Yunqing made Xia Qingluo laugh, pulled up Xia Qingluo, affectionately pinched Xia Qingluo's nose and joked, "why should I stare at those two people?"

Xia Qingluo was stunned.

Yes, it seems that except her, other people and things are passing in the eyes of emperor Zun.

What a cold-hearted person.

Although Xia Qingluo thinks so, she still feels sweet in her heart.

That kind of ten thousand stars, but only want to take your star as the only treasure, let her eyes flow with water like affection.

Yunqing let her eyes smile, stretched out her hand, stroked Xia Qingluo's white and tender cheek, and said softly, "I have a personal fate. Longfei language is now a golden fairy. It's very good to have this cultivation at a young age. In addition, every thousand years of Tianlei is blocked by childe lang. therefore, this disaster will be much more difficult."

"Master, what do you mean? I can't understand."

"Every drink and peck has a definite number. We'll understand later." Yunqing asked to pat her face, and suddenly her eyes were dark. "What can we do on such a beautiful day?"

Xia Qingluo's eyes turned clearly, with a smile on the corners of her mouth, a soft murmur in her voice, and a tantalizing flattery, "does the emperor have a good idea?"


It was the first time that yunqingrang heard Xia Qingluo call his God in heaven so gently.

Her voice was charming, but her look was serious.

The indescribable feeling suddenly burned his eyes like a prairie fire.

"There is no good idea, there is a good place..."

With that, he picked up Xia Qingluo, and with a flash of his body, he fell into a small boat in Jiexing lake.

There are no candles on the carved columns of the boat, only the night wind is slowly, and the purple bamboo on the bank is gently swaying.

The exquisite boat is leisurely in the mist, ethereal and quiet.

At the tip of the nose, there is a faint fragrance of lotus. It is said to be a fairyland on earth, which is about what it looks like in front of us.

"Is this the good place you said?" Xia Qingluo asked naughtily, circling yunqingrang's neck.

"Can you still be satisfied?" Yunqing asked, putting Xia Qingluo in her arms on the bed in the cabin.

"OK." Xia Qingluo pretended to be quiet.

But at the next moment, the yellow stars suddenly lit up around, riding the night, as if in the starry sky.

The scene is beautiful.

"What is this?"

"The firefly in the purple bamboo forest." Yunqing asked him to bend down and look at her. "Is it nice?"

At this time, the clouds are clear, and a pair of star eyes seem like cold pool autumn water. When you look at it, you fall into it.

When Xia Qingluo was stunned, she suddenly smiled, like a pool of spring waves wrinkled by the wind, rippling a little ripples.

The winding eyes and tail are slightly lifted, seductive and soul stirring.

Xia Qingluo raised her mouth and sighed, "in the beautiful scenery, they have also become the foil of emperor Zun."

"No, the beautiful scenery here..." Yunqing let the tone be low and dumb, dense into water and mountain light, "but I became a foil."

Xia Qingluo trembled at the tip of her heart, but she didn't feel cold in front of her. When the voice just fell, Yun qingrang waved away the clothes that were inconvenient to her eyes.

Kiss towards the red lips like petals.

Yunqing let the food marrow know, and her eyes were hot. After her body sank, she fell into the boundless deep sea of love with Xia Qingluo, who had no time to scream.

A painting boat fluctuated up and down on the surface of Jiexing lake, as if there were huge waves rolling, but the surrounding lake was calm.

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