"Are you?" Xia Qingluo looked at the man in shock.

"We just met on the boat and forgot so soon?" Jiaxiu Tianjun said jokingly.

This voice, NIMA, this face, this figure, NIMA, is the water ghost.

"What are you going to do?" Xia Qingluo calmed down and asked with a smile.

She was not afraid. She was not an ordinary person. Her vine could break a century old red pine, and her cultivation went up several steps.

Yunqing told her this before she went to bed yesterday.

Therefore, it is not a problem to deal with ghosts.

Moreover, this is a downtown area. There are rules to suppress it. I don't think the water ghost can turn out any big waves.

"I want to take you to a place to play for a while."

"No." Xia Qingluo stopped pestering him, took king Qi's hand and ran quickly towards the gate.

No one is chasing behind.

Xia Qingluo didn't think so much and pushed the door open.

But suddenly shocked.

Outside the gate, it changed.

It is no longer a simple street, but filled with a large mass of white fog.

Xia Qingluo stopped outside the threshold and burst into a cold sweat.

There is a cliff below. It's bottomless!

Xia Qingluo turned around. Sure enough, the courtyard behind her disappeared.

A familiar blue figure stood in the rolling clouds.

It was foggy all around, and there was no exit at all.

Jiaxiu Tianjun looked at the two people as if he were looking at the birds in the cage.

"Who the hell are you?" Xia Qingluo asked.

"Who am I? You little demon really don't deserve to know." Jiaxiu said disdainfully.

"What do you want?"

"Isn't Yun qingrang very powerful? I'm going to play a game with him today."

"What game do you play?" Xia Qingluo clenched the vine in her hand, holding a black and green vine leaf between each finger, ready to hit it.

She asked, her face motionless.

During this period of time, Xia Qingluo has made great progress.

At least, there is no feeling of being slaughtered.

And she doesn't know this person.

However, he knows Yun qingrang.

"I'll hide you and see when Yunqing can find you." Jiaxiu Tianjun smiled maliciously.

If he's right.

The reincarnated Yunzhi valued the spirit very much.

He has been imprisoned for thousands of years. He is not angry at this time. He is afraid that it will be difficult to find a chance when Yunzhi wakes up.

"That's hide and seek. I also like playing." Xia Qingluo turned her eyes slightly and said with a smile, "but my little brother is an ordinary man. You let him go."

"That's OK." Jiaxiu glanced at the king Qi with big eyes and nodded.

Xia Qingluo said to the king of Qi, "you leave quickly."

When Jiaxiu Tianjun flicked his finger, a bluestone road appeared in front of him.

"You go quickly. This must be the exit." Xia Qingluo pushed it.

The boy, who had been in an ignorant state, stumbled and was pushed to Qingshi road by Xia Qingluo. He stood firm. Only then did he return to taste. He didn't move and said firmly, "I promise uncle Huang that I will never break my promise."

"You're stupid. You'll only trouble me here." Xia Qingluo shouted.

The lotus boat is an immortal weapon with amazing speed, but mortal flesh and blood can't bear it.

Xia Qingluo dared not take the risk.

"I......" king Qi looked at Xia Qingluo.

Jiaxiu Tianjun was impatient. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a black rope galloped towards Xia Qingluo.

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