Therefore, Yanxi kept away when she saw Xia Qingluo.

Xia Qingluo turned her head when she saw Yanxi.

Although he studied in a university, Xia Qingluo saw him on the court once this semester.

Xia Qingluo hummed a song. The sun was very sunny today. She didn't want to hurt herself. She put down a bowl of tomato and egg noodles for herself and began to snore.

Halfway through the meal, there was a knock on the door. Xia Qingluo looked through the cat's eye and found that it was Yanxi.

With a fruit tray in his hand.

Xia Qingluo opened the door with a smile.

He took the fruit plate and said, "thank you, aunt Yan for me."

I thought Yanxi would leave with a faint glance at her as usual. Unexpectedly, Yanxi sat down, raised long legs and asked coldly, "why do you thank my mother every time I send you fruit?"

"Of course I want to thank aunt Yan for being so kind to me."

"What if I cut the fruit for you?" Yanxi was in a bad mood today. A pair of peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly. Under the bridge of his tall nose, his thin lips opened gently, but his tone was a little bad. "What about you, mute?"

"Yanxi your sister."

"My mother said you were my sister." Yanxi fought back impolitely.

"Yanxi, are you sick today?"

"You have medicine?" Yanxi stood up. "Remember to take medicine after dinner. You look like a monkey."

"Yanxi, you are a monkey, your family..."

"Hmm?" Yanxi sneered.

"All your family are monkeys except aunt Yan and uncle Yan!"

"Childish." Yanxi, who was standing at the door, held the door handle in one hand and looked at Xia Qingluo with her eyebrows. She insisted, "Xia Qingluo, I cut this fruit. You have to thank me."

"Yan Xi, the lying child is eaten by the wolf." Xia Qingluo looked at Yan Xi with a red face seriously and said seriously, "because you once said that you wouldn't cut fruit for me if you killed you. You see you're alive now, so hurry, where's cool."

With that, he opened the door and pushed Yanxi out. Then he happily walked to the table, eating fruit and noodles. He didn't forget to open his mobile phone and brush his microblog.

But unexpectedly saw today's hot search.

"My wife and true love meet on a narrow road. Triplets can't beat a tear of true love. It's an unknown inside story of the city's rich families."

Xia Qingluo quickly looked down.

Nima, isn't this the one named purple and Du Kun that night.

Of course, and the delicate white lotus.

Most of the following comments support purple clothes. Of course, keyboard man makes the original match give way to true love.

It is said that love is sacred and can not be defiled. The original match had no feelings with her husband, but used dirty means to sleep with others. As a result, she had to marry her son.

It's a mess.

Xia Qingluo looked for a while and then stopped.

I feel your circle is in a mess.

However, her heart still tends to purple.

Although the woman was only in a hurry, she was very straightforward and didn't hesitate to scold people.

Unlike Chu Linxue, who insinuates, a few words make people hear that purple clothes deserve it and suffer for themselves.

The child's death is also Ziyi's fault, which has nothing to do with her.

Xia Qingluo doesn't judge this matter, but the soul of Ziyi is very clean and clear, and Chu Linxue is followed by a female ghost who is said to have been killed by her.

Whether true or false, Chu Linxue's soul is not clean, and Xia Qingluo doesn't like her.

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