.

Then continue to read with low eyebrows.

The book in his hand is that kind of ancient bamboo slips. Holding it in his hand, his fingers look more and more crystal like jade carvings.

Several young girls stood on the side of the hall.

Lower your head slightly.

Xia Qingluo came to yunqingrang's side and asked quietly, "master, let them serve you to read?"

"Hmm?" Yun qingrang finally raised his eyes to Xia Qingluo, with a chill in his eyes.

The tone also has an unspeakable sense of oppression.

He was unhappy.

Xia Qingluo scratched her head, too. How can someone serve you when reading?

However, we always have to create opportunities for the current lily of the valley and Yunqing to get close.

"It's all right, it's all right. Let me ask lily of the valley to make tea for you?"

Yunqing let her eyes drop and continue reading.

"Then let lily of the valley beat your legs?"


"Let the lily of the valley fan you?"


"Tell you a joke?"


Yunqing couldn't bear it. With a wave of her sleeve, Xia Qingluo flew out of the hall with a beautiful posture.

Xia Qingluo stamped her feet, squatted on the ground and grabbed the grass leaves.

A moment later, she glanced at the main hall. Is it Yunqing who worried that he was in the way?

Because on the beauty's couch, yunqingrang's figure has disappeared.

Xia Qingluo sighed. When will the frog boiled in warm water finish the task.

But don't the two people who thought they didn't know when to meet now?

Others are not in a hurry.

Lily of the valley looks so beautiful. With her own help, she may have a wedding in the palace.

It's really a good story that uncle Huang, the incomparable king in the world, is the daughter of a beautiful minister.

Xia Qingluo smiled obscene. Xia Qingluo, who has always been happy, rekindled her fighting spirit.

It's not killing demons, it's not killing enemies, it's just being a matchmaker. It's a piece of cake.

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