Her voice was hoarse and rough, as if it had been burned by charcoal.

The king of Qin's heart was tight. Didn't the person who started it even let go of his voice?

Since the woman was rescued, she has always been in a coma. Is he healing the injury?

It seemed that he remembered the scars on his face. Longfei thought of the words in the mouth of those people in the street and the eyes that seemed to see evil spirits.

Her body could not help trembling. She didn't remember anything, but she also knew that her face had been disfigured.

The glance in the diamond mirror is her most brand-new memory these days.

It's like a nightmare.

Suddenly she looked up at the man who claimed to be the king of Qin and the delicate young man in front of her. She murmured, "see... My people say I'm a ghost. Aren't you afraid?"

"Your face was hurt by evil spirit." the king of Qin frowned slightly. "I'll take you to the star picking palace. Someone there can cure your face."

Long Feiyu looked at the two people and didn't see panic and disgust in their eyes, especially the man's eyes, deep but calm, with a look of arrogance.

Invisible can make people feel at ease.

They won't hurt him.

After a long time, he nodded.

The king of Qin breathed a sigh of relief, thought about it, and took the lead out of the hall. He asked the bodyguard to prepare the carriage. He wanted to enter the palace.

And in the sky five hundred miles away from Chang'an City, childe Lang tracked the evil spirit and came here.

His body was Ling ran, his eyes were unpredictable, and he never thought that a wisp of magic gas was in the palace!

He knows the injury of long Feiyu best, so she won't enter the palace for no reason.

It can only be a possibility to go to yunqingrang's star picking palace.

Maybe he saved it, maybe he asked him to save people.

Whatever it is, it makes people very unhappy.

Young master Lang didn't expect that this matter would become so troublesome.

Now it is certain that people are already in yunqingrang's hands.

We have to think of a safe way.

However, in Dongzhou, he was not so worried. Yunqing let him control the way of heaven, but he was most suppressed by the rules.

It's not so easy to see the end of Longfei language.

Looking at the eyas like as two peas, the cold and cool Eyre, even though they are the same faces, but because of the different spirits in the body, the whole person is quite different from the Dragon flies.

Just go ahead in such a rash way, for fear of causing trouble.

His people under the volcano now don't know whether they are dead or alive. After the matter here is over, they always have to go and have a look.

However, the matter of Longfei language is the most important one at present.

Childe Lang stared at the direction of Chang'an city with his sinister eyes. His hand hung on his side and slowly clenched it.

Early in the morning, Xia Qingluo waited outside the hall. When she saw a woman suffering such an injury for the first time, she always thought about it in her heart.

When long Feiyu, wearing a weft hat, came in at the side of the king of Qin, she hurriedly met him. She took a peek at the king of Qin.

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