"Who are you?" ah Bai stared at him. "Why do you care about me?"

Xiao Hei suddenly smiled, and his index finger flicked a little white's head, "I've been with your master for tens of thousands of years. I don't care about you. Do you want the master to take care of you?"

Ah Bai was stunned when he heard this.

Let the master take care of her?

It doesn't seem very beautiful.

Little black eyes smiled, "listen to me, and I'll cover you in the future."

After that, without waiting for a Bai's answer, he flashed and left the hall. A Bai reacted, "Xiao Hei, your uncle..."

In the air, the boy's low laughter came, especially provocative in the moonlight.

The hall returned to silence.

Only the red palace lanterns are still full of red halo.

Just now, manager Nian ordered that no one should disturb uncle Huang's meal.

The palace maids and eunuchs who had just sent meals had already returned to their homes.

Lily of the valley sat in the hall of the side hall. Her chest seemed to be lit by a fire, and then it burned more and more. She felt that her five internal organs and six lungs were almost ashes.

In the brightly lit main hall, laughter is Yanyan, a school of warmth.

The little Xia was brought back by Uncle Huang.

Is the undisguised intimacy announcing something?

Lily of the valley's hand, tightly clenched, perfectly trimmed fingertips, deeply embedded in the palm, until a stabbing pain came, she seemed to have just recovered.

Li Liuxin next door quietly embroidered under the palace lantern.

She sat here alone, like a wood carving.

Suddenly, there was a ticking sound in the air. A drop of water fell on the tip of her nose, and then rolled on her lips and on her clavicle. A burst of low laughter came, and the drops on her clavicle ticked and fell on the side tea table.

Round, shining with crystal clear luster under the candlelight.

It all happened so fast.

The quick lily of the valley didn't react at all.

She grabbed the circular jade pendant around her waist, stood up and looked up at the roof.

It's dark there.

If you're right, it's not open-air, it's a solid roof.

There was no rain outside.

How can there be water drops?

Moreover, strangely, the drop of water was still standing on the tea table.

The size is as big as soybeans.

If it is water droplets, it should turn into water stains.

Lily of the valley stepped back uneasily.

But it seemed that he suddenly remembered something. Looking at the bell on his wrist, he asked tentatively, "are you Lord nocturnal?"

The water drop disdains a chuckle, the voice is very light, but it is particularly clear in the night.

Lily of the valley listened to the night wandering God and knew that this must not be the man.

Suddenly remembering Zhang Yulian's tragic death, lily of the valley ran out without saying a word.

I didn't run two steps. I didn't know something and bounced her back.

Lily of the valley didn't stand firm and fell straight to the ground.

The water drops looked at the woman on the ground coldly. Suddenly, a column of water went towards the face of lily of the valley.

Lily of the valley suddenly woke up.

He sat up and looked at the dark fog around him. He knew that something had happened.

"This is the star picking palace. Uncle Huang is in the hall. If you dare to be bad to me, uncle Huang will never spare you." the voice of lily of the valley is a little sharp here.

"Ha ha..." Shuizhu laughed and said softly, "who do you think you are? Are you Xia Qingluo? You can't even compare with ah Bai. Are you sure uncle Huang can't spare me?"

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