"Go and save people!" Li Shimin, king of Qin, ordered without thinking.

The guards put down the boat and rowed towards the figure.

It turned out to be a woman. The guards came back from the battlefield and were used to killing and blood. However, they were still shocked by the tragedy of this man.

He put the man on the bow of the boat. The king of Qin just moved his eyebrows and eyes, and he recovered his coldness.

He put his hand on the nose of Longfei language and was still alive.

It's just why the woman with scars on her face and blood stains was thrown into the river.

"Call Zhang Sheng." the king of Qin ordered coldly.

"Yes, your highness King Qin." the bodyguard turned and ran towards the cabin.

After a while, a yawning and stretching teenager muttered and reluctantly went towards the bow of the boat.

Suddenly I saw the woman lying on the deck. Her body was covered by a black cloak, but her face was terrible.

Zhang Sheng's body trembled. The wound was cut with a knife. God, who was so cruel that he put such a heavy hand on the girl.

"Take this woman to your cabin." after that, the king of Qin turned to the bodyguard, "let doctor Zhu deal with her wound and use the best medicine."

"King Qin, why did you go to my cabin?" Zhang Sheng asked puzzled.

The king of Qin glanced coldly at Zhang Sheng, provoked by the corners of his mouth with profound meaning, "... What do you say?"

Zhang Sheng's heart tightened. He suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly realized, "Nangong Li must have told you."

"He didn't say anything, so don't go soon." the king of Qin opened his mouth lightly, and a dignified appearance appeared between his eyebrows.

The momentum of those who belong to the upper level is unknowingly distributed.

Zhang Sheng scratched the back of his head, still stamped his feet, and followed Zhu Junyi towards her cabin.

Thinking, Nangong Li must have told the king of Qin. Otherwise, how would the king of Qin know she was a woman.

At the thought of this, she quickly looked at the woman who had been put on the bed, and her attention was suddenly attracted.

He said hurriedly, "doctor, you have to deal with the wound on her face carefully."

"I know." Zhu Taiyi nodded repeatedly, took out the medicine box and sighed, "who did it? It's too cruel. This woman's face must have been destroyed."

"When she wakes up, let's ask. If someone hurt him, I will avenge him."

Zhang Sheng vowed to speak.

King Qin's ship is still sailing smoothly.

This time, like every time he went out, he still returned in triumph!

Ten days later.

The whole Chang'an city is boiling.

King Qin led his army to fight in the western frontier, subdued his neighbors, and said that he would never invade again.

He also presented some precious articles of gold, silver and jewelry to show his loyalty.

The streets of Chang'an city are clean.

Prepare for the triumphant return of the soldiers tomorrow.

In the Imperial City, it is also busy with excitement.

The victory of their country also proves that the Tang Dynasty is becoming stronger and stronger.

Only when the country is strong and prosperous can the people have a good life.

This is a truth that everyone knows.

Therefore, the imperial city is also decorated with lanterns and colors, and there is joy everywhere.

Only the star picking palace is as usual.

However, lily of the valley is still asleep.

These days, Xia Qingluo and Yun qingrang are practicing their skills in biluotian.

It was Yunqing who asked to find it for her from the palace of empress cochlea.

It is very suitable for Xia Qingluo cultivation.

It's just that cultivation doesn't happen overnight. It always needs to be done step by step.

However, Xia Qingluo still doesn't play cards according to common sense.

Always jumping.

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