Is this goblin actually sent by the God to protect the reincarnated Yunzhi?

That's a lot of trouble.

I found such a vine goblin with low mana.

When he catches up with her, he will certainly frustrate her.

Dare to run away from him

Jiaxiu gritted his teeth to catch up.

When Xiaohei flew to the star picking palace, he didn't see the figure of the emperor, so he had to grasp the manager Nian and asked eagerly, "old man, do you see Uncle Huang?"

"If you don't see it, I don't see it." manager Nian was startled first, and then returned respectfully.

What can I do?

Xiao Hei is in a hurry.

Jiaxiu Tianjun is surly and arrogant. He doesn't play cards according to common sense. On the one hand, if he finds trouble with the reincarnated emperor because of the lily of the valley, it will also be a headache.

Moreover, I don't know why, Xiaohei has a hunch that if the little demon really dies in Jiaxiu's hands, the reincarnated emperor will definitely have an accident.

He had no premonition of what was going on.

At this time, a beautiful figure appeared in front of the main hall. She gently lifted her gauze skirt and crossed the threshold of red alder.

Asked softly, "is the divine bird asking uncle Huang's whereabouts?"

"Yes, do you know where she has gone?"

"I think he flew in the direction of Jiexing lake."

Xiao Hei no longer hesitated, flapped his wings and soared into the air. Soon he and a Bai disappeared in front of everyone.

The rules here are strict. No one dares to talk. They are doing their own things quietly.

Lily of the valley has a book in her hand, but she can't read it anymore.

Qiqiao Linglong's heart suddenly widened her beautiful eyes in surprise. The two divine birds went out with Uncle Huang's disciples.

Now only two birds come back by themselves. Is there something wrong with Xia Qingluo?

Before she left, she quarreled with Uncle Huang. Will uncle Huang's cold temper take care of her?

These days, she knows how cold uncle Huang is.

Her peerless face, women sometimes see, can not help but heartbeat, but Uncle Huang, is calm, like a pool of stagnant water.

It's like she's just a decoration.

She bit her red lips and thought secretly. If I don't care, will Xia Qingluo never come back?

Lily of the valley suddenly felt a little happy in her heart, but she suddenly clenched her hand. How could she do this.

Xia Qingluo didn't mean any harm to her. When she looked at her, she smiled.

Lily of the valley took a deep breath, pressed down the trace of joy in her heart, lowered her head and picked up the embroidery support.

She wants to embroider a purse for uncle Huang, because she hasn't seen uncle Huang wear a purse yet.

How can a man without a pocket?

She gathered all her thoughts and began to embroider one needle by one.

In the blue snail sky, Yunqing asked to erase the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, cover the wound on his arm, look at the clean bottom of the valley, and finally smile comfortably.

He killed all the pythons turned from the rage here.

The rest is to purify the air here.

Then, when Xia Qingluo came, whatever she wanted to do, she was happy.

Yunqing let him take a look at the wound on his arm, where there was a faint surge of black air.

He will go up to practice martial arts and get rid of his anger.

Put the array plate in his hand at the bottom of the valley again, and Yunqing let him fly up the wanzhang cliff.

At this time, the clouds in the sky are more colorful.

It seems to be dyed red by the morning glow.

Seeing yunqingrang fly up, they are close and swing long, leaning against yunqingrang's side.

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