He is going to Buzhou mountain to see what happened to Tianmen, Tiandao and Tianlu.

With a flash of body shape, Yunqing turned into a meteor and headed for Kunlun Mountain thousands of miles away.

There are astronomy lovers watching stars at night, excitedly shouting their companions, "meteor, a purple meteor..."

"It's so beautiful."

"Did you take a picture?"


"Let me see..."

"Ah, how is it blank? Damn it..."


In a unit of the northern military region, a handsome young soldier looked up at the night sky.

Eyes are like stars, with some unknown light.

The corner of his mouth raised his rebellious eyebrows, which seemed particularly resolute because of his perennial military life.

He whispered to himself, "Yun qingrang, is that you?"

A moment later, he said, "I'm Jiaxiu. I've been waiting for you for more than a thousand years."


The next morning.

The first ray of morning light reflected on the world through the thin morning fog.

Xiao Hei didn't sleep all night.

Excited and excited, like a sponge, absorbing the information of the world.

Yun qingrang walked in the morning light.

Clothes are better than snow, and the scenery is better than the moon.

Once the divine knowledge was swept, he saw a bedroom where Xiao Hei was sitting in front of his desk. In front of him was a rectangular thing. Then, just like the book of qingluan school Sutra Pavilion, he could change the picture at will.

There is also one in Xia Qingluo's room, but it's white.

Yunqing let the faint take back his eyes.

Lin Ziao came out of the villa, looked at Xiang Yunqing and said with a smile, "senior brother, you're back."

Yunqing asked him to nod, but he didn't say anything.

Followed Lin Ziao into the living room.

Human development is very rapid, and the era of candle lighting has long passed.

Although the dawn outside, the crystal chandelier in the living room still shines brightly.

Yunqing let him sit on the sofa, looking indifferent. Even wearing such clothes and dark long hair, he didn't feel any conflict, but eclipsed the luxurious hall.

Lin Ziao swallowed a mouthful of water and scratched the back of his head. He wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

Emperor Zun is a figure who is detached from and above immortals.

He dare not say, elder martial brother, let me tell you what the world has become.

Would you like to buy you a mobile phone to play first.

Or buy clothes, have a haircut and quickly integrate into the world.

Otherwise, you will always be invisible.

In that case, do you and Xia Qingluo want to play stealth love?

Lin Ziao was thinking.

Yunqing asked him to pick up the teacup, take a sip and put it down.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Lin Ziao knew that he was thinking about things. He didn't dare to disturb, but waited quietly.

Yunqing makes him think secretly. He just came back from Kunlun mountain.

It's closest to heaven.

But the gate of heaven is open.

Unfortunately, the colorful channel shining with the light of thousands of stars is still sealed.

Moreover, the array is very similar to the rocks at the bottom edge of Pangu pool in Buzhou mountain.

On the other side of the passage, as he saw in those years, is it a dark space with no edge and countless balls floating.

And he really can't open it for the time being.

He can't take the risk without certainty.

Whether the people in heaven are behind the channel.

He knew that they still existed.

Because he has a subtle feeling with the Tao of heaven, he clearly perceives that there is no change in heaven or heaven.

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