Xia Qingluo's heart softened. She went forward, took her hand and said to her, "after you left angrily yesterday, Mr. Lang has been healing your maid. This is also for you. In fact, you shouldn't leave angrily. Later, he went out to find you."

"He didn't look for me. He must have gone to the maid..."

"Looking for the maid, why?" Xia Qingluo suddenly stood and released her hand, looking at a pair of jealous Longfei language in front of her, as if something understood, "what's the matter with me?"

AoYa turned her eyes and said wrongfully, "brother Lang likes the maid, so he stayed to heal her."

No, it's too bloody. Is Mr. Lang a scum man?

Xia Qingluo recalled the scenes she saw yesterday, but she had to think deeply.

"Maybe there is some misunderstanding among you. Just find childe Lang and explain."

"No, he won't explain to me." AoYa blurted out.

Xia Qingluo shook her head disapprovingly. "Mr. Lang is not that kind of person. He is very patient with you. It's the first time I've seen a man so patient with a girl."

"But that was before," said AoYa with hatred.

"Once upon a time, it was only a month. How could it be so fast, and what you said was wrong. I think you two had a great relationship when you left me. At that time, master Hou Lang had only you in your eyes. How could you like the maid in a few days, and..." Xia Qingluo stopped talking.

"And what?" AoYa asked warily.

"Xia Qingluo, you are my only friend. Did you treat me like this?"

"I didn't treat you like this. I just want you to be rational."

"How can I be rational? Brother Lang doesn't like me."

"Now you haven't seen his people. How can you say he doesn't like it? And Longfei language. I want to ask you, if that woman is your maid, does she really run away with the people of the demon clan?"

"Xia Qingluo, what do you mean? Are you saying I moved my hand?"

"I didn't say that. The dragon flying language I know is not such a person." Xia Qingluo said faintly.

"Why are you talking to me like this today?" AoYa was a little frightened. Although she didn't want to be perfunctory, she had to ask wrongly.

"I didn't talk to you like this. Look what you have become. A month ago, my flying words were not like you. Now you are like a resentful woman, as if you were abandoned."

AoYa lowered her head and stopped talking. She hid a touch of evil in her eyes.

Xia Qingluo then said, "you are my good friend. I don't want to see you like this. Whether your brother Lang likes you or not, it's better to make things clear. If you are so suspicious, isn't it a pity for your feelings for thousands of years?"

"Tens of thousands of years of feelings, say no, not to mention thousands of years..." AoYa smiled sarcastically, and then looked at Xia Qingluo, "I'm going to the Dragon Palace to find my brother."

Then he stamped his feet and pouted, looking very wronged, which really makes people look distressed.

Xia Qingluo said softly, "don't go back to the Dragon Palace first. Didn't you say you wanted to go to the flower Dynasty festival with me?"

"I'm not going. I'm going back to the Dragon Palace to find my brother."

AoYa really doesn't want to talk to Xia Qingluo. She's worried that if she says more and makes more mistakes, Xia Qingluo will find out.

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