Therefore, TV, computer, mobile phone, stereo... Are displayed in front of Xiaohei one by one.

Xiao Hei was really stunned.

Lin Ziao opened a door to the new world for Xiao Hei in an instant.

Xiao Hei forgot for a moment. What he should care about is where the emperor went.

Where can the emperor be at this time?

Of course, I went to see Xia Qingluo.

It's not that I haven't done it before.

Therefore, sitting in Xia Qingluo's bed, Yunqing makes me feel at ease.

Xia Qingluo's bedroom is small, but it is warm everywhere.

Yunqing asked him to set up a border. No matter how many years, the rules are still suppressed.

Especially him.

After the sword he just waved, Yunqing clearly felt the anger of heaven.

However, it was eliminated later.

Yunqing asked her to lower her head slightly and sighed, "how can you forget me so easily?"

Of course Xia Qingluo didn't answer because she slept soundly.

Maybe the psychological pressure is a little less, and the ghosts are far away from her.

However, she still frowned slightly as usual.

I don't know how she came over these six months.

Yunqing makes me very distressed.

Reach out and gently across her cheek.

The skin is still delicate, but very pale, and the lip color is not very good.

There is a slight dark color on the fundus of the eye.

This is caused by long-term poor rest.

According to common sense, Xia Qingluo, as the reincarnated god, is normal to see ghosts.

However, her knowledge of the sea is still empty.

Only a drop of his heart.

The holy lotus appeared at the critical moment and saved her, but it still disappeared in the end.

Therefore, Xia Qingluo is an ordinary mortal now.

An ordinary mortal who can see ghosts but has no resistance at all can only live in fear.

But look at her face.

Obviously hiding this from the family.

I'm just bearing it alone.

Yunqing makes me feel very proud. His little demon is strong at any time.

He came to the window and frowned at the evil ghost who refused to leave downstairs.

What is Xia Qingluo to these evil spirits?

Treasure, Elixir?

People in the underworld don't know what they are doing.

He tolerated so many evil spirits to stay in the world. He wanted to find Pluto to to settle accounts.

Find a world, because of the accident thousands of years ago, earth shaking changes have taken place.

The world of man and the world of heaven are disconnected, and the turbid and violent Qi can not be purified. It looks like a prosperous age, but there is crisis everywhere.

This is the best example of driving away endless evil spirits.

Yunqing asks Xia Qingluo to draw the curtains.

Looking back at Xia Qingluo's appearance, she couldn't help evoking the corners of her mouth. She slept so cute that she always had to hold something.

It's just that the furry in her arms can't see what animal it is.

But naive.

Yunqing asked him to stretch out his hand and gently pull it out. Xia Qingluo's arms were empty, muttering with dissatisfaction, and his hand was still unconsciously rowing and pulling.

Yunqing asked him to lie down on his side, his left hand propped up, and his black hair tilted on the bed.

The bed is small.

Yunqing let her legs grow. At this time, in order not to affect Xia Qingluo, she had to bend up wrongly.

When Xia Qingluo hugged him, Yunqing let her body stagnate.

To tell the truth, Xia Qingluo is a stranger to this girl's body.

However, the familiar fragrance and deep-rooted Acacia made his heart melt into a pool of spring water in an instant.

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