Sipping the wine, the sound of silk and bamboo beside your ears is not as beautiful as the crisp voice of Longfei language.

Junlang's eyebrows are more and more soft. I just feel that in this life, if I can drink like Longfei language once, I will have no regrets in this life.

Xia Qingluo drank the fruit dew and her eyes fell on the serious king of Qi who listened to the story,

A bold idea sprang up.

Holding her cheek in her right hand, she suddenly said, "king Qi, do you think the fairy world is fun?"

"It's fun, it's fun." Wang Qi's face was red, perhaps because he was excited or because he was drunk. His eyes were a little brighter than usual.

Uncle Huang came from that world. However, he was Uncle Huang and spared no words. He never told them these fairy stories.

Xia Qingluo didn't know much, and she didn't have much experience. Moreover, she once had an experience, that was, the fight with Jiaxiu. He also participated in the whole process.

Therefore, today's narration of Longfei language really opens the door to a new world for this young man full of dreams.

Xia Qingluo nodded and thought it was fun.

"Do you want to fix immortals?"

"Xiuxian?" the king of Qi was stunned.

He never thought about it.

However, things that have never been thought of do not mean that Xia Qingluo will not be shocked after he puts forward them.

If he went to fix immortals, would he be a little closer to the emperor uncle he looked up to.

After he experienced the event of Jiaxiu Tianjun, his world outlook has undergone earth shaking changes.

But when he woke up, he buried these thoughts in his heart.

Because I was at a loss, I was at a loss.

However, Xia Qingluo's words today completely disturbed a pool of water in the heart of the king of Qi.

"You are young, and there is still a trace of aura in your body. If you want to cultivate immortality, you may really be able to soar to be an immortal." Xia Qingluo smiled.

The king of Qi is not a real dragon. If he dies, he will die.

Good luck, reincarnation can also have a chance to be a man.

If you are unlucky, you may go to animal road or hungry ghost road. It's hard to say.

If the king of Qi cultivates immortals, he will embark on another road. The most important thing for immortals is to see through the world of mortals, give up everything and have heaven and earth in his heart.

The king of Qi at that time, even if he was alive, did not affect history.

Moreover, the prince has his own master. Since yunqingrang didn't make arrangements to leave, it proves that he will take care of it to the end.

Therefore, Xia Qingluo thinks more and more that this idea is feasible.

The king of Qi was interested and stared, "can I really fix immortals?"

"It depends on yourself."

The king of Qi was so excited that he couldn't calm down any more. He looked at the king of Qin and wanted to say something. He shut his mouth and didn't kiss his brother since he was a child. He'd better go back and discuss it with his eldest brother.

"Then I'll go back and discuss it with my eldest brother." the king of Qi said very seriously.

"Even if I propose, your father may not agree with you. After you consider it, you can say it."

Xia Qingluo said with a smile.

The king of Qin smiled and said nothing.

Even if he was the king's brother, he was not so interested in taking care of his affairs.

Moreover, the king of Qi will not let him take charge.

It's the first time for two people to drink together like this.

Long Feiyu had something on her mind. She drank a lot and was confused. She stood up and walked towards the bow. Standing here, the dark blue sky was like a huge flannelette, and the stars were like diamonds embedded in the flannelette.

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