"Duo LAN is a woman!" Longfei's words were amazing.


The childhood sweetheart of Longfei language is a woman!!!

And also vowed not to marry you!

Oh, my God!

Xia Qingluo was so frightened that she dodged and hid far away from the other side of the carriage. She looked at Long Fei in horror, "you... Are a lily!"

"What Lily!" Longfei said inexplicably.

"A woman falls in love with a woman. I can tell you, long Feiyu, your sister, I only like men. I advise you to die. I love beautiful men most."

As she spoke, Xia Qingluo still hugged her hands in front of her chest, obviously frightened.

But there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

Sure enough, there is no lack of such gossip in any time and space.

"Xia Qingluo!" Longfei's face turned red and raised his voice, "what are you talking nonsense?"

"You said it yourself. Your childhood sweetheart is a woman, but you don't have to marry her. Why am I talking nonsense?"

Xia Qingluo has hidden to the edge of the carriage, which is the kind of carriage specially used in the ancient imperial palace.

With a gorgeous ceiling, but no carriage door, it's like two horses pulling a classical sofa chair.

Xia Qingluo had no way back. She grabbed the handle of the car, pointed to Longfei language and shouted in an urgent voice, "don't come here. I can tell you clearly. Your sister, I really like men and beautiful men, but I'm really not interested in women."

"You..." Longfei didn't know how to explain.

Isn't Xia Qingluo a vine demon? He has practiced for hundreds of years. How can he not know that there is no gender difference before the chimaera turns into a form.

Only when you are in shape can you choose to be a man or a woman.

And her childhood sweetheart is because she fell in love with a scholar, and then broke their vows and eloped with the scholar.

Let her become a big joke of the dragon family.

Unexpectedly, I met him in Chang'an city.

Thinking of this, long Feiyu was ashamed and annoyed. Looking at Xia Qingluo's appearance, and the smile in her eyes, she was really angry.

She stood up at once, jumped at Xia Qingluo with a cry, and shouted, "Xia Qingluo, even you hide from me... See where you hide."

Xia Qingluo didn't expect that long Fei's words didn't agree with each other, so she rushed at herself without making it clear.

It was so angry and funny that Xia Qingluo, who was single-minded, didn't even think about it and then hid.

The dragon flying language followed a hungry tiger pouncing on the sheep.


The carriage, which was running smoothly, turned over with a bang!

The sudden change stunned everyone!

Even young master Lang, who was always happy and angry, was stunned.

Not to mention manager Nian.

Xia Qingluo never thought that the carriage could be turned over.

After a whirl, I saw the blue sky.

There was a pain in the back.

Then in the blink of an eye, Longfei fell on her.

Almost didn't smash out Xia Qingluo's old blood.

"Longfei language, you are a pig, you crushed me..." Xia Qingluo had great strength and lifted the Longfei language.

But when I was about to get up, I suddenly felt that the sky was rotating, and then the speed of rotation was faster and faster. A seven color light flashed. As soon as Xia Qingluo's eyes closed, she felt dizzy in her mind and fell to the ground again. Pass out

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