Just in front of this scene, we must bear it.

He touched the corners of his mouth, naturally without saying a word.

This is also normal. Mr. Lang and Xia Qingluo are not familiar.

Xia Qingluo didn't wait to speak. AoYa directly complained, "Xia Qingluo, they know me clearly, but they won't let me in. They have to say that people outside the star picking Palace are forbidden to enter today."

No Entry?

Xia Qingluo immediately understood that it might be Yunqing's order.

Took AoYa's hand, "Feiyu, there's something wrong with the star picking Palace today, so the guard is stricter. Come in with me."

"Well, I'll forgive them if adults don't remember villains, otherwise, hum..." AoYa pretended to be naughty.

"Hum what hum?" Xia Qingluo stretched out her hand, jokingly nodded AoYa's cheek, and then turned around, "well, don't pout, you thought this was your dragon palace..."

Xia Qingluo turns around and doesn't see that AoYa is stiff when Xia Qingluo points her forehead.

Childe Lang's eyes fell on AoYa, as if with some kind of warning. AoYa gathered her breath and walked towards the hall with Xia Qingluo.

While walking, he asked, "Xia Qingluo, what's the matter with the star picking Palace today?"

"You'll know when you go in." Xia Qingluo doesn't know how to describe it with her.

Young master Lang stared and Longfei's words were here.

Three people entered the hall.

There are only four people in the hall.

The king of Qin was silent, and Zhang Sheng stared at Yun qingrang's hand with a little curiosity.

Those hands were the best she had ever seen.

They look several times better than women's hands.

At this time, Ruyu's fingertips are shining with a glittering purple light, and he is looking at the scars on Longfei's face.

Longfei didn't move, but he was afraid.

In front of this indifferent man, her breath made her afraid to breathe.

Looking for help, he looked at the king of Qin on the left.

The king of Qin was stunned, and then he comforted her with a corner of his mouth. His eyes were calm and steady, as if he had brought her back from the street yesterday.

The body of long Feiyu is not stiff slowly.

The restless heart seemed to fall.

But when Yunqing tried to drive away the evil gas, he covered his face and fell to the ground with a painful "ah ah".

King Qin didn't move.

But his eyes are also worried.

Zhang Sheng hurriedly helped long Feiyu up, "are you okay?"

Yunqing asked to take back his hand. The magic Qi was different from that of xuanyuanze demon family. There was a blood red light in it.

And it has already been connected with flesh and blood. If you want to heal the wound first and don't remove the magic Qi, it's impossible.

However, the process of dispelling evil Qi will be very painful, just like just now.

So, first of all, let the woman fall asleep.

"Zhang Sheng, take her to the couch behind the screen." Yunqing gave a voice and ordered.

At this time, Mr. Lang also stepped into the hall.

I saw the dragon flying language at a glance.

Had known her existence, but the eyes still fell on her accurately.

The faint sunshine shrouded Longfei's delicate body, and his clear eyes were full of panic and helplessness.

In my memory, Mr. Lang didn't see long Feiyu show such an expression.

Then her eyes fixed on her face.

Although I knew what she was like now, at this moment, my heart seemed to be hit hard by something.

Unspeakable sadness quickly spread from the bottom of my heart.

Childe Lang's body is stiff there.

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