After a long time, Jiaxiu said carelessly, "what is the way of heaven? What is the magic way? Heaven and earth are not benevolent, everything is grass mustard, and what about the reincarnated emperor!"

"Speak wildly, you don't know your sin!" the emperor of heaven was angry, and another startling lightning split down from the sky in an instant, and ran through Jiaxiu's body in an instant.

Tsing Yi was already covered with blood. Jiaxiu's eyes were filled with scarlet, and his sight was a little blurred. The smile at the corners of his mouth was more and more ironic. He raised his lips and slowly said, "I want to be a God, there is no devil in the world, I want to be a devil, God knows me!"

"Don't repent, put this evil son into the realm of five seclusion, and you can't get away forever!" the Heavenly Emperor was furious. He turned around and stopped seeing the only son he loved most.

The dark clouds churned and seemed to solidify in this moment between heaven and earth.

The golden clouds in the west gradually dissipated, and the night sky returned to silence as if nothing had happened.

"Emperor of heaven, Jiaxiu is still young and just willful for a while. The punishment is a little heavy. It's still not too late to take back his order and teach slowly." the emperor looked at the emperor of heaven and spoke slowly.

Although Jiaxiu was wrong, he didn't punish so heavily.

The emperor of heaven just gave an explanation to Emperor Yunzhi.

Tianzun naturally knows what the emperor thinks.

So I opened my mouth.

Other gods begged one after another, and the look of the Heavenly Emperor was finally relieved.

"For the sake of the gods pleading for your rebellious son, I will punish you to lock the fairy tower."

Jiaxiu laughed loudly.

Without looking at the gods, he tore off the chain and strode towards the Suo fairy tower.

When passing by the Heavenly Master, he snorted coldly, and the Heavenly Master smiled.

For tens of thousands of years, Jiaxiu's temperament is still very childish.

He looked at the emperor of heaven, nodded slowly, and left the punishment Sendai with a mysterious cup.

He was worried that Yunzhi's robbery might not be as smooth as he thought.

The way of heaven is unpredictable. Every snooping will change the rules.

He sighed helplessly and left the heavenly palace slowly.

Days later, she wept in the hall. She had to die to repair the child.

She devoted all her energy to him, but he was so naughty.

There was only darkness in the lock fairy tower. The vigorous wind was as fierce as a knife. Lingchi's pain made life worse than death.

Days later, as long as I think of it, it is a burst of sadness.

At this time, a palace maid hurried in and knelt on the ground, "tell empress Tian Tian, Jiaxiu Tianjun, please remove a fairy bone and go to the world."

"What?" the queen of heaven was shocked and couldn't care about anything else. She turned into a cloud and came to the ethereal platform.

That's the only way to get down to earth.

It's just a little late.

The Heavenly Emperor looked unpredictable and looked at the whirlpool with Colorful streamers.

At the end of the vortex, there are three thousand prosperous worlds.

"Emperor of heaven, what's going on?" the queen of heaven stumbled and stood still, then ran to the emperor of heaven and asked in a hurry.

"As you can see."

"Isn't he in Suo Xian tower?" the queen asked in a trembling voice.

"How can Suo xianta trap him!"

"What are you going to do to get rid of immortal bones?" Tian Tian choked.

That's a pain that ordinary people can't imagine. Why did you do this, silly boy.

"Yunzhi and Nanyan are in the lower boundary. It's not necessarily a bad thing if he goes." the emperor frowned and said faintly.


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