The water drops came to the bed, and their hearts moved. A white light went towards the bell on Linglan's wrist.

After a clatter, a wisp of breath floated out of the depths of the bell.

It seems that the smoke slowly enters the forehead of lily of the valley.

The drops of water hung in the air and quietly looked at the scene in front of her. Later, in a burst of unspeakable pain, lily of the valley suddenly opened her eyes.

A flash of lightning cut through the dark night sky.

Then a thunder exploded over the star picking palace.

The head of lily of the valley seemed to explode.

She sat up abruptly.

Gasping heavily.

Looking at the surrounding scene, his eyes flashed puzzled, and then he knew it.

Lily of the valley's dark eyes, glowing with some unknown light in the night, looked at the water drops in front of her.

Suddenly remembered the scene of last night, her mouth raised a cold smile, "did you wake me up?"

The water drop smiled low, "why, don't you accept my love?"

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. Tonight, you can take advantage of the clouds to go to heaven and do what you want to do."

Nan Yan rolled down from the bed and stood on the cold ground. A chill spread from the bottom of her feet to her heart. Her body could not help shaking.

What she wants to do, what she wants to do?

Nanyan stared at the water drops, "why do you want to help me?"

"Because your obsession moved me, so I want to help you." the water drop said in a soft voice, half true and half false.

Nan Yan raised his red lips and smiled sarcastically, "who are you? In my memory, why have I never heard of you?"

"It has nothing to do with you. Now time is very precious. Do you decide to talk nonsense with me here or do you want to do what you want to do?" Shuizhu said slowly.

Nan Yan frowned.

Now her brain is still a little confused.

She knew that being awakened by force would cause her original God to be injured again, but maybe today is an opportunity.

But why did the water drop do this and what he was transformed into? In her limited perception, it seemed that he was a thing that could integrate all things.

Nan Yan looked at him hesitantly and asked suspiciously, "why today?"

"Because the yuan God of Xia Qingluo is gone."

"The yuan God is gone, how do you know?" the eyes of the South smoke flash a bit of prey.

"Hehe, there is nothing I don't want to know in this world."

"Since you are so powerful, how can you look like such a ghost." Nan Yan's tone was slightly sarcastic.

The water drop smiled and sighed a few times, "you are really not pleasant. No wonder you are not popular in the world of heaven. Only a silly little Jiaxiu will help you. By the way, there is the wronged head of the devil..."

"Who are you?" Nan Yan clenched his hand with vigilance.

"Don't ask who I am. Now, Xia Qingluo Yuanshen was injured. In the process of treatment, the Yuanshen was swallowed by the holy lotus and now disappeared."

"Yuanshen disappeared?" Nan Yan frowned.

"Yes, it has disappeared. Although Xia Qingluo has mana now, her body is actually an ownerless thing. Go and have a look. Do you want her life or do you want to do something else? Such as seizing the house?"

"You have a feud with Xia Qingluo?" Nan Yan looked at him with flashing eyes, clenched his hand tightly, mobilized his spiritual power, but felt a tingling in his divine consciousness.

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