Xia Qingluo recalled a little and connected all the possible clues.

At this time, it was very quiet here. Only the wind was caressing her hair slightly.

The wind sent an unknown fragrance of flowers.

The colorful clouds under the body are also quiet.

Xia Qingluo understands that her tears can really help relieve some pain.

She is very happy.

Is this a golden finger.

However, for her, how to cry is as difficult as practice.

Xia Qingluo lifted the sleeve of Yunqing's right arm.

There is an oblique wound on the porcelain skin.

At this time, there was a faint surge of black gas.

Xia Qingluo's eyes fixed on the wound.

Blink and blink.

Think of everything as sad as possible.

But the eyes are dry and the heart is empty.

It seems that the feeling of homesickness is not as strong as before.

Xia Qingluo was suddenly surprised,

Is it because of the person in front of you?

She set her eyes on Yun qingrang's face.

This man seems to be carved by heaven. His facial features and body are perfect without any defects.

Even the smell on the body smells so good.

No wonder that Nanyan goddess likes him so much.

I think there are many female immortals like him in the distant heaven, but she Xia Qingluo doesn't know.

Xia Qingluo sighed sadly.

I can't cry if I want to.

If only there were some chili water.

Xia Qingluo suddenly thought. She looked at her storage ring. There was really chili sauce made of chili.

They brought the sheep from the imperial dining room.

Xia Qingluo happily took out the vial and wanted to draw back her hand, but Yunqing let her hold it tightly.

She couldn't get rid of it at all.

He had to hold down the bottle and remove the cork with his right hand.

I don't know whether it's spicy or not. I haven't tried it since I brought it.

Xia Qingluo no longer thought about it, raised her neck and took a big bite.

God, it's so hot.

Xia Qingluo's tears flowed out in an instant. Sorry, her nose almost came out.

Xia Qingluo was embarrassed. She quickly pointed her eyes at the wound on Yunqing's arm.

One drop, two drops, dripping tears fell down the corner of his eye on the wound on yunqingjean's right arm.

It was cool, as if it had some magic.

Yun Qing gradually eased the frown.

The thin lip opened slightly and slowly tightened.

Xia Qingluo stared at the ferocious wound, but suddenly found that the black gas seemed to be reduced a lot.

She felt a little relieved, and then after the tension, there was a violent cough.

Nima's, this pepper is too hot!

Xia Qingluo picked up her handkerchief and her tears were gone. I believe even so, yunqingrang's wound will soon get better.

Xia Qingluo wiped her eyes and looked at the silk handkerchief. It was given to her by the daughter of the general.

Xia Qingluo thought for a while. She threw it into the grass opposite. She was ready to wash it after Yunqing let go of her.

Xia Qingluo yawned.

The warm wind smoked, and the sun lazily scattered on the two people on the magnificent sky.

Xia Qingluo lay down. Her left hand was held by Yunqing's right hand, so she had to lie down side by side.

In order not to affect Yun qingrang, Xia Qingluo moved out.

The sun is not dazzling, with a little warmth.

Xia Qingluo is sleepy.

However, Yunqing didn't wake up. She insisted and didn't dare to sleep.

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