"... she cried?" said the blackbird calmly.

"She is a vine, not a person. How can she cry?"

"... that's not crying. What is it?"

"Maybe it's too much water." the white bird pretended to know very well.

The next moment, he shouted, stared at the blackbird and pointed at it with the tip of his wings, "say, who are you?"

The blackbird rolled his eyes. This silly white bird had been squatting next to it for a long time just now. Unexpectedly, it had just found it.

I can't help feeling sorry for you.

It's not safe to find a big silly bird as a mount.

But now it dare not appear.

"... ask you, who are you?" ah Bai is very persistent.

"Do you have anything to do with who I am?" the blackbird roared.

"... of course it doesn't matter!" ah Bai suddenly flapped his wings and made an attack.

"What does it matter?" the blackbird asked casually, unmoved.

"I drove away all the birds within a hundred miles. How did you come in?"

The blackbird looked at ah Bai, turned his eyes, pointed to Xia Qingluo and said, "I'm her pet."

"True or false?" ah Bai didn't believe it.

"Of course, really, or can I fly all the way?" continued the blackbird.

A Bai looked at the blackbird and Xia Qingluo. After a while, he hesitated and said, "your master may live for a few days. What do you do? Anyone who doesn't have a spirit animal contract with the people of the sect will be killed."

The Banshee won't live for a few days?

And you're not safe here?

What can we do?

The blackbird kept turning his eyes and asked, "why can't she live for a few days?"

"Because she and..." ah Bai was interrupted before he finished.

"... you two quarreled." Xia Qingluo opened her eyes angrily. Before she finished her dream, she heard the chirping birds echoing in her ears.

Bai and blackbird shut their mouths at the same time.

At the next moment, ah Bai refused, "you are not my master. Why do you care about me?"

"Then hurry to your master and don't bother me here." Xia Qingluo quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and was very upset.

She is homesick, very homesick!

If she can go back, she is really willing to pay all the price

Even if there was only one leaf left, she would fall on the eaves of her house.

After hearing Xia Qingluo's words to drive it away, ah Bai was unhappy.

He stared at her and flew up suddenly, deliberately stirring up the surrounding leaves.

Then the flying leaves fell on Xia Qingluo's hair and body. A Bai Gaga smiled a few times and flew to the cliff with satisfaction.

The angry Xia Qingluo really wants to bake it for dinner tonight.

"Why don't you go?" Xia Qingluo wanted to be alone. She looked down at the blackbird.

Because I dreamed of my world for the first time since I came here.

She wants to sleep and then dream. Maybe she will go back as soon as she dreams.

"Just now the silly bird said you couldn't live for a few days?" asked the blackbird.

"... does it have anything to do with you?"

"A dime?" the blackbird thought seriously and said solemnly, "there is no relationship of a dime. It should be a relationship of a small life."

"You just told ah Bai that you are my favorite?" Xia Qingluo remembered. She leaned down and narrowed her eyes slightly. She looked thoughtful, "Why are you lying?"

Xia Qingluo's eyes are as clear as water, just as gorgeous and dazzling as the colored glass falling in the pool water.

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