"Yes." Longfei nodded behind the king of Qin.

"Then why don't you go back with your master?"

"I don't know him." Longfei said crisp.

"If you go with King Qin, no one can cure your face injury."

Longfei bit his lips and didn't speak.

The king of Qin, who had been silent, began to analyze with his powerful logical power.

When he was young, he went to war.

Over the years, he has killed countless people and suffered many injuries.

He is most sensitive to the murderous intention.

This is especially true in recent years, because his credit is too high, which has long threatened the eldest brother's status.

Under his pillow was a sharp dagger.

If we say vigilance, he is the most powerful in this hall.

Emperor Yunzhi is in a high position. No one dares to think about him in the sky.

In addition, he has a weak nature and has a life equal to the sky. He just can't die if he wants to die.

Unless the earth collapses, the world becomes a wisp of dust.

Xia Qingluo is even more so. In modern life, she is loved by her parents. Even if there are such dangers, no one will want to kill her.

In fact, she was lucky. At first, nangongli protected her, but now Yunqing let her be spoiled.

But the king of Qin is different.

The special environment makes him have a terrible perception of danger.

Otherwise, he would not know how many times he had died.

Therefore, the king of Qin sensed the killing intention of young master Lang's passing just now.

According to the truth, he is the life-saving benefactor of the Dragon maid. He also knows that even if he is the prince of Datang, he is also a mortal and should not be thanked.

Why, that young master Lang wants to kill him?

The king of Qin was not afraid, but he didn't understand.

So when he heard Xia Qingluo's words, he stared at the dragon flying language hiding behind him and looked at the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

There are panic, despair, sadness, hatred and dependence on him.

As if she only trusted him in the whole world.

The cold heart is silent all the year round, as if something is melting quietly.

Suddenly he spoke softly, "don't go to the Dragon Palace to cure the injury. There is uncle Huang here. Don't be afraid. I'll wait for you outside the temple."

King Qin knew that this was no longer a place for mortals to stay.

Uncle Huang doesn't want to have contact with them.

He understands.

Moreover, he didn't like the two people in front of him.

Maybe it's because of the fleeting killing intention of young master Lang an just now.

The king of Qin always regarded the man who wanted to kill himself as an enemy.

Hearing King Qin's words, long Feiyu nodded. She knew that he would not lie to her, so she said to Xia Qingluo astringently, "I'm healing here. I won't go with them."

Before Xia Qingluo spoke, Mr. Lang thin lips, "then I'll heal her here."

AoYa still wanted to say something, but she was squinted by childe Lang before she shut her mouth.

The scene was captured by Xia Qingluo from an angle that everyone didn't see.

That inexplicable uncomfortable feeling hit me again.

She knows how much Mr. Lang loved Longfei.

That's the best thing in the world. I want to hold it in front of Longfei.

Xia Qingluo sometimes envies this childhood friendship.

She also hopes that they will always be well.

However, why did long Feiyu not love long Feiyu so much after he fell in love with him.

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